
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:24:26


always said 我经常说
i would know where to find love 我知道哪儿是爱的天堂
always thought 我也经常想
i'd be ready and strong enough 我已经做好去爱的准备,而且也已经足够坚强了
but sometimes 但有些时候,
i just felt i could give up 我会突然萌发放弃追逐爱情的的想法
but you came 但是当你来到我身边
and you changed my whole world now 你改变了我的整个世界
i'm somewherei've never been before
now i see what love means
it's so unbelievable and i don't wanna let it go
it's something so beautiful 爱,是一种美丽永恒的东西
flowing down like a waterfall 从天而降就像一片梦幻的瀑布
i feel like you've been forever a part of me
and it's so unbelievable这种感觉是多么的难以置信
to finally be in love 最后我们掉进了爱河
somewhere i never thought i'd bein my heart
in my heart 在我心中
in my head it's so clear now在我脑海中,是多么清晰
hold my hand 抓住我的手
you've got nothing to fear now 你就没有什么可恐惧的了
i was lost 当我迷失了自己
and you rescued me somehow 你就会不知何故地救我
i'm alive 我活下来了
i'm in love 我已经坠入爱河了~`
you complete me 你填补了我的生命
when i think of what i have 当我想到我所拥有的机会
and this chance i nearly lost 几乎丧失了
i can't help but breakdown and cry我忍不住疲惫地哭泣
oh yeah 哦
break down and cry 疲惫地哭泣
oh, oh yeah 哦