I hope you can( ) 消除 your weakness.答案 rid of,这两个此中间不是一定要加一个词嘛rid sth of这样才对嘛 为什么在后面加?He was ( ) 摆脱 smoking.答案写kept from ,,不是有词组是keep sth.free from(免

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 08:55:39

I hope you can( ) 消除 your weakness.答案 rid of,这两个此中间不是一定要加一个词嘛rid sth of这样才对嘛 为什么在后面加?He was ( ) 摆脱 smoking.答案写kept from ,,不是有词组是keep sth.free from(免

I hope  you  can(      ) 消除  your  weakness.答案 rid of,这两个此中间不是一定要加一个词嘛rid sth of这样才对嘛 为什么在后面加?

He was (    ) 摆脱 smoking.答案写kept from ,,不是有词组是keep sth.free from(免受)  还有  be free from (摆脱)

正确形式填空  The storm left,_____(cause) a lot of damage.have caused ,为什么不用ing形式?

I hope you can( ) 消除 your weakness.答案 rid of,这两个此中间不是一定要加一个词嘛rid sth of这样才对嘛 为什么在后面加?He was ( ) 摆脱 smoking.答案写kept from ,,不是有词组是keep sth.free from(免
rid of 只有宾语为代词时只能夹在中间 和动副短语的用法一样 但宾语为正常的名词时在中间在of后都可以.
这句话是被动,he was kept from soming (by sb)被动句中后边如果作者想省略可以自由省略,原句应该是 sb keep him from smoking.(我没用过去时,比较清楚地能看出来这句话的词组是 keep sb from doing sth)你的疑问中 free这个词用法随意,你说的都对.
这句话考点是非谓语,having done 强调非谓语的动作发生在谓语动作之前,从前句来看“风暴离开了,造成很多破坏”,风暴“造成破坏”的动作发生在风暴“离开”之前,所以这句话强调的是如上所述.楼主回答没有问题但不符合考点.

1.He was interested in all 【 aspects】 of the work here.2.你考虑让谁做这个工作?
Who do you【 have】【 in】【 mind】for the job?3.这正是我想要给公众传达的信息This is the message that I want...


1.He was interested in all 【 aspects】 of the work here.2.你考虑让谁做这个工作?
Who do you【 have】【 in】【 mind】for the job?3.这正是我想要给公众传达的信息This is the message that I want to 【 get】【 across】【 to】 the public.4.人们对她的演讲有不同的回应People 【 reacted 】【 to】her speech in different ways.5.计划任何事情的时候,都要考虑到未来【When 】【 planning】 anything, you have to have one eye on the future.6.Fire has damaged the school building severely= Fire has【 caused 】【 much】【 damage】【 to】the school building.7.What do you want your ad campaign to say?= What is your ad campaign 【 intended 】 to say?
不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~
