Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television The world's first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928.This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman's headgear.Also viewed

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:57:26

Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television The world's first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928.This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman's headgear.Also viewed
Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television
The world's first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928.This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman's headgear.Also viewed was a mixed bunch of flowers,a gent poking his tongue out and the glowing end of a cigarette.
The 1st TV commercial in history lasted twenty seconds and was for a product mass produced by a corporation called Bulova.This company also manufactured the 1st watch that went into space.The advert was seen in July 1941 and went out during a game being played by the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies.
The first toy ever advertised on tv was the "Mr potato head" product.He was brought to the focus of millions of American TV viewers and even now can be viewed in the ever popular "Toy story" animated adventures.
Way back in 1950 only 10 percent of American households had a television in their possession.By 1960 this had changed to an unbeleivable 90 percent whilst in todays world it is ninety nine percent with 54 percent of American kids having one in their bedroom.Now more of us own tv's than we do a phone.
The highest known annual earnings for a TV actor were given to U.S.comedy star Jerry Seinfeld.He was paid an unbelievable $1000000 for each episode.The series lasted 8 years and although this fee came into play in about 1997 this still makes Jerry the highest paid TV actor so far.
The highest ever fee paid to play a television add was $2,000,000 per 30 seconds of time.This was given by advertisers to show their adds during the very last U.S screening of the hit comedy show friends.The show was aired by American TV corporation NBC on May 6 2004 and lasted for a whole hour.
令人惊讶的事(Amazing Things)
The world is full of amazing things.Today,I'm going to talk about something amazing.
We have lots of things to do every day,so many of us will be tired after a busy day.They all choose sleeping to have a rest.But it's surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories.The energy consumed is even more than watching TV.If you want to have a good health,I think you can't sleep too much.
Do you like animals?There are a lot of surprising things they can do.Goldfish are lovely kind of fish.Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years.Once,the goldfish called Freb had a very long life.It lived up to 41 years.It was the oldest goldfish in the world.Now,people take good care of the goldfish,and they can live more than 10 years.
Animals are our friends,we should know more about them and give them a good home..
谁能翻译这一篇amazing things

Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television The world's first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928.This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman's headgear.Also viewed
使你是的东西惊讶可以不了解电视 世界的首次彩色电视传送在回溯到1928年约翰假珠宝饰物Bairds英语工作室中发生.这传送展示一些蓝和红scarves和一名英国警察的帽.也调查was a混合许多花,一个戳他的舌头在野派绅士和一支香烟的色彩鲜艳的末端.第1电视商业够在朝派历史维持二十次品和被一有限公司生产was为一产品主体呼吁Bulova.这个公司也制造表其进入空间的第1.广告被在1941年7月中明白和在一游戏期间出去被布鲁克林区躲避者和费城Phillies玩.第一玩具在tv was上曾经为"先生土豆头儿"产品登广告.他带给大量的美国电视观看者的焦点的和至今是能在曾经受欢迎"玩具故事"中调查活跃历险.回溯到1950年仅有的百分之10的美国家庭方式在他们的掌握中有一电视.百分之九十九用百分之54的在他们的卧室中有一美国孩子是经过百分之90把1960,直到在今天世界它中,这个已经的换成一unbeleivable.现在我们属于自己的东西tv的更多是与我们处理一个电话相比.为一个电视演员最高闻名年收入被给美国喜剧星杰里Seinfeld.他被为每一插曲付给一难以相信1000000美元.串联维持8年到目前为止和虽然这费用开始起在大约1997中作用,这个仍然使杰里成为薪俸最高的电视演员.高曾经付玩一电视费用添加每时间的30次品was 2000000美元.这个从公告者得到展示他们的在非常最后一击喜剧展览朋友的U.S遮蔽期间加.小时整展览被五月6 2004和维持为a美国电视有限公司全国广播公司公布 .令人惊讶的事(AmazingThings)世界是充满着令人惊讶的东西.今天,我将谈论有关令人惊讶的某样东西.我们有东西许多的要每天,做,在一忙忙碌碌的一天日子以后我们中的如此多人我们将是疲劳的.他们完全选择睡向富人一休息.但是它的 睡觉surpr ising向知识那能消耗很多大卡.能源消耗甚至更比看电视更多存在.如果你想要有一好健康,我认为你不能睡太多.你喜欢动物吗?有他们能做的令人惊奇的东西许多的.金鱼是可爱的种类的鱼.生活——仅仅6到7年绝大部分金鱼有非常一短小的东西.一旦被称作Freb的金鱼有一非常长寿命.多达41年它居住.它是在世界上最老金鱼.现在,人们好的照顾金鱼,和超过10年他们能居住.动物是我们朋友,我们将去更多的了解他们和在家里给出他们一好处 .