1、-we could have walked to the station,it was so near.-yes,A taxi_ at all necessary.A,wasn't B won't be2/ -There is going to be a new movie tonight .Will you be free then?- ___.Let's go together.A,That's right B,Nothing much3/ It was invented by a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:30:31

1、-we could have walked to the station,it was so near.-yes,A taxi_ at all necessary.A,wasn't B won't be2/ -There is going to be a new movie tonight .Will you be free then?- ___.Let's go together.A,That's right B,Nothing much3/ It was invented by a
1、-we could have walked to the station,it was so near.
-yes,A taxi_ at all necessary.
A,wasn't B won't be
2/ -There is going to be a new movie tonight .Will you be free then?
- ___.Let's go together.
A,That's right B,Nothing much
3/ It was invented by a polish man who _ Zamenhof.
A,called B,was calld
4/The old tells me it _ to be a fine day tomorrow.
A,is promised B,promises.

1、-we could have walked to the station,it was so near.-yes,A taxi_ at all necessary.A,wasn't B won't be2/ -There is going to be a new movie tonight .Will you be free then?- ___.Let's go together.A,That's right B,Nothing much3/ It was invented by a
1 A 第一句是 与过去相反的虚拟语气 其他都是真实句 .是说明的是过去情况 故用一般过去时
3B 这是定语从句 谓语必须 完整 答案是 was called . 注意拼写错误
4B promises是 有希望、有可能 的意思



1.A.因为walked 2。B根据后面那句话“你将有空吗” ,所以回答:没有任何事 3.A 4.B 因为it

A D B A 不知道对不对。。






  1. A 5

  2. B2:D1:A1

  3. A2:B3

  4. B4:A1

2. — There is going to be a new movie on tonight. Will you be free then?   

    —______. Let’s go together.

   A. That’s right.  B. It’s very kind of you to ask me. C. Why not?   D. Nothing much.




析:这个回答其实并没有完全针对问题,而是作了转换。Will you be free then?到时候你有空吗?有就说:Yes, I am. 没空就说:No. I am not.  现在用nothing much. 是I (will ) have nothing much to do then. 的省略。如果前句是:Will you go to see it? 则选C。B是明显的汉语思维,将ask me当作“邀请我”来理解,实为“问我”之意。排除B。A更是答非所问。排除

3. It was invented by  a Polish man who _ Zamenhof.
A, called   B, was called
答:B. 定语从句,被动语态。楼主打错的字母已经改过来了。此题句摘自下文:

Invented languages     发明语言

Since the 17th century, people have been inventing languages,in the hope that a world language will bring world peace. None of these invented languages has been successful, though. One however, which enjoyed some success, is Esperanto. 【It was invented by a Polish man who was called Zamenhof.】 His "language' is beased on Latin, German and Greek vocabulary. Each letter always makes the same sound, and the grammar rules are simple . But although Esperanto is spoken by about two million people, a thousand of them who have learnt it as a first language, it is unlikely to become a new world language after all.


A 根据 上句 为过去时态的虚拟,所以可断定 答语用过去时态。B A选项意思为那是正确的 ,不合句意的
B 为定语从句,先行词为 a polish man ,他与call 的关系为被动,所以用B,

1.选A .因为A taxi 表示单数,是可数名词,所以是is,但是could是can的过去式,所以is要变成was,但这里是表示否定的,所以用wasn't 2.B 3,B 4.it第三人称单数后面加es

AABB。1过去式,2那好3被称为4固定搭配promise to do