we suggested that a new hospital____ in the town.A.should build B.would build C.should be building D.be built这题我觉得应该选B 因为觉得应该是过去将来时呀.. 但是答案是选D.是为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 20:30:24

we suggested that a new hospital____ in the town.A.should build B.would build C.should be building D.be built这题我觉得应该选B 因为觉得应该是过去将来时呀.. 但是答案是选D.是为什么?
we suggested that a new hospital____ in the town.
A.should build B.would build C.should be building D.be built
这题我觉得应该选B 因为觉得应该是过去将来时呀.. 但是答案是选D.是为什么?

we suggested that a new hospital____ in the town.A.should build B.would build C.should be building D.be built这题我觉得应该选B 因为觉得应该是过去将来时呀.. 但是答案是选D.是为什么?
D.be built
选B是肯定不对的,不说固定用法,从语态上就是错的,hospital应该是被建造的,所以首先就肯定是被动语态.而且suggest 后加虚拟语气,should +动词原形,should 是可以省略的.
不过还要注意的是,suggest解释为“暗示”的时候是不用虚拟语气的,用原时态.Eg:I'd like to suggest that it was a wrong place.

D.be built
suggest 后加虚拟语气,should +动词原形,should 可省略

He suggested that we (should) have a meeting=He suggested that a meeting be held 求翻译,求讲解.We suggested that we(should)have a meeting. I suggested ______ fishing.A:that we going B:that we to go C:that we go D:that we went when I suggested ___ for an outing,the teacher smiled,which suggested that he ___ with me.A.going;should agree B.that we must go;agree C.that we go;agreed D.to go;agreed the teacher suggested that we visited the zoo改错 改错We suggested that they asked the teacher for help . I suggested that we didn't go there .怎么改 这题为什么不选A 有没有suggest sb that的用法_____ that we should bring an umbrella with us.A suggested us B suggested为什么不选A 有没有suggest sb that的用法? It is suggested that we ____ to the park later.A.will goB.wentC.goD.has gone I dont know why she suggested that we ()the work before dark.A finish B would finish C finishing 单选题求详解 Our monitor suggested _____ a picnic in th单选题求详解Our monitor suggested _____ a picnic in the forest next Sunday.A us to have B that we hadC to have D having it is suggested that (she wait) a while before we make a decision为什么不是 she waits 不是单三+s么? The doctor ___ suggested that she should take a holiday . she suggested that we should go for his help.(句型转换) ____is that we___for his help. Tony suggested that we should choose Joyce.(用...suggest that ...照句)大神们帮帮忙 The teacher suggested that we should do _____ what he did yesterday.a.as b.like c.about d.than为什么? the teacher suggested ______ us that we should read english for half an hour every morning .A.for B.to C.at D.in We suggested that Tom have a rest.这句话对吗(should)+动词原形 要不要三单的变化 还是可以直接去掉should不用管?