英语翻译I was happy to get your email I live with my mum and 2 sisters - they are twins so you will have fun telling them apart.My mums name is Lisa and my sisters names are Mikayla and Tahlia they are 15 years old,It isn't very common to be an o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 13:48:44

英语翻译I was happy to get your email I live with my mum and 2 sisters - they are twins so you will have fun telling them apart.My mums name is Lisa and my sisters names are Mikayla and Tahlia they are 15 years old,It isn't very common to be an o
I was happy to get your email
I live with my mum and 2 sisters - they are twins so you will have fun telling them apart.
My mums name is Lisa and my sisters names are Mikayla and Tahlia they are 15 years old,It isn't very common to be an only child in Red Cliffs.
It does snow in some parts of Australia but it doesn’t snow in Red Cliffs.At the moment the weather is staying around 15 degrees Celsius during the day and it gets down to 2 degrees Celsius at night.
I was told that when I go to China in September it is rainy weather.Do you what the temperature / weather will be like around then?
I'm not a big fan of reading,but I also like music you will have to show me some of the latest songs in china at the moment.I play netball on Saturday,and netball training on Tuesday and Thursday,my coach said I could bring you along to one of our trainings so you might get to learn a bit about it.
I'm glad you like shopping,I'm a huge fan of shopping,I'm sure we could show you the shops in Mildura,Mildura is a Big town just a short car drive from Red Cliffs,that is where we do most of our shopping.
I was just wondering,do you have Face book?
My sisters and I would like to know where your English name came from and how do we get Chinese names?do you no them?
Also I have 6 lessons a day each lesson goes for 45 minutes.

英语翻译I was happy to get your email I live with my mum and 2 sisters - they are twins so you will have fun telling them apart.My mums name is Lisa and my sisters names are Mikayla and Tahlia they are 15 years old,It isn't very common to be an o
我妈妈的名字是lisa,我两个妹妹的名字是mikayla和tahila.她们15岁了.在Red Cliffs这里,独生子女并不常见.
在澳大利亚,有一部分地区的确会下雪,但是在Red Cliffs这里却不会下雪.现在的天气,白天差不多15摄氏度左右,晚上会下降到2摄氏度.
你喜欢购物我很开心,我超级喜欢购物.我相信我们可以带你去看看mildura这里的商店.mildura是一个挺大的市镇,只有一小段车程就到Red Cliffs.我们绝大部分的购物都在mildura
我在想,你有没有你的face book呢?(中国大陆被屏蔽)

我和我的妈妈及2个姐妹住在一起 - 他们是孪生兄弟,因此您将有乐趣,告诉他们分开。


我和我的妈妈及2个姐妹住在一起 - 他们是孪生兄弟,因此您将有乐趣,告诉他们分开。


我跟我的妈妈、2个姐妹住在一起 - 她们是孪生姐妹,因此您会发现区分开她们是一件很有乐趣的事。
我妈妈的名字是丽莎和我的姐妹们的名字是米卡拉和塔莉娅, 她们年满15岁,仅有一个孩子的情况并不是很常见。
澳大利亚的部分地区在降雪,但在Red Cliffs(赤壁)没有下。目前的天气是白天15度左右,在夜间降至摄氏2度。...


我跟我的妈妈、2个姐妹住在一起 - 她们是孪生姐妹,因此您会发现区分开她们是一件很有乐趣的事。
我妈妈的名字是丽莎和我的姐妹们的名字是米卡拉和塔莉娅, 她们年满15岁,仅有一个孩子的情况并不是很常见。
澳大利亚的部分地区在降雪,但在Red Cliffs(赤壁)没有下。目前的天气是白天15度左右,在夜间降至摄氏2度。
我很高兴你喜欢购物,我是一个大购物狂,我敢肯定,我们可以带你去在米尔迪拉的商店,米尔迪拉是一个大镇,从Red Cliffs(赤壁)开车过去很快就可以到达,那里是我们最常去的购物之处。


I was happy. I was born to make you happy的歌词谢谢 I was so happy to receive your letter 英语翻译i was happy as a print designer fifteen years ago but you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to see that had no great future. I was very happy today! I was happy 是什么时态? In fact,I was happy 英语翻译I am willing to work in a happy environment 英语翻译I look forward to the happy life. 英语翻译Early in the morning,Nick was very happy to see the baby rabbit in Daddy's hands.Happy birthday,Nick!This is your birthday present!Daddy said.Thank you,Daddy!I'll always be good to it. 英语翻译就是I was lucky to miss., 改错:I was happy,I find my lost watch on my to school. I was very happy to invited him to my home是否对这个句子 I was very happy to invite him to my home对吗?为什么不用invited? 英语翻译Baby I'm crazy for you.还有一句 Oh my god,what do you do this to me,I was about to cry,now I'm so happy. 英语翻译When it was getting dark a wolf was walking along the road.Then he was startled to see his huge shadow under his feet.“Wow,I didn’t know I was this big!”The wolf was happy to know it.As time went by,the sun was going down and his sh 英语翻译第一篇:I liked playing computer games,but my daddy was not happy because he thought it was not good for my study.Sometimes I felt I was not a free boy when my daddy was so strict with me,so I tried to talk to my daddy,and he said he 求这段英语翻译 I was early taught to work as well as pl求这段英语翻译I was early taught to work as well as play,My life has been one long, happy holiday;Full of work and full of play,I dropped the worry on the way,And God was good to me