What's the difference among tablet,pill and capsule?Just provide me some useful information that must have been correct.By the way,give me a couple of examples that which is a pill?Who can provide me a better answer than this page says.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:23:12

What's the difference among tablet,pill and capsule?Just provide me some useful information that must have been correct.By the way,give me a couple of examples that which is a pill?Who can provide me a better answer than this page says.
What's the difference among tablet,pill and capsule?
Just provide me some useful information that must have been correct.
By the way,give me a couple of examples that which is a pill?
Who can provide me a better answer than this page says.

What's the difference among tablet,pill and capsule?Just provide me some useful information that must have been correct.By the way,give me a couple of examples that which is a pill?Who can provide me a better answer than this page says.
Normally,tablet is a small flat piece of medicine,can be any shape.But pill is a ball or disc of solid medicine.And capsule is easy to tell,it is the medicine with a soluble case.



1.(泛指) 药丸,药片[C]She had to take sleeping pills every night.
2. (有时大写)【美】【口】(女用)口服避孕药[the S]
3. 无法避免的讨厌事,屈辱事[C][S1]The defeat was a bitter pill.
4. 【俚】讨厌的家伙[C][S1]
5. 【俚】...


1.(泛指) 药丸,药片[C]She had to take sleeping pills every night.
2. (有时大写)【美】【口】(女用)口服避孕药[the S]
3. 无法避免的讨厌事,屈辱事[C][S1]The defeat was a bitter pill.
4. 【俚】讨厌的家伙[C][S1]
5. 【俚】炸弹,炮弹,子弹;棒球,网球[C]
1. 把...制成丸剂(或片剂)
2. 使服用药丸(或药片)
3. 【俚】投票反对
1. 小盒,小容器The plastic capsule was transparent all the way round.
2. 【药】胶囊
3. 太空舱;(飞机的)可弹射座舱
table多解释为桌子、目录等 很少解释为“药”


Pill:A small pellet or tablet of medicine, often coated, taken by swallowing whole or by chewing.
He took a few pills before going to bed.
Tablet:A small round solid piece of medicine. A slab ...


Pill:A small pellet or tablet of medicine, often coated, taken by swallowing whole or by chewing.
He took a few pills before going to bed.
Tablet:A small round solid piece of medicine. A slab or plaque, as of stone or ivory, with a surface that is intended for or bears an inscription.
The doctor told me to take two tablets before every meal.
capsule:An outer covering containing a measured amount of medicine, the whole of which is swallowed.(装入某一剂量药物以便吞服的)胶囊
The doctor advised me to take a capsule this morning.
简单理解就是 pill 是指外面涂上一层的那种药 如 糖衣片 Tablet 是那种大白片的药 像止痛片那样的 Capsule 就是胶囊啦 很好理解。


tablet [简明英汉词典]
n.写字板, 书写板, 碑, 牌匾, 拍纸簿, 便笺簿, 药片, 小块
pill [简明英汉词典]
n.药丸, 口服避孕药, 弹丸
capsule [简明英汉词典]
n.(植物)蒴果, 胶囊, 瓶帽, 太空舱
扑热息痛 是 tablet


tablet [简明英汉词典]
n.写字板, 书写板, 碑, 牌匾, 拍纸簿, 便笺簿, 药片, 小块
pill [简明英汉词典]
n.药丸, 口服避孕药, 弹丸
capsule [简明英汉词典]
n.(植物)蒴果, 胶囊, 瓶帽, 太空舱
扑热息痛 是 tablet
维生素c丸 是 pill
青霉素胶囊是 capsule
