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武鸣县实验学校41班 曾凯霄









篇二:灵湖的荷塘 许馨予


大洋小学 三年级 许馨予







范文一:今年,我市城区颁布节日期间禁燃烟花爆竹的禁令。你随机调查了你校50名同学关于是否应该禁放烟花爆竹(whether to ban fireworks)(结果见下面图表)。请你就此用英语写篇短文,在英语课上进行汇报,并谈谈你的看法和建议。

I have recently made a survey on whether to ban fireworks or not during the festival. Hare are the results.

Most students don’t think we should set off fireworks during the festivals. Setting off fireworks makes a lot of noise. Also, it brings us air pollution and lots of rubbish. So the cleaners will spend more time cleaning them up. What’s more, it’s dangerous for children to set off the fireworks. And it may cause fire if we are not careful.

However, some students disagree with them. Because setting off fireworks during the festival is a tradition in China. People set off the fireworks to celebrate the festival. And it can increase the festival atmosphere(气氛) and bring happiness to people.

In my opinion, we shouldn’t set off the fireworks. We could set off the electric fireworks instead. It is green and safe although it still makes noise. 范文二:


The students of our class have different ideas about whether we ask teachers for help with homework problems. Those who prefer to ask teachers for help think that teachers can explain clearly, and it will be a good chance to communicate with teachers. However, some disagree. On one hand, they are too shy to ask teachers for help. On the other hand, they are afraid to be laughed at by others.

结尾一:As for me, I would like to ask teachers for help. I can get more ways for my study. It is easier to solve the problems with their help, and I can save more time in homework. Teachers can help me a lot.

结尾二:As for me, I wouldn’t like to ask teachers for help, because they are too busy, so I don’t want to bother them. And I think searching online for the answers is a good way as well. It’s easy and saves time.



Doing our part

In the picture, I can see a boy dropping litter outside the trash bin. Around the trash bin there is much trash. It makes the ground really dirty.

As middle school students, we are supposed to make our school more beautiful. We should not drop litter in or out of school, nor waste food while eating in the dining room, and not use the plastic bags any more. It is really a good idea to reuse the things like paper and bottles.

In a word, if everyone can do his part, we can make a difference to our school.(关于校园文明)

(99 words)


Mother Stops Him

Here is a picture from a news report. In the picture, we can see three people. And old woman is

lying on the ground. A boy is trying to lift her up, but his mother stops him at once. “Don’t do that! Others may think it’s you who have knocked her down,” she says.

In my opinion, what the mother does is not right. And it will have a bad influence on her child. Instead, a mother should encourage her child to help others. What’s worse, the old woman might feel worse or even lose her life unless somebody takes her to the hospital in time.

I hope it won’t happen again. Let’s trust each other and help anyone in trouble.


What Controls Him?

From the picture, we can see that a young student is still surfing the Internet in bed although it is past midnight. He is really controlled by the iPad. Without doubt, he will get less sleep. And it is bad for his health and study.

I think teenagers should make good use of electric products like mobile phones and computers. We can’t be controlled by them. Instead, we can use them properly to help with our study and our life. Also, we have to control the surfing time. We can’t surf the Internet on schooldays. And we should pay attention to the schoolwork first before using the Internet.(关于学生上网的话题)


Nowadays some students were criticized because of cheat. In/From the picture, we can see some

students copying the answers from others while some are doing by themselves.

They do like that because they want to get good grades without effort. Meanwhile more/Moreover, some are under so much pressure that they are afraid of failing in the exam.

However, we should realize that cheating in exams has a bad influence on our study. The future is full of sharp competition and any success achieved by cheating won’t last long.

In my opinion, we should make an effort to get good grades. In addition, we should be honest at

any time.(关于学生考试作弊的话题)


我们的家乡临海是一座古老而美丽的小城,有风景秀丽的灵湖,有千年历史的紫阳古街。但近几年我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染等问题越来越严重。假如你是Wang Xi, 请根据下

long history. There are many interesting places in Linhai, such as Linhu Park, Ziyang Street and so on. Recently, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. The water is badly polluted. We can see that Linhu is not as clear as a few years ago. And some citizens litter everywhere. I think what they do is bad for the environment. In addition, more and more people drive cars to work, which causes air pollution.

In order to deal with these problems, I think the government should close down some factories which pour waste water into the river or lake. It can also put more dustbins in public. What’s more, everyone should play a part in protecting the environment. It’s our duty. Yours faithfully,

Wang Xi



B. 81. 2013年,湖南卫视明星亲子真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》连续十期收视夺魁,并问鼎年度上星频道中收视最高的季播节目。你班同学也非常喜欢看,并关于“什么样的爸爸才是好爸爸”展开了讨论,请你根据下面的表格提示,用英语简要的介绍并表明你自己的观点。

The other day, we had a discussion about what kind of father is a good father. Most students think a good father can make friends with kids, play with them and make them happy every day. Some of us agree that the father should be strict with his kids. When they make mistakes, he criticize them help them make progress (取得进步). A small number of students think that a good father should take good care of his kids, so they can depend on their fathers.

from them and live with them happily.


My View on Cheating in Exam(考试作弊观)

As students, we all want to get good grades in exams, which requires(要求) us trying our best

to work hard. However, some students do not work hard but they still expect good grades. Therefore(因此), some of them choose to cheat in exams. I don’t think it’s a good way. Firstly, it’s not right to cheat, which is a personal quality problem. Secondly, grades do not mean everything. Although you get good grades by cheating, you can’t get the knowledge. Finally, cheating will have a

bad influence on you. Teachers and students may look down(瞧不起) on you. Therefore, I don’t agree to cheat in exams. We should be honest.




对学校或学生的建议: .......(至少两点)

At present, many students don’t do any reading after class. Here are several reasons.

First of all, quite a lot of students have too much homework. Still, others haven’t formed(形成,

养成) a habit of reading. They would rather spend their spare time on TV or on the Internet (They would rather spend their spare time watching TV or surfing the Internet. ). In fact, reading has many

advantages. Through reading, we can learn more about the world. Besides, it can help us think better. Last but not least(最后,但并不是不重要) , reading can make our life more colorful.

Here are my suggestions. For one thing(一方面), teachers are supposed to give us less

homework so that we can have more time to read. For another thing(另一方面), it’s a good idea to start reading clubs and learn from each other.


A56.His father's ____________ made his life more difficult.

57. If you work hard, you will____________

58.At last I had a ____________to take part in the English speech contest .

59.Mr.Chen, our head teacher, was ____________ by a reporter from Wenzhou TV Station yesterday

60. We all hate the man____________.


I am a middle school student. I used to spend too much time ___61___(闲聊) on line at night. The next day, I often felt. ___62__(困倦的) in class, and I couldn’t .___63__(回答) correctly to the teachers when they asked me questions. I made lots of ____64__(错误) in the tests. I didn’t know the ___65__(重要) of studying hard. And my mother always ___66__(担心) about my school. At ___67___ (现在) I have ___68___(认识到) that it’s silly of me to do that. I listen carefully in class and do my homework___69___(小心地) every day. At night I read some books after finishing the homework to be knowledgeable。I have good grades now. I will be more careful and ___70___(耐心)。 My mother and my teachers are very impressed.

五、词汇运用(本题共15小题, 每小题1分,共计15分)

篇四:2012高考语文总复习 考场作文资料 湖泊素材




【运用思路】 人生应该像大海一样去奋斗、去搏击,去创造自己的辉煌。



很久以前,泸沽湖本不是湖,而是一个牧场。有个哑巴女人帮人放牲口,放到永宁狮子山脚的岩子下,看见大岩缝里卡着一条大鱼。她饿了,就割了一块鱼背上的肉烤来吃,吃了依旧去放牲口。过了一会再转过来,见鱼背上肉已经长好,她很高兴,就带了个罗锅,天天到这儿割一块肉吃,吃得红红胖胖。旁人见她的罗锅很油,心里奇怪:这个穷哑巴天天带罗锅煮什么悄悄地跟了去,发现了秘密。他们贪心,不像哑女人一样只割一块肉,而 是想把鱼整个拉出来。几个人拉,拉不动。他们找来9架18条牛,套上牛皮索子拉。轰的一声,鱼拖出来了,鱼堵住的水也涌了出赤。淹去了9个大村子。只有一个喂猪的老妈妈跳进猪槽里才逃了生。

















蒋子莹 “去灵湖玩了,好!太好了…….”呀!





























