分析一个句子.What is twenty divided by five 1 divied 是不是过去分词,相当于一个带被动语态的定语从句,.twenty (which is ) divided2 which 能被that 替换么?以前一个朋友讲的我忘记,分词这里修饰,有被动的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:49:41

分析一个句子.What is twenty divided by five 1 divied 是不是过去分词,相当于一个带被动语态的定语从句,.twenty (which is ) divided2 which 能被that 替换么?以前一个朋友讲的我忘记,分词这里修饰,有被动的
What is twenty divided by five
1 divied 是不是过去分词,相当于一个
twenty (which is ) divided
2 which 能被that 替换么?

分析一个句子.What is twenty divided by five 1 divied 是不是过去分词,相当于一个带被动语态的定语从句,.twenty (which is ) divided2 which 能被that 替换么?以前一个朋友讲的我忘记,分词这里修饰,有被动的
1 你的解释很对.不过其实过去分词自己就可以做后置定语,语义跟你写的定语从句意思一样.使用分词的目的就是使得句子简练.

This also involves the agreements 【between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production】 which【, on the model of European Investment Bank,】 will handle the finance...


This also involves the agreements 【between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production】 which【, on the model of European Investment Bank,】 will handle the finances【 necessary for production costs. 】
This also involves the agreements
以下是对于agreements 的修饰语
【between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production】
意思是说: agreements between European countries for 一个什么事
而这个事儿呢,就是 the creation of a European bank for Television Production
【which】指代的是前面的 Television Production
以下是 WHICH 后面的插入语
【, on the model of European Investment Bank,】
插入语的话 可以跳过去理解 也就是说 WHICH 是和后面的will handle 连在一起的
这里的插入语的意思是 效仿欧洲的投资银行
【 on the model of】 效仿
will handle the finances【 necessary for production costs. 】
【 necessary for production costs. 】都是形容【finances】的


找错误 what's twenty and twent i's fourty. 一个英语句子结构的分析What some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.此句子结构混乱,请高手分析 can you think what his job is 中间有一个what his job is ,请问这属于什么句.宾语从句?然后整体这个句子怎么分析成分 帮我分析一个句子的结构 英语语法this is what makes his fame.这个句子应该是this is what 做主语 还是 this 是主语 IS是谓语 然后后面是 WHAT引导的宾语从句?/ 英译汉 句子 earthquake damage depends on what area is hit.再帮分析下句子结构 What do you think happiness is 及 Which do you think is better?分析句子成份 帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法错误.This is what is now deeply afflicting me. An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved 分析句子结构 帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分:A is to B what C is to D . 请分析一下“A is to B what C is to D”这个句子的结构? 请帮忙分析下面这个句子.资料上说what引导的是一个宾语从句,表示不理解.There is disagreement among economists about what money is and how money is measured 请帮忙分析下面这个句子.资料上说what引导的是一个宾语从句,表示不理解.There is disagreement among economists about what money is and how money is measured 英语句子分析 这个句子有语病吗what amazes me most is that what the elder man did 一个 的英语 句子结构 的分析The two major languages spoken in what is now called Great Britain before 1066 were Celtic and Old English.请分析句子结构,我看着很乱. what it is that has made Tom what he is now.能不能分析一下这个句子的构成 分析句子do you know what is happening over there?为什么what is happening over there没有变成陈述语序? What are these What are they What is that What is those 找出一个不正确的句子,::>_ today,is,what,it,day怎么组成一个句子啊