The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.据说是成吉思汗说的……= =|||我知道大概的意思,但是成吉思汗的原文是什么?

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The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.据说是成吉思汗说的……= =|||我知道大概的意思,但是成吉思汗的原文是什么?
The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.
据说是成吉思汗说的……= =|||

The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.据说是成吉思汗说的……= =|||我知道大概的意思,但是成吉思汗的原文是什么?
Badaling Great Wall
Also known to the Chinese as the“10,000 Li Wall”,the Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan Pass on the east coast to Jiayuguan Pass in the Gobi Desert.Standard histories emphasise the unity of the wall.The
“original”wall was begun 2000 years ago during the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC),when China was unified under Emperor Qin Shihuang.Separate walls,constructed by independent kingdoms to keep out marauding nomads,were linked up.The effort required hundreds of thousands of workers,may of them political prisoners,and 10 years of hard labour under General Meng Tian.An estimated 180 million cubic metres of rammed earth was used to form the core of the original wall,and legend has it that one of the building materials used was the bodies of deceased workers.
The wall never really did perform its function as a defence line to keep invaders out.As Genghis Khan supposedly said,“The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it”.Sentries could be bribed.However,it did work very well as a kind of elevated highway,transporting men and equipment across mountainous terrain.Its beacon tower system,using smoke signals generated by burning wolves' dung,transmitted news of enemy movements quickly back to the capital.To the west was Jiayuguan Pass,and important link on the Silk Road,where there was a Customs post of sorts and where unwanted Chinese were ejected through the gates to face the terrifying wild west.
During the Ming Dynasty a determined dffort was made to rehash the project,this time facing the wall with bricks and stone slabs– some 60 million cubic metres of them.This Ming project took more than 100 years,and the costs in human effort and resources were phenomenal.
The wall was largely forgotten after that.Lengthy sections of it have reurned to dust.The wall might have disappeared entirely had it not been rescued by the tourist industry.Several important sections have recently been rebuilt,dressed up with souvenir shops,restaurants and amusement park rides.Oddly,the depiction of the wall as an object of great beauty is a bizarre one.It's often been a symbol of tyranny,as the Berlin Wall once was.
The majority of visitors see the Great Wall at Badaling,70 km north-west of Beijing at an elevation of 1000m.This section of the wall was restored in 1957,with the addition of guard rails.Since the 1980s,Badaling has become exceedingly crowded with visitors so a cable car was added to enhance the flow of tourist traffic.

the strength of forces He was very strong.People say he had ___ of three men.A.strength B.a strength C.the strength strength为什么答案选C 要用定冠词the? 英语翻译Compressive strength is the ability of a material to resist being crushed.Compression is the opposite of tension with respect to the direction of the applied load.Most metals have high tensile strength and high compressive strength.Howeve on the strength of survey reportstrength 是什么意思 Each member of TVXQ are vocal,because everyone has a great singing strength,Rap strength and the strength of dance,so who is the lead singer can not be divided,分析一下句子成分, Give me the strength,to walk out of here a man. Often tell myself,smile is a kind of strength,will drive away the sadness.中文系 A friend is the heart and strength,for from the heats of friends comes the greats l__ of all! the strength of forces of the gravity是什么意思? 英语翻译Strength of materials is a branch of engineering that deals with the behavior of materials in response to applied forces.Strength-of-materials data are widely used in designing machinery,buildings,bridge,dams,and other structures.The part the strength of 98% sulfuric acid如何翻译呢?strength在这里是什么意思 appeared to have he was surprised by the strength of the effect that owning a cat appeared to have. The strength,the beauty,the enormous wingspan of these creatures suggests to me the musculature of a male dancer more readily than a ballerina in her white tutu The perfect combination of strength and angle怎么翻译 谁能帮我用这个词造句on the strength of 英语翻译MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALSMechanical properties are the characteristic responses of a material to applied forces.These properties fall into five broad categories:strength,hardness,elasticity,ductility,and toughness.Strength is the ab the strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the family这句话谁说的?肯定是个外国名人啊, 英语翻译A friend is the heart and strength,for from the hearts of friends comes the greatest love of all!翻译得好些,别用翻译器哈