tom said the work would be done by October I doubt very muchA It B that C when D which 这回对了,应该选哪个啊?各位大哥大姐叔叔阿姨们都帮忙看看应选啥啊!最好给说说为啥选它,本人在这里先行谢过!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:03:30

tom said the work would be done by October I doubt very muchA It B that C when D which 这回对了,应该选哪个啊?各位大哥大姐叔叔阿姨们都帮忙看看应选啥啊!最好给说说为啥选它,本人在这里先行谢过!
tom said the work would be done by October I doubt very much
A It B that C when D which 这回对了,应该选哪个啊?各位大哥大姐叔叔阿姨们都帮忙看看应选啥啊!

tom said the work would be done by October I doubt very muchA It B that C when D which 这回对了,应该选哪个啊?各位大哥大姐叔叔阿姨们都帮忙看看应选啥啊!最好给说说为啥选它,本人在这里先行谢过!
到底空格在哪里啊,如果是开头应该是when,当什么什么的时候.或者加在I doubt it very much.特指前面的事.


Tom said that he _____(can finish) the work in two days. 快 急 tom said :“I have finished my work改为间接引语tom said he ____ ____(finish)his work TOm was wanted to work in the office though he didn't like serving there.这里为什么是was wanted.Tom was said to have been married to Mary fo 40 years.这里为什么 was said..前面都要加was. 用动词不定式改写句子.急...Our teacher said to us,Clean the window.(tell)Don't run across the grass,Tom.He said.(ask)The policeman said ,Don't play in the street ,children.(warn)The boss said to us ,Finish the work in two hours.(ord 一道英语完形填空(只一空)Tom is the son of a farm owner.One New Year's day,when he was 15,his father___1___him to work on the farm for one year when he was free.Tom was__2__with his father 's idea.That isn't my job.I have ___3___ school wo The mother said Tom get up early please间接引语 tom looked into the pool c_____ and said 英语宾语从句练习题1.He didnot know[ ]he could finish the work on time.2.Tom said [ ] he[ ] in the library that morning.3.He asked me[ ] I had seen the film. hae said he would finish the work被动语态 They said they would finish the work as_____as possible.soonfastearlyquick 直接引语变间接引语'' I will share the happiness early tomorrow ,'' said Tom He said 4.Tom will _________ (finish) the work tomorrow.一般将来时题 Tom finished the work alone.的同义句Tom finished the work____ _____ The football on the floor is Tom's.Tom's parents are ___ work. it's difficult for tom to finish the work.同义句Tom ______ ______ ______ the work 英语直接引语转换间接引语!(超简单题)She said,Then sun rises in the east.He said,My sister was here three days ago.They asked me,When did you finsh your home work?Tom said to me,Are you forM USA?I have been there twicehE saidS Tom is an excellent student.Even Tom could not work out the math problem (simple sentence) Tom was so (angry)Tom was so___(angry)that he said is becoming___(hard)to find a job in China.Can you show me___(near)shop here?___(good)city,___(good)life.China is one of ___(large)countries in the word.The boy is ______to work out the pr