.,according to the number of the document's letter.is it right?please help.thanks?有人问我,翻译一份文件多少钱,我说根据文具文件字数的多少,就这个意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:19:35

.,according to the number of the document's letter.is it right?please help.thanks?有人问我,翻译一份文件多少钱,我说根据文具文件字数的多少,就这个意思
.,according to the number of the document's letter.
is it right?please help.thanks?

.,according to the number of the document's letter.is it right?please help.thanks?有人问我,翻译一份文件多少钱,我说根据文具文件字数的多少,就这个意思
according to the number of the document letters.
其次,一般直接用一个名词放在另一个前表明其属性,如apple tree,dog house.像你这里就不能说成是“document's letter",那样就变成了“文件的字母”了——字数是文件的.这不符合英语习惯的.
其实只要用“According to the letters."或者"on account to the letters."

's 最正确的用法只用在生物上
document letter 就已经行了
the number of (noun 名词)
那个名词如果是 countable 可数的就要用 plural 众数 (e.g. document letters)


Our charge is based on the number of words. 我们的收费是按字数来算的.

according to the letters' quantity.