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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 09:25:45 作文素材


1、I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.



2、So you're trying to do 4-years high school in 3 years?


yeah, you'll kill yourself you know?

:NO I'm gonna live.


“不,这才是活着。” --利兹

3、Chris: I don’t want to go to school. I don’t belong there and neither do you. Liz Murray: Yes, I do. Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard? Liz Murray: Yes, I do.

.“利兹,像我们这样的人,是不可能成功的,更不可能进哈佛。” “我会的。” --利兹

4、I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance


5 、

I will use my every potential to do that. I just always knew that I need to get out. I have to do it. I have no choice.


6、Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on..



7、Do any of us bargain for our lives? It seems to me that we just fall into them. and we have to do the best we can.


8、No one can bargain with life.You must endeavor as long as you are alive


9、I know that there's a world out there that's better.


10、Don't close your eyes, rise again after you fall, you need to get out.



风雨哈佛路Homeless to Harvard


I feel that I got lucky because any sense of security was polled out from me, so I was forced to look forward, I had to , and was no going back. And I reach the point, where I just thought, "All right, I'd got to work as hard as I possiblly can , and see what happens".


Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on..

什么是家?一个屋顶? 床?必须接纳你的地方?如果那样的话,15岁我开始无家可归。I was 15 when I went out in the world. What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.


世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。她活在我心中,可我无处立足,在这世上我孤独无助。 一个十六岁的人只有八年级的水平,你会顺着一个下降的螺旋到一个更糟的地方。你断了每一条路,拒绝了每次机会,你令所有曾经信任你的人都失望了。

就在那一刻,我明白了,我得作出选择。我可以为自己寻找各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己更好地生活。I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.

我真的很聪明,我会成功的,我只是需要机会而已,是的,是这样的,我需要机会脱离我出生的环境,我认识的人全都充满了怨气,他们活着只是为了生存,但是我相信有比那更好的地方,那里更发达,我要活在那种地方,就是这样。I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chance to climb out of this place I’ve born in. Everyone I know are angry and tired. They’re trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s better developed. And I want to live in it.




有时候我觉得世界外有一层外壳,我们所有人都生在这层外壳之下,你能从外壳里看到外面,但是你却出不去。Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world. And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it. We just can’t get threw it.

每天起床,我看见的世界上的每个人,都好像都披着一层膜,无法穿透。这种感觉很奇怪,有点悲哀,可是没有办法改变。这些人的动作举止,为什么这么不一样?是不是因为,他们来的世界就是这么不一样?若是这样,那我要更努力、更努力,把我自己推到那个世界去。 我知道外面有一个更好更丰富的生活,而我想在那样的世界里生活。


因为我的父母迫使我向深处里观察,我有幸看到所有的微小事务是如何最终聚集在一起最终形成产物的,所以我从来不问为什么这样,为什么那样,我知道为什么,这样并不能让我高兴,很多时候倒让我觉得很难过,但是我总是勇于接受,我总是勇于接受事实,我知道我总想离开我的环境。Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final product .So I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that. I knew why. not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time. but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.

我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。我甚至要感谢它,它让我在任何情况下都必须往前走。我没有退路,我只能不停地努力向前走。Did you ever feel sorry for yourself?--That had always been my life and I really```I feel that I got lucky, because any sensive security was pulled out so I was forced to look forward. I had to... there was no going back and I reached a point where I just thought, "oh I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what happens" and now I'm going to college. and the NYT is going to pay.


我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. So they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.

世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,没有你地球照样在转。现实是不会按照你的意志去改变的,因为别人的意志会比你的更强。The world is changing while you're just a stardust. The earth turns arround with or without you. Reality doesn't change according to your will.

你会怀疑地球是否在转动,即使你不在也照样如此,情况不能像你希望的一样,有些人的需求,有些人的信念会比你的更强烈。The world moves you just suspect. it could no happen without you. Situations are not conduced to what you want for yourself. Someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.

生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. All those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is.

请不要闭眼,机会就在下一秒出现。残酷的现实面前你应勇往直前。Don't close your eyes, rise again after you fall, you need to get out.

你们努力了吗? 你们真的努力了吗?我看过很多人在努力,可在我看来,他们只是在尽力,不要尽力而为。要拼命!而且,要找到方向。




如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。I will use my every potential to do that. I just always knew that I need to get out. I have to do it. I have no choice.


“没关系,我可以。” --利兹


“我会的。” --利兹

Chris: I don’t want to go to school. I don’t belong there and neither do you. Liz Murray: Yes, I do. Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard? Liz Murray: Yes, I do.



难道他们看不到吗?谁都能看到??她(她母亲)承受着巨大的痛苦??多明显的挣扎??就在那里?? 如果有人会看的话??并不是她不想成为一个好妈妈??只是她再没有什么能给予的了??


我爱你,妈妈。 --利兹

LIZ: 我爱你,爸爸,你是我遇到的最有趣的人。




Liz Murray: I love you, dad. Peter: That’s a waste of energy.

“爸爸,我要上学,我必须要去。” --利兹



如果可能,我愿意放弃我所有的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。I’d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.


历史是什么? 历史是别人对你的看法。



But I still didn’t know how to be in school. I still didn’t know how to be normal.

Liz Murray: My mother was dying. My father was gone. But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.


10. Lisa: I loved going to school so much. You never went to school. Why would they gave you a scholarship? Liz Murray: Because I’m homeless and I’m doing really well on school. Lisa: You’re not homeless, Liz. You could stay here. Liz Murray: No, I couldn’t.

11. Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school. Liz Murray: I am going to go back. Jean Murray: When?

Liz Murray: When you get better



Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.


Wonderful to see you here.


I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.


This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. 可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。

But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.


I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.


And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.


I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. 我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。

I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially.


Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why.


It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.


And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology. 于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。

With a single question: How can I become happier.


Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.


But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.


Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier . 研究积枀心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。

It continues to make me happier.


And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.


That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field.


So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504.


And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.


And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.


When I first taught this class that was back in 2002.


I taught it at a seminar and had eight students. Two dropped out that left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students.

是以讨论会的形式,只有8名学生。两名退出了只剩我和其他六个人。一年后学生稍微多了点。有300多人参加。 And then third year when I taught it which was the last time.


I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard .


And that’s when the media became interested. Because they wanted to understand why.


They wanted to understand this phenomenon that here you have a class that’s larger than Introduction to Economics. How could that be?


So I was invited by the media for interviews whether it was newspapers, radio, television.


And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews.


So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview.


And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out. And say something to the effects of well, thank you Tal for the interview.


But you know I expected you to be different.


And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course.


I didn’t really care but had to ask anyway “How different”.


And they would say: Well, you know, we expected you to be more outgoing”.


Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing: Thank you for doing the interview”.


“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different”.


And once again, nonchalant of course so how different.


And she would say: “Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit”.


Next interview, same thing “How different?”


“Well, you know, more extroverted, more outgoing.”


Next interview, “Well, you know, less shy”.


Coz I get very nervous in interviews.


l Interview after interview, literally dozens.


More outgoing, more cheerful, less introverted, more extroverted. And on and on.


But here the best one.


So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. I was going to the interview.


We had a quite long interview which I thought was actually pretty good. And at the end of the interview. 聊了很多,我觉得进行得很不错。采访结束。

The interviewer is a very jolly guy. He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder.


And says, ”Thank you very much for doing the interview.” And then the usual comes.


“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different.”


And I said, ”How different”. Just so you understand by this time, my self-esteem is short.


But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked “How different”.


And he looks at me and says: ”Well I don’t know Tal, I expected you to be taller. ”. Taller? What?


Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness?


And I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. The whole pattern from the beginning.


And I think I understand why they expected someone different.


You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience.


How come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics?


And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extroverted and of course, tall.


Well, there is one L missing there, But……. Yeah, if only.


So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation.


In other words, they were looking at the messenger, what they needed to look at was the message. Now how do I know that?


You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses around the country and around the world.


There are over 200 campuses here in United States that teach positive psychology.


And almost every campus where this class is taught it’s either one of the or the largest class. It’s about the message.


I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their as consultant companies. 越来越多的机构组织开设这门课,还有咨询公司。

Some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on.


More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class.……Elementary schools are introducing it.


The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field. Why? Because it works, because it really works.


You see this whole realm of life flourishing on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movements.


What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting that are very accessible.


We have speakers who are very outgoing very charismatic and tall attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures. But, there is a very big “but” here.


Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminars lack substance. Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.


So there are five things you need to know to be happy. The three things to be the great leader.


The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life.Overpromising, under-delivering.


On the other hand, we have academia. What do we have in the academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance.


We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed. Things that actually work, good stuff.


But, there is also a very big but here. Very few people read refereed academic journals.


I mean think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology?


Most people don’t even know what that means.


The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people.


You know……And that includes the author’s mother. So you know I say half in jest but it’s actually really sad.


Because… Certainly sad for me, as an academic.Because these things are good.


They are important, these things make a difference, can even make more of a difference. But not accessible to most people.


And this is where positive psychology comes in. And this is also where this class comes in.


The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and Main Street.


制作人:心舟 QQ:1129441083

第一讲 《杀人的道德侧面》

这是一门讨论公正的课程This is a course about justice

我们以一则故事作为引子and we begin with a story.

假设你是一名电车司机\Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car

你的电车以60英里 小时的速度\and your trolley car is hurtling down the track 在轨道上飞驰\at 60 miles an hour.

突然发现在轨道的尽头\And at the end of the track you notice

有五名工人正在施工\five workers working on the track.

你无法让电车停下来\You try to stop but you can't

因为刹车坏了\your brakes don't work.

你此时极度绝望\You feel desperate

因为你深知\because you know

如果电车撞向那五名工人\that if you crash into these five workers 他们全都会死\they will all die.

假设你对此确信无疑\Let's assume you know that for sure.

你极为无助\And so you feel helpless

直到你发现 在轨道的右侧 until you notice that there is off to the right 有一条侧轨\ a side track

而在侧轨的尽头\and at the end of that track

只有一名工人在那施工\there is one worker working on the track.

而你的方向盘还没坏\Your steering wheel works

只要你想\so you can turn the trolley car

就可以把电车转到侧轨上去\if you want to onto the side track

牺牲一人挽救五人性命\killing the one but sparing the five.

下面是我们的第一个问题:\Here's our first question:

何为正确的选择\what's the right thing to do?

换了你会怎么做\What would you do?

我们来做个调查\Let's take a poll.

有多少人会把电车开到侧轨上去\How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track?

请举手\Raise your hands.

有多少人会让电车继续往前开\How many wouldn't? How many would go straight ahead? 选择往前开的 请不要把手放下\Keep your hands up those of you who would go straight ahead.

只有少数人选择往前开\A handful of people would

绝大多数都选择转弯\the vast majority would turn.

我们先来听听大家的说法\Let's hear first

探究一下为何\now we need to begin to investigate the reasons

你们会认为这是正确的选择\why you think it's the right thing to do.

先从大多数选择了转向侧轨的同学开始\Let's begin with those in the majority who

would turn to go onto the side track.

为何会这样选择\Why would you do it?

理由是什么\What would be your reason?

有没有自告奋勇的\Who's willing to volunteer a reason?

你来 站起来告诉大家\Go ahead. Stand up.

我认为当可以只牺牲一个人时\Because it can't be right to kill five people 牺牲五人不是正确之举\when you can only kill one person instead.

当可以只牺牲一人时 牺牲五人不是正确之举\It wouldn't be right to kill five if you could kill one person instead.

这理由不错\That's a good reason.

不错\That's a good reason.

还有其他人吗\Who else?

人人都赞同这个理由\Does everybody agree with that reason?

你来\Go ahead.

我认为这和9·11的时候是一种情况\Well I was thinking it's the same reason on 9 11 那些让飞机在宾州坠毁的人 被视为英雄\with regard to the people who flew the plane into the Pennsylvania field as heroes

因为他们选择了牺牲自己\because they chose to kill the people on the plane 而不是让飞机撞向大楼牺牲更多人\and not kill more people in big buildings. 这么看来这条原则和9·11的是一样的\So the principle there was the same on 9 11. 虽然是悲剧\It's a tragic circumstance

但牺牲一人保全五人依然是更正确的选择\but better to kill one so that five can live 这就是大多数人选择把电车开上侧轨的理由吗\is that the reason most of you had those of you who would turn? Yes?

现在我们来听听少数派的意见\Let's hear now from those in the minority 那些选择不转弯的\those who wouldn't turn.


我认为这与为种族灭绝以及极权主义正名\Well I think that's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide

是同一种思维模式\and totalitarianism.

为了一个种族能生存下来\In order to save one type of race

以灭绝另一个种族为代价\you wipe out the other.

那换了是你在这种情况下会怎么做\So what would you do in this case?

为了避免骇人听闻的种族灭绝\You would to avoid the horrors of genocide

你打算直接开上去把这五个人撞死吗\you would crash into the five and kill them? 大概会吧\Presumably yes.

-真的会吗 -对\- You would? - Yeah.

好吧 还有谁\Okay. Who else?

很有勇气的回答 谢谢\That's a brave answer. Thank you.

我们来考虑一下另一种情况的例子\Let's consider another trolley car case 看看你们\and see whether

大多数的人\those of you in the majority

会不会继续坚持刚才的原则\want to adhere to the principle

即"牺牲一人保全五人是更好的选择"\"better that one should die so that five should live."

这次你不再是电车司机了\This time you're not the driver of the trolley car 只是一名旁观者\you're an onlooker.

你站在一座桥上 俯瞰着电车轨道\You're standing on a bridge overlooking a trolley car track.

电车沿着轨道从远处驶来\And down the track comes a trolley car

轨道的尽头有五名工人\at the end of the track are five workers

电车刹车坏了\the brakes don't work

这五名工人即将被撞死\the trolley car is about to careen into the five and kill them.

但你不是电车司机 你真的爱莫能助\And now you're not the driver you really feel helpless

直到你发现 在你旁边\until you notice standing next to you

靠着桥站着的\leaning over the bridge

是个超级大胖子\is a very fat man.

你可以选择推他一把\And you could give him a shove.

他就会摔下桥\He would fall over the bridge onto the track

正好摔在电车轨道上挡住电车\right in the way of the trolley car.

他必死无疑 但可以救那五人的性命\He would die but he would spare the five. 现在\Now有多少人会选择把那胖子推下桥\how many would push the fat man over the bridge?

请举手\Raise your hand.

有多少人不会\How many wouldn't?

大多数人不会这么做\Most people wouldn't.

一个显而易见的问题出现了\Here's the obvious question.

我们"牺牲一人保全五人"的这条原则\What became of the principle

到底出了什么问题呢\"better to save five lives even if it means sacrificing one?" 第一种情况时\What became of the principle

大多数人赞同的这条原则怎么了\that almost everyone endorsed in the first case? 两种情况中都属多数派的人 你们是怎么想的\I need to hear from someone who was in the majority in both cases.

应该如何来解释这两种情况的区别呢\How do you explain the difference between the two?


我认为第二种情况\The second one I guess

牵涉到主动选择推人\involves an active choice of pushing a person down 而被推的这个人\which I guess that person himself

本来跟这事件一点关系都没有\would otherwise not have been involved in the

situation at all.

所以 从这个人自身利益的角度来说\And so to choose on his behalf I guess

他是被迫卷入这场无妄之灾的\to involve him in something that he otherwise would have escaped is

而第一种情况不同\I guess more than what you have in the first case

第一种情况里的三方 电车司机及那两组工人\where the three parties the driver and the two sets of workers

之前就牵涉进这事件本身了\are already I guess in the situation.

但在侧轨上施工的那名工人\But the guy working the one on the track off to the side 他并不比那个胖子 更愿意牺牲自我 不是吗\he didn't choose to sacrifice his life any more than the fat man did he?

对 但谁让他就在那侧轨上 而且...\That's true but he was on the tracks and... 那胖子还在桥上呢\This guy was on the bridge.

如果你愿意 可以继续说下去\Go ahead you can come back if you want.

好吧 这是一个难以抉择的问题\All right. It's a hard question.

你回答得很不错\You did well. You did very well.

真的难以抉择\It's a hard question.

还有谁能来为两种情况中\Who else can find a way of reconciling

大多数人的不同选择作出合理解释\the reaction of the majority in these two cases? 你来\Yes.

我认为 在第一种情况中是撞死一个还是五个\Well I guess in the first case where you have the one worker and the five

你只能在这两者中选择\it's a choice between those two

不管你做出的是哪一个选择\and you have to make a certain choice

总得有人被电车撞死\and people are going to die because of the trolley car 而他们的死 并非你的直接行为导致\not necessarily because of your direct actions.

电车已失控 而你必须在那一瞬间做出选择\The trolley car is a runaway thing and you're making a split second choice.

而反之 把胖子推下去则是你自己的直接谋杀行为\Whereas pushing the fat man over is an actual act of murder on your part.

你的行为是可控的\You have control over that

而电车则是不可控的\whereas you may not have control over the trolley car. 所以我认为这两种情况略有不同\So I think it's a slightly different situation. 很好 有没谁来回应的 有人吗\All right who has a reply? That's good. Who has a way?

有人要补充吗 刚才那个解释合理吗\Who wants to reply? Is that a way out of this? 我认为这不是一个很好的理由\I don't think that's a very good reason

因为不论哪种情况 你都得选择让谁死\because you choose to- either way you have to choose who dies

或者你是选择转弯撞死一名工人\because you either choose to turn and kill the


这种转弯就是种有意识的行为\which is an act of conscious thought to turn 或者你是选择把胖子推下去\or you choose to push the fat man over

这同样是一种主动的 有意识的行为\which is also an active conscious action. 所以不管怎样 你都是在作出选择\So either way you're making a choice. 你有话要说吗\Do you want to reply?

我不太确定情况就是这样的\I'm not really sure that that's the case.

只是觉得似乎有点不同\It just still seems kind of different.

真的动手把人推到轨道上让他死的这种行为\the act of actually pushing someone over onto the tracks and killing him

就等于是你亲手杀了他\you are actually killing him yourself.

你用你自己的手推他\You're pushing him with your own hands.

是你在推他 这不同于\You're pushing him and that's different

操控方向盘进而导致了他人死亡...\than steering something that is going to cause death into another...

现在听起来好像不太对头了\You know it doesn't really sound right saying it now. 不 你回答得不错 叫什么名字\No no. It's good. It's good. What's your name? 安德鲁\Andrew.

我来问你一个问题 安德鲁\Andrew. Let me ask you this question Andrew. 您问\Yes.

假设我站在桥上 胖子就在我旁边\Suppose standing on the bridge next to the fat man

我不用去推他\I didn't have to push him

假设他踩在一扇活板门上方\suppose he was standing over a trap door

而活板门可以通过转动方向盘来开启\that I could open by turning a steering wheel like that.

你会转动方向盘吗\Would you turn?

出于某种原因 我觉得这样似乎错上加错\For some reason that still just seems more wrong.


如果是你不小心靠着方向盘 导致活门开启\I mean maybe if you accidentally like leaned into the steering wheel

或是发生之类的情况\or something like that.

但是...或者是列车飞驰而来时\But... Or say that the car is hurtling

正好可以触发活门开关\towards a switch that will drop the trap.

-那我就赞同 -没关系 好了\- Then I could agree with that. - That's all right. Fair enough.

反正就是不对\It still seems wrong in a way

而在第一种情况 这样做就是对的 是吧\that it doesn't seem wrong in the first case to turn you say.

换个说法就是 在第一种情况中\And in another way I mean in the first situation

篇五:娜塔莉波特曼 2015哈佛毕业演讲 中英文


Hello, class of 2015.I am so honest to be here today.Dean Khurana,faculty,parents,and most especially graduating students. Thank you so much for inviting me. The Senior Class Committee. it’s genuinely one of the most exciting things I’ve ever been asked to do. I have to admit primarily because I can’t deny it as it was leaked in the WikiLeaks release of the Sony hack that hen I was invited I replied and I directly quote my own email.” Wow! This is so nice!” ”I’m gonna need some funny ghost writers. Any ideas? ”This initial response now blessedly public was from the knowledge that at my class day we were lucky enough to have Will Ferrel as class day speaker and many of us were hung-over, or even freshly high mainly wanted to laugh.So I have to admit that today, even 12 years after graduation. I’m still insecure about my own worthless.I have to remind myself today you’re here for a reason.


Today I feel much like I did when I came to Harvard Yard as a freshman in 1999.When you guys were,to my continued shocked and horror, still in kindergarten.I felt like there had been some mistake, that I wasn’t smart enough to be in this company, and that every time I opened my mouth.I would have to prove that I wasn’t just dumb actress.So I start with an apology. This won’t be very funny. I’m not a comedian.And I didn’t get a ghost writer.But I am here to tell you today.Harvard is giving you all diplomas tomorrow. You are here for a reason. Sometimes your insecurities and your inexperience may lead you, too, to embrace other people’s expectations, standards, or values. But you can harness that inexperience to carve out your own path, one that is free of the burden of knowing how things are supposed to be, a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons.


That other day I went to an amusement park with my soon-to-be 4-yeas-old son. And I watch him play arcade games. He was incredible focused, throwing his ball at the target. Jewish mother than I am, I skipped 20 steps and was already imagining him as a major league player with what is his

arm and his arm and his concentration. But then I realized what he want. He was playing to trade in his tickets for the crappy plastic toy. The prize was much more exciting than the game to get it. I of course wanted to urge him to take joy and the challenge of the game, the improvement upon practice, the satisfaction of doing something well, and even feeling the accomplishment when achieving the game’s goals. But all of these aspects were shaded by the 10 cent plastic men with sticky stretchy blue arms that adhere to the walls. That-that was the prize. In a child’s nature, we see many of our own innate tendencies. I saw myself in him and perhaps you do too.


Prizes serve as false idols everywhere(圣经里的false idol). Prestige, wealth, fame, power. You’ll be exposed to many of these, if not all. Of course, part of why I was invited to come to speak today beyond my being a proud alumna is that I’ve recruited some very coveted toys in my life including a not so plastic, not so crappy one: an Oscar. So we bump up against the common troll I think of the commencement address people who have achieved a lot telling you that the fruits of the achievement are not always to be trusted. But I think that contradiction can be reconciled and is in fact instructive. Achievement is wonderful when you know why you’re doing it. And when you don’t know, it can be a terrible trap.


I went to a public high school on Long Island, Syosset High School. Ooh, hello, Syosset! The girls I went to school with had Prada bags and flat-ironed hair. And they spoke with an accent I who had moved there at age 9 from Connecticut mimicked to fit in. Florida Oranges, Chocolate cherries. Since I ’m ancient and the Internet was just starting when I was in high school. People didn’t really pay that much of attention to the fact that that I was an actress. I was known mainly at school for having a back bigger than I was and always having white-out on my hands because I hated seeing anything crossed out in my note books. I was voted for my senior yearbook ‘ most likely to be an contestant on Jeopardy ’ or code for nerdiest. When I got to Harvard just after the release of Star Wars: Episode 1, I knew I would be staring over in terms of how people viewed me. I feared people would have assumed I’d gotten in just for being famous, and that they would think

that I was not worthy of the intellectual rigor here. And it would not have been far from the truth. When I came here I had never written a 10-paper before. I’m not even sure I’ve written a 5-page paper. I was alarmed and intimidated by the calm eyes of a fellow student who came here from Dalton or Exeter who thought that compared to high school the workload here was easy. I was completely overwhelmed and thought that reading 1000 pages a week was unimaginable, that writing a 50-page thesis is just something I could never do. I Had no idea how to declare my intentions. I couldn’t even articulate them to myself.


I’ve been acting since I was 11. But I thought acting was too frivolous and certainly not meaningful. I came from a family of academics and was very concerned of being taken seriously. In contrast to my inability to declare myself, on my first day of orientation freshman year, five separate students introduced themselves to me by saying, I’m going to be president. Remember I told you that. Their names, for the record, were Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton. In all seriousness, I believed every one of them. Their bearing and self-confidence alone seemed proof of their prophecy where I couldn’t shake my self-doubt. I got in only because I was famous. This was how others saw me and it was how I saw myself. Driven by these insecurities, I decided I was going to find something to do in Harvard that was serious and meaningful that would change the world and make it a better place.

我从11岁起就在演戏,但我认为演戏是轻佻且无意义的。我出身书香门第,非常在意别人是否把我当回事。跟我不敢发声相比,大一时新生培训的第一天,五个不同的同学分别跟我这样自己介绍。他们说,我将来会当美国总统,记得我跟你说过这句话。严肃的说,他们的名字是伯尼桑德斯、马克卢比奥、泰德克鲁兹、巴拉克奥巴马和希拉里克林顿。说正经的,我相信他们每一个人,他们的态度和自信本身 就足以证明他们的预言,而我确无法摆脱自我怀疑。我入学只是因为我是名人,别人就是这样看我的,我也是这样看我自己。在不自信的驱使下,我决定要在哈佛找到严肃而有意义的事情,来改变世界,让世界更美好。

At the age of 18, I’d already been acting for 7 years, and assumed I find a more serious and profound path in college. So freshman fall I decided to take neurologist and advanced modern Hebrew literature because I was serious and intellectual. Needless to say, I should have failed both.

I got Bs, for your information, and to this day, every Sunday I burn a small effigy to the pagan Gods of grade inflation. But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y shua in Hebrew and the different mechanisms of neuro-response, I saw friends around me writing papers on sailing and pop culture magazines, and professors teaching classes on fairy tales and The Matrix. I realized that seriousness for seriousness’s sake was its own kind of trophy, and a dubious one, a pose I sought to counter some half-imagined argument about who I was. There was a reason that I was an actor. I love what I do. And I saw from my peers and my mentors that it was not only an acceptable reason, it was the best reason.


When I got to my graduation, siting where you sit today, after 4 years of trying to get excited about something else, I admitted to myself that I couldn’t wait to go back and make more films. I wanted to tell stories, to imagine the lives of others and help others do the same. I have found or perhaps reclaimed my reason. You have a prize now or at least you will tomorrow. The prize is Harvard degree in your hand. But what is your reason behind it ? My Harvard degree represents, for me, the curiosity and invention that were encouraged here, the friendships I’ve sustained the way Professor Graham told me not to describe the way light hit a flower but rather the shadow the flower cast, the way Professor Scarry talked about theater is a trans-formative religious force how professor Coslin showed how much our visual cortex is activated just by imaging. Now granted these things don’t necessarily help me answer the most common question I’m asked:What designer are you wearing?What’s your fitness regime?Any makeup tips? But I have never since been embarrassed to myself as what might previously have thought was a stupid question.My Harvard degree and other awards are emblems of the experiences which led me to them.The wood paneled lecture halls,the colorful fall leaves,the hot vanilla Toscaninis,reading great novels in overstuffed library chairs.running through dining halls screaming.Ooh!Ah!City steps!City steps!City steps!City steps!



It’s easy now to romanticize my time here.But Ihad some very difficult times here too.Some combination of being 19,dealing with my first heartbreak,taking birth control pills that have since been taken off the market for their depressive side effects,and spending too much time missing daylight during winter months,led me to some pretty dark moments,particularly during sophomore year.There were several occasions where I started crying in meetings with professors,overwhelmed with what I was supposed to pull off ,when I could barely get myself out of bed in the morning. Moments when I took on the motto for my school work:Done,Not good.If only I could finish my work,even if it took eating a jumbo pack of sour Patch Kids to get me through a single 10-page paper.I felt I’ve accomplished a great feat,I repeat to myself:Done,Not good.


A couple years ago,I went to Tokyo with my husband,and I ate at the most remarkable sushi restaurant,I don’t even eat fish,I’m vegan.So that tells you how good it was.Even with just vegetable,this sushi was the stuff you dreamed about.The restaurant has six seats.My husband and I marveled at how anyone can make rice so superior to all other rice.We wondered why they don’t make a bigger restaurant,and be the most popular place in town.Our local friends explain to us that all the best restaurants in Tokyo are that small,and do only one type of dish:sushi or tempura or teriyaki.Because they want to do things well and beautiful.And it’s not about quantity.It’s about taking pleasure in the perfection and beauty of the particular.I’m still learning now that it’s about good and maybe never done.And the joy and work ethic and virtuosity we bring to the particular can impart a singular type of enjoyment to those we give to,and of course to ourselves.

