
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:43:30


相传很早以前,西洞庭山上住着一位名叫碧螺的姑娘,东洞庭山上住着的一个名叫阿祥小伙子.两人心里深深相爱着.有一年,太湖中出现一条凶恶残暴的恶龙,扬言要碧螺姑娘,阿祥决心与恶龙决一死战, 一天晚上,阿祥操起渔叉,潜到西洞庭山同恶龙博斗,直到斗了七天七夜,双方都筋疲力尽了,阿祥昏倒在血泊中.碧螺姑娘为了报答阿祥救命恩,她亲自照料阿祥.可是阿祥的伤势一天天恶化.一天,姑娘找草药来到了阿祥与恶龙博斗的地方,忽然看到一棵小茶树长得特别好,心想:这可是阿祥与恶龙博斗的见证,应该把它培育好,至清明前后,小茶树长出了嫩绿的芽叶,碧螺采摘了一把嫩梢,回家泡给阿祥喝.说也奇怪,阿祥喝了这茶,病居然一天天好起来了.阿祥得救了,姑娘心上沉重的石头也落了地.就在两人陶醉在爱情的幸福之中时,碧螺的身体再也支撑不住,她倒在阿祥怀里,再也睁不开双眼了.阿祥悲痛欲绝,就把姑娘埋在洞庭山的茶树旁.从此,他努力培育茶树,采制名茶.“从来佳茗似佳人”,为了纪念碧螺姑娘.人们就把这种名贵茶叶取名为“碧螺春”.
According to legend, long ago, the West Dongting Hill lived a named green jade snail girl, East Dongting mountain there lived a young man named A Xiang. Two people deeply in love. A year in Taihu, there is a ferocious dragon, threatening to the blue spiral girl, "Xiang" determination and the Dragon wage a life-and-death struggle, one evening, "Xiang" fuck up harpoons, diving into the West Dongting mountain with the dragon fight, until the fight for seven days and seven nights, both be tired out, ah Hsiang fainted and fell in a pool of blood. The blue spiral girl to repay exposition of life-saving grace, her personal care ah. But the exposition of the injury worsening day by day. One day, the girl came to find herbs ah and the dragon fight place, suddenly saw a small tea plants grow very well, the heart thinks: this but the exposition and the dragon fight witness, should breed it good, to the Qingming Festival, small trees grow out of the green leaves, green jade snail picking a the young shoots, home to drink bubble ah. Strange to say, the exposition of drinking this tea, is actually a better every day. "Xiang" is saved, the girl heart heavy stone also fell to the ground. In two people are intoxicated in love happiness, the blue spiral body also does not support, back in her arms again ah, I could not open eyes. "Xiang" grief, the girl buried in the Dongting mountain tea by. From then on, he worked hard to cultivate tea, the gathering of tea. " Never Jiaming like girl", in order to commemorate the blue spiral girl. We call this precious tea named" spring snail".