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篇一:We are twins

Unit8 We're twins!

课题:Unit8 We're twins!

教材简解:本课时教学内容是三年级下册Unit8 We’re twins!第一课时Story time。作为本单元阅读教学的第一课时,根据学生的认知水平和现有基础,本课教学目标制定如下:

目标预设 1、知识与技能目标:学生能听说读uncle、aunt、boy、girl、man、woman、以及日常用语Who is she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s?.We’re twin!学生能正确地理解和朗读对话内容以及在真实的情景中运用Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s?。





设计思路:本节课的设计思路是紧扣“Who’s??He/She is ?”这条主线,活动展开以学生互助合作为抓手,在本着“激趣、创新、应用、拓展”的原则做了如下尝试:首先,根据《英语课程标准》和学生知识储备实际灵活处理教材。其二,充分利用多媒体优势,优化课堂教学。其三,补充教学图片、小韵文、歌曲等。其四,充分利用和开发英语课程资源。采用任务型的教学途径,力求通过各种游戏和听读活动,创设空间,培养学生的兴趣和自主学习能力。


Step1: Warm up

1. (课前准备五个纸偶,画上不同的人物(分别代表自己和家庭中其他成员)。课堂上戴着纸偶现场操作,模拟出不同人物,与学生进行交流。) T: Look, this is a girl.This is a boy. This is a man. This is a woman.

通过介绍纸偶学习girl, boy, man, woman

T: Who are they? Let’s listen to a song.

2. Listen to a song

T: This is me. Welcome to my family.

Look! Who’s he? 指着爸爸的纸偶

S1: He’s ?

T: Yes, he’s my father. Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you too.

Who’s this girl? 指着画有妹妹图像的纸偶

S1:She’s? 同法引出其他家庭成员,渗透文中主要句型

3. 学生出示自己的全家福

T:This is the finger family. Who wants to show us your family photo? (投影) Who’s this man / woman / boy / girl?

S1: She’s / He’s my?

Ss:Who’s this man / woman / boy / girl?

S1: She’s / He’s my?

Step2 : Presentation

1、 出示学校场景图,引导学生整体理解对话内容

T: Today is Open Day. The children and their families are at school. Who are they? Look at the picturee and listen to the tape.

Ss: 学生整体听录音初步理解课文内容

2. 从学生已知人物入手,引导学生带着了解未知人物的目的,听课文录音,进一步理解课文内容,理清人物关系。

T:(指着Mike)Who’s this boy? S1: He’s Mike.

T: (指着Yang Ling)Who’s that girl?

S2: She’s Yang Ling.

T: (指着Su Hai) And who’s this girl?

S3: She’s Su Hai.

T: (指着Su Yang) Is this Su Hai?

S4: No, she’s Su Yang.

T: Yes, they’re twins. (Teach‘twins’)

T: 继续出示课文中另外两个成年人物图 Who’s she? Who’s he?Let’s listen and match

Ss: 听录音,连线

T:Who is he?

Ss: (引导学生回答)He’s Mike’s uncle. Mike says:He’s my uncle.环节时,将人物图片贴在黑板上

3. 引导学生认识理解man, woman, boy, girl等词

T: Who are in the playground?

Ss: Mike, Yang Ling, ? (看着黑板一一复述)

T: I have some words here. Can you help them to find friends? (事先将单词也做好,让学生将单词及人物配对,Mike —— boy)

Step3 Consolidation

1. Read the dialogue after the tape

Read in role

Read in groups

Act out the story

2. 布置学生准备一些自己感兴趣的名人或卡通人物,小组之间讨论


1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.

2. Try to recite the dialogue.

3. Copy the new words.

4. Make the family tree(参照Fun time)

Unit 8 We’re twins

Who’s this / that …? boy girl man woman

He \She’s Mike Su Yang my uncle my aunt

篇二:Twins 女人味

Twins 女人味

















无论男女,在其成长的道路上,总有一个值得他去学习的对象,就算妒忌心再重亦然。对于万千宠爱在一身的阿娇来讲,究竟谁有这样的力量吸引她的注目呢?会不会像阿Sa说的那样,最美的女性,不是拥有外在的美,而是一份女人味,而这份魅力又是阿娇想得到的呢? “我想是张曼玉吧!那种由心而发放出来的女人味,是不需要装扮的,就算是穿一件很简单的衬衫,都能散发出其个人风格,不用多作装饰,散发出一种自然舒服的感觉。” 在阿娇的身上,能发现这份女人味吗?






篇三:Twins in Space

Twins in Space: An Unlikely Cosmic Experiment

NASA's Kelly brothers offer science a rare chance to study how space affects the body No one ever pretended outer space is a hospitable place. There’s the hard vacuum, the lethal cold and the ever-present risk of even a small meteor hit. And then there’s the way the human body seems to revolt at the very idea of being there.

No sooner do astronauts arrive in space than up to 40% of them begin throwing up. Most of them adjust soon enough, but they may continue to feel dizzy and fatigued all the same. There’s also back pain, calcium loss, muscle atrophy, nasal congestion, accelerated heart rate and increased blood pressure—all a result of the skeletal and circulatory systems

trying to adjust to zero gravity. Longer term damage may include distorted cell growth—also a result of zero-g—and DNA changes caused by cosmic radiation, leading to an increased risk of cancer and other diseases.

But how much of all that can you blame exclusively on space? Some people just have weaker bones than others; some are predisposed to hypertension or cancer. Separating heredity from environment isn’t easy even when the environment you’re talking about is a decidedly extreme one. Serendipity, however, has now provided a perfect way to begin investigating the mystery, in the form of Scott and Mark Kelly, identical twins who just happen to be astronauts.

The Kellys have already achieved national and even global renown—Mark for his four shuttle missions and his cumulative 54 days in space, not to mention his high-profile devotion to his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, as she continues to

recover from the 2011 assassination attempt that nearly took her life; and Scott for his two shuttle flights, including a six-month stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Mark has since retired from NASA, but Scott is still flying, set for a full-year aboard the ISS, beginning in March 2015. And that has provided NASA with an unprecedented opportunity to run a nifty experiment.

In anticipation of the time Scott will spend aloft, NASA’s Human Research Program—a division of the space agency that studies space biology and safety—has begun requesting ideas from biologists and other researchers for comparison tests that can be conducted on the two men, both during and after the year-long mission. The name of the

project—Differential Effects on Homozygous Twin Astronauts Associated with Differences in Exposure to Spaceflight Factors—is just the kind of scientific mouthful you’d expect, but it also frames perfectly just how valuable twins can be to scientists trying to understand the human body. The genetic software of identical twins matches perfectly, which means that most differences in how they age and the illnesses they do or don’t develop are attributable to environmental factors or life experiences. That makes the Kellys priceless lab subjects. “This is a once-in-a-space-program opportunity,” said John Charles, chief of the Human Research Program’s International Science Office, in a statement that accompanied the announcement of the project. “The mission of the HRP is to reduce the risk to astronauts during long-duration space flight. In typical investigations, we usually have a specific outcome in mind and are goal-oriented. In this case, the slate is essentially blank. I am anxious to see what proposals we receive from the scientific community.”


Some of the experiments are obvious. Blood samples will be taken of both men at the same intervals during the course of the year. Saliva samples and cheek swabs may be collected too and psychological and fitness tests may be conducted—though exactly what those last two will involve has yet to be determined. Follow-up tests after Scott comes home will be carried out as well—for years and perhaps even for the remainder of the brothers’ lives. The Kellys aren’t perfect subjects: the time Mark has already spent in space muddies the study up a little since he’s been exposed to the same exotic physical environment Scott has. The ideal subjects would be a twin who is flying in space and one who has never left the planet. But after Scott’s return he will have amassed 540 days in space, or precisely 10 times Mark’s total, which ought to be a big enough difference to give the findings real credibility.

Whatever results the study yields will have more than theoretical implications. A year in orbit seems like a lot, but it’s only a fraction of the time an eventual Mars trip would

take—with its outbound and inbound legs of at least eight months each, not to mention a long stay on the Martian surface. That mission, in turn, would be nothing compared to a long-imagined trip to Jupiter’s moon Europa, with its globe-girdling ocean that could be home to life. On the same day NASA announced the Kelly experiment, it also released a paper in the Journal Astrobiology, outlining the goals for a Europa mission.

Neither trip is coming in the near future; at the moment, NASA doesn’t even have a way to launch its own astronauts to low-Earth orbit. But for the U.S., China and other countries, deep space colonization does remain a long-term—if distant—goal. Making sure we can survive the trip is a vital first step.

Eurozone Turning a Corner as Recession Set to End

The recession that’s gripped the eurozone since late 2011 is likely over.

On Wednesday official data is expected to show that economic growth among the 17 countries that use the euro inched up 0.2 percent from April to June compared with the previous quarter.

The increase is slight. But it would end six straight quarters of a debilitating recession — the longest to afflict the single-currency bloc since its creation in 1999.

And it would represent an encouraging sign for other economies, including the United States, the world’s largest, as the eurozone is the world’s biggest trading bloc. Its recession had held back growth in the U.S., Japan and elsewhere because European consumers and businesses have spent less on goods from those nations. “Concerns about the eurozone were causing a lot of companies to put investment on hold,” said David Owen, chief European economist at Jefferies International.

The eurozone’s recession was a byproduct of the debt crisis that engulfed the currency union in 2010. The crisis forced debt-laden governments to impose painful cuts, spooked investors and raised doubts about the viability of the eurozone. Shrunken government


spending and higher taxes devastated living standards in much of the eurozone, slowed economies and drove the bloc’s unemployment rate to a record 12.1 percent.

The austerity programs embraced by the most troubled eurozone countries contrast with more expansionary efforts in the United States. The Federal Reserve has also been more active than the European Central Bank in helping the economy. It drove borrowing rates to record lows once the financial crisis erupted in 2008. Ultra-low U.S. rates helped boost stock prices and home sales. U.S. unemployment has dropped to 7.4 percent from 10 percent in late 2009 despite a subpar economic recovery.

In recent months, the picture has brightened in Europe as well as governments have shifted their focus away from debt reduction. Industrial production is rising. Consumer spending has stabilized. Exports have increased as key trade partners, including the United States and Japan, strengthen.

Confidence has also recovered as stock and bond markets have rallied. That’s partly due to the European Central Bank’s pledge a year ago to do “whatever it takes” to save the

currency union and its decision to cut its main interest rate to a record low of 0.5 percent. In Spain and Italy, for example, government borrowing rates have sunk in the past year, a sign of investor confidence. Analysts expect Wednesday’s figures to show improvement in both countries, though both are likely to have remained in recession.

Whatever growth is reported for the eurozone it is unlikely to be evenly spread out across the bloc. The strongest economy, Germany, is expected to post quarterly growth of 0.6 percent, thanks to its high-value exporters. Others continue to languish under the burden of austerity policies.

Unemployment remains at stunning highs in some countries — more than 26 percent in Greece and Spain, with youth unemployment of around 60 percent. Youth unemployment, in addition to hindering economic growth, is thought to contribute to crime and political extremism. “While welcome news, much of the return to growth is likely to be driven from Germany, which is likely to be cold comfort to countries like Spain, Italy and Greece

buckling under crippling levels of debt and unemployment,” said Michael Hewson, senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

Few economists think the indebted countries can start producing German-style levels of growth in the coming years. Burdens from expensive public financing and unemployment will likely continue to weigh on their economies.

Yet for many people, even a mild improvement is cause to celebrate, however tentatively, and a suggestion that the darkest days are in the past.


篇四:twins festival

Twins make up a small but absolutely normal part of our society. And a big gathering of twins from different ethnicities will increase understanding and harmony for all Chinese

When and where is the festival?

on the August 8th in Beidaihe

Who’s welcome? Am I too young/old? Can my friend/mom/spouse come too?

You and/or your kids are never too young or old to enjoy this event. Also, it‘s perfectly okay to bring your friends and family.

What about non-identical twins? My brother/sister and I look nothing alike!

Why yes! There are TONS of twins who are not identical at this festival. It may not show from all of the photographic evidence – people tend more often to take pictures of all of the ―doubles‖ – but there are a lot of non-identical sets every year, and they are equally welcome. What‘s really fun is when the brother/sister sets show up in identical clothing anyways. Sure, it‘s silly. But it‘s a great lot of fun (and it helps everyone else keep track of ―who‘s whose‖ twin)!

In short, if you‘re a kid from a multiple birth, then you are welcome!

Do we have to dress alike to attend?

No no no no no…… This is something many twins struggle with when considering coming. In the ―real world‖, there‘s nothing quite like that feeling of STANDING OUT in a crowd by looking exactly like (to untrained eyes) one another. Some can deal with that, and it can be kind of fun. Some twins simply HATE IT. But enhancing that feeling of standing out by dressing alike as well may feel like it‘s simply too much.

Imagine the surprising feeling, then, when you arrive at the festival and you stand out, for a change, by dressing differently rather than alike. If you discuss this with many of the twins while you are there, you‘ll learn that it is ―part of the festival‖ to dress up. Heck, there are even boy/girl twins who dress alike, just to show their common bond to any doubters who might say ―hey, you‘re not a twin!‖. Many sets don‘t normally dress alike. Some, though, enjoy dressing alike whenever they go out together. More power to ?em, I say. Wish I had that kind of confidence to stand out in public.

In short – no, you don‘t have to dress alike. But it sure can be fun to do this with over 5,000 other people at the same time!

What do you do when you’re there?

There‘s entertainment, arts & crafts booths, games/rides for the kids, a beer tent for the adults, a food court — but most people get the biggest kick simply from seeing and meeting all of the twins! Bring comfortable clothing; you‘ll do a lot of walking, and the weather is usually pretty cool that time of year in Beidaihe.

what's telepathy and how do you pick the Master of telepathy for the festival?

telepathy is a kind of communication. It means the direction communication of thoughts and feelings between people's minds, without the need to use speech, writing, or any other normal signals.

In this session, we'll invite groups of twins to participate the game, and we have prepared many questions to test them. we'll present the title to the best twins.





企宣,一个带有神秘色彩的特殊行业,是离艺人最近的一群人,艺人的大事小情全都略知一二。本期我们再次请到了天凯唱片的企宣文上兴GG,为我们讲讲Twins姐妹花的故事。 题记:出道五年,由活泼可爱的高中女生到现在的成熟小女人,一路上不知经历了多少风风雨雨。习惯镁光灯下的面孔,再看看镜头背后的她们,却发现有那么多动人的、有趣的故事。现在,我们不谈娱乐,就谈生活。她们就是我们心中永远的可爱女生——Twins。 阿Sa比阿娇大胆

在天凯唱片和英皇签约的那一刻起,我就知道和Twins又要见面了。“她们现在怎样了?是不是变得更可爱,更漂亮了?”这一连串的问题立刻从我脑海中跳出来。自2004年,在我以前的工作单位见到她们之后,这一别竟已过了2年。那时候,Twins和TVB电视台到我集团拍戏,正好是我负责接待她们。很清晰记得她们那时候的样子,因为刚出道不久,所以她们身边并不像现在有那么多“保镖”,也正因为这样,少了束缚,阿Sa和阿娇可以放得更开去玩。当获知要抱小老虎拍照时,她们都表现得异常兴奋,阿Sa更是咧着嘴大笑,还手舞足蹈:“终于可以抱抱小老虎了,超可爱!”而阿娇,虽然也很高兴,但胆子小,只敢远看,后来在工作人员的鼓励下,才敢动手摸摸小老虎的头。阿Sa就毫不客气地抱起老虎,像家里的宠物一样,从老虎的头到屁股一直抚摩,还给小老虎喂奶。小老虎也挺乖的,似乎和她们是老朋友一样,闭着眼睛享受这份宠爱。大概是心动了,阿娇最后也尝试一下抱抱老虎,结果也是爱不释手。 做艺人少了很多乐趣

这一次再看到Twins也是在广州。的确,两年的时间让人改变很多。第一眼看到她们的时候,她们比以前明显成熟了,由豆蔻年华的高中女生到现在的成熟小女人,感觉自然是不同。阿Sa和阿娇从保姆车一下来,就往休息室跑,倚在沙发上睡了,这几天内地的宣传活动,已经把她们累垮了。刚闭眼不久,就到彩排的时间,她们也被叫醒了,去更衣室换完表演服装,就直奔舞台。别看她们平时嘻嘻哈哈的,一走上舞台,完全是两个样,从调音到走位,都极其认真。我很惊讶她们刚才还累得不成样子,这时候却精神抖擞,倦态全无。闲聊中,阿Sa和阿娇也说出自己的心声:“其实做艺人挺辛苦的,我们是要为歌迷负责,无论我们怎么样,都不能在舞台上闹情绪,影响到歌迷,要以最好的状态来献给歌迷。”其实在和艺人一起生活的日子里,我也深有感触。艺人和一般人一样,只不过从艺是他们的职业而已,很多时候都是身不由己,职业的需要。“我多想和以前一样,在大街上吃东西,和同学、朋友毫无顾忌地尽兴地玩,现在从事这个职业,很多以前生活的乐趣和自由都没有了!”阿Sa很自然地说了这番心里话,最后也补充(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:twins)一句:“其实做艺人也有艺人的乐趣,比如,可以和更多的歌迷近距离接触,还有得到他们的喜爱。那是超级幸福的事!”言语之间,幸福小女生的神情尽写脸上。





后来小黄和我说:“我打算把这盒巧克力珍藏了!”接着他又说:“Twins是我保镖这么多大牌艺人中最舒服、最开心的人之一,她们年纪还很小,很可爱,没有什么大明星架子,又很好玩!”这样评价Twins的不仅是小黄一个,包括喜欢她们的歌迷、工作人员,都觉得她们比较平易近人,从不乱发脾气,很容易相处,她们的经纪人也觉得带她们是最舒服的。 Twins理财也很厉害




精打细算的Twins身为当红的星星,加上良好的形像,Twins自然受到各品牌商的追捧,各种代言人广告的定单接到手软,所以,看到的阿Sa和阿娇,从头到脚都是有人赞助的。作为代言人的好处就是——有用不完的免费产品,这可省了一大笔花费。阿Sa“大言不惭”地说:“最好是全身上下,从吃的到走的、穿的、住的都有人赞助啦!”这一番话可见阿Sa的如意算盘打得不错,而阿娇还是像以往一样——少言,好像阿Sa已经成了她的代言人。 阿Sa和阿娇其实就是一对







其他人一般都叫Twins阿Sa和阿娇,但她们却不是这样互叫,阿Sa叫阿娇Gillian,阿娇叫阿Sa为Charlene,她们说这样叫比较顺口。对于她们来说,怎么样叫并不是很重要,最主要的是能和谐相处。在她们宣传专辑《八十块环游世界》时,阿Sa说:“其实我什么地方都想去,不过现在我最想去欧洲,因为没去过,大部分去的地方都是东南亚,其实很想公司也可以安排我们去欧洲的,那边的机票贵,如果去那边工作,可能就不用付钱,然后饭店也是他们提供!”阿娇只是说:“我只希望去马尔代夫,因为听说那里50年后就会沉没!”说完,眼睛有点忧伤。或者年轻的心总带点忧伤,镜头背后的她们,并不像屏幕上那样快乐,也像平常人一样,有笑,有哭,有烦恼。像她们,公司每年会安排五天固定的假期给她们,也就是在过年的时候,她们也和我们一样,要工作,只不过她们的职业特殊一点而已,甚至有时候我觉得我?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人切腋#梢运烈夥湃巫约旱母星椋侨床荒埽蛭鞘且杖耍?/p>单元作文