急求懂英语的好童鞋的帮助!~~~急!~~~求填几条英文谚语中的空!~~~ 1.Don't____the day you stop suffering,because when it comes you know you'll be dead. 2.A dog____at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state. 3.I would rather

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:16:54

急求懂英语的好童鞋的帮助!~~~急!~~~求填几条英文谚语中的空!~~~ 1.Don't____the day you stop suffering,because when it comes you know you'll be dead. 2.A dog____at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state. 3.I would rather
求填几条英文谚语中的空!~~~ 1.Don't____the day you stop suffering,because when it comes you know you'll be dead. 2.A dog____at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state. 3.I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by____. 4.____you rosebuds while you may,old time is still a-flying ,and this sama flower that smiles today ,tomorrow will be dying . 5.However big the fool,there is always a bigger fool to admire him. 6.____,then,is the great guide of human life. 7.Others people's____are always the best____,but one's own children are always the best children . 8.There is no feast on earth that does not end in parting. 9.Everyone has some____they can do,but each has his own way of doing them. 10.Those who can lose shall____;those who wish for____shall lose. 须填的词有:custom,admire, feast ,harvest,trick belief,starve,gather(搜集,集合), gain(得到),look forward to.快!真的非常非常感谢你!~~:>~~~

急求懂英语的好童鞋的帮助!~~~急!~~~求填几条英文谚语中的空!~~~ 1.Don't____the day you stop suffering,because when it comes you know you'll be dead. 2.A dog____at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state. 3.I would rather
1.look forward to 2.starving 3.custom 4.gather 5.没有空格...应该是admire,因为第五句是完整的,而又有需填的admire一词 6.belief 7.harvest,harvest 8.没有空格...应该是feast 9.trick 10.gain,gain