英语翻译The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save Earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?The greenhouse effectThe writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.Th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:54:17

英语翻译The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save Earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?The greenhouse effectThe writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.Th
The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save Earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?
The greenhouse effect
The writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.The atmosphere around Earth acts like the glass.It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out.It is important to us all.'Without it,Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon .'
'The trouble is that our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals -- in the form of gases -- and it is keeping in too muchheat!' This will cause the level of seas to rise and drown cities and even countries.
Destruction of rainforests
The burning and cutting down of trees is making the greengouse effect worse because tree take in harmful gases.It will also cause floods because trees can help hold soil together,and soil absorbs water when it rains .
Bad habits
Many of our habits cause pollution,especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.this creates mountains of rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas.For example,people throw away as many as ten nillion bottles in the UK every year.That is enough to reach all the way from Earth to the moon.
How can we save earth?
In prder to save Earth,the book is aksing us to become 'green consumers'.That is,we should only buy and use 'environmentally friendly' things.These things will not damage the environment.

英语翻译The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save Earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?The greenhouse effectThe writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.Th
The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save Earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?
The greenhouse effect
The writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.The atmosphere around Earth acts like the glass.It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out.It is important to us all.'Without it,Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon .'
'The trouble is that our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals -- in the form of gases -- and it is keeping in too muchheat!' This will cause the level of seas to rise and drown cities and even countries.
Destruction of rainforests
The burning and cutting down of trees is making the greengouse effect worse because tree take in harmful gases.It will also cause floods because trees can help hold soil together,and soil absorbs water when it rains .
Bad habits
Many of our habits cause pollution,especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.this creates mountains of rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas.For example,people throw away as many as ten nillion bottles in the UK every year.That is enough to reach all the way from Earth to the moon.
How can we save earth?
In prder to save Earth,the book is aksing us to become 'green consumers'.That is,we should only buy and use 'environmentally friendly' things.These things will not damage the environment.

The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger. We must do something to save Earth. There are many environmental problems. What are they?


The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger. We must do something to save Earth. There are many environmental problems. What are they?
The greenhouse effect温室效应
The writers ask us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse. The atmosphere around Earth acts like the glass. It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out. It is important to us all. 'Without it, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon .'
'The trouble is that our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals -- in the form of gases -- and it is keeping in too much heat!' This will cause the level of seas to rise and drown cities and even countries.
Destruction of rainforests热带雨林的破环
The burning and cutting down of trees is making the greenhouse effect worse because tree take in harmful gases. It will also cause floods because trees can help hold soil together,and soil absorbs water when it rains .
树木的焚烧和砍伐正在加剧温室效应,(make sth. worse本意是使……更糟糕)因为树木可以吸收有害的气体。它同时也将引发(cause本意为造成)洪涝灾害因为树木可以帮助防止水土流失。
Bad habits不良的(生活)习惯
Many of our habits cause pollution, especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away. This creates mountains of rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas. For example, people throw away as many as ten nillion bottles in the UK every year. That is enough to reach all the way from Earth to the moon.
我们的许多生活习惯会造成污染,尤其是我们使用一次性物品后就扔了他们的习惯。它会造成垃圾堆积成山,而且会污染我们的土地和海洋。举个例子,在英国,每年人们要扔掉一千万个或十万亿个塑料瓶。【因为我不知道这里原文到底是billion还是million,请你去看一下课文。million百万,billion 1.(在美国、法国)十亿 2. (在英国、德国)万亿)】把这些瓶子连起来足够从地球到达月球。
How can we save earth?我们如何拯救地球?
In order to save Earth, the book is asking us to become 'green consumers'. That is, we should only buy and use ‘environmentally friendly' things. These things will not damage the environment.
