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篇一:英语作文Love Story

Love Story

The first meet

From the man:

The autumn arrived, every tree was covered by red maple leaves. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. This was normal to me because every year was like this. But you, a beautiful angle, broke into my world. My heaven lighted suddenly. Are you another part of me?

The second meet

From the woman:

I couldn’t say how delighted I was when I met you again. These days I always remembered you. I intentionally slowed down my speed and carefully observed when I washed your hair. Your bushy eyebrows, your straight nose, and your handsome face … I touched your eyes with my soapy hands beyond my control. My boss blamed me but you just smiled to me. I wanted to say sorry but was speechless when you looked at me. I felt very nervous. What happened to me?

The third meet

From the man:

As the saying goes that the first time is accidental, second is necessity only, third time is to decreed by fate. I kept you when you came to return my cap which I lost in the barbershop on purpose. I thought I was the happiest man in the world when I took photos for you. From that moment, I was falling in love with you.

The love days

From the woman:

My life changed because of you. I like you to take photos for me. I like your faithful eyes. Only from your eyes could I find different myself. I secretly pasted our photos together. Can you feel my heart?


From the man:

If time can come again, I will certainly not let you to take it. If time can come again, I hope it was me to get hurt. If time can come again, I will do my best to protect you. If time can come again...Doctor told me you might be blind. I don’t believe that! Photographing, racing car are meaningless without you! Darling, please, promise me, you are OK, you will be fine…

From the woman:

I never saw you when I opened me eyes again. You took your pictures down off the wall. And I knew that you left my world. I did not blame you. I was just sad at our short love. I pretended I was OK. But I knew I would never be myself again.

Unexpected meet

From the woman:

I received a magazine with my photo. And I found you. Suddenly, tears endlessly streaming from my eyes. Why did you devote to me? Why were you so stupid?

The truth

From the man:

I decided to give my corneas to you. That’s the only thing I can do for you. Please forgive me leaving your world. I can’t take care of you any long. Forget me to find better man. Promise me that you will be happy. Goodbye, my love…


From the woman:

This time, let me be your eyes forever…O(∩_∩)O~

篇二:Love story绝美翻译

Love story绝美翻译

-------BY 叶落寞寞

We were both young when I first saw you 初次邂逅我们都很青涩

I close my eyes and the flashback starts 微阖双眼镜头开始回闪

I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air 夏风微醺我正凭栏凝思

See the lights,see the party, the ball gowns 眼见灯火阑珊,美女如云,

See you make your way through the crowd 惊鸿一瞥你已穿过茫茫人海

And say hello,little did I know


That you were Romeo


You were throwing pebbles


And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 父亲却示意你我并不般配

And I was crying on the staircase


Begging you please don’t go


And I said


Romeo ,take me somewhere we can be alone* 罗密欧,偕我去一个相濡以沫之地

I’ll be waiting,all there’s left to do is run * 我会遥望等待,因为重获自由的方法只有离开 You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess * 你会是王子,而我将成为公主

It’s a love story,baby,just say yes *

这是一段爱情佳话,让我们执子之手并与子偕老 So I sneak out to the garden to see you 悄悄溜到花园只为见一眼朝思暮想的你

We kept quiet cause we’re dead if they knew 彼此静默不语只因一旦被人察觉,后果无法想象 So close your eyes ,


escape this town for a little while



Cause you were Romeo


I was a scarlet letter


And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我的父亲依旧反对我们的爱情

But you were everything to me


I was begging you please don’t go


And I said



Romeo,save me ,


they’re trying to tell me how to feel


This love is difficult,but it’s real

这段爱情注定艰辛不易,但却毅然决然的存在 Don’t be afraid ,we’ll make it out of this mess 无需害怕担心,我们的爱情可跨越千山万水的阻碍 It’s a love story ,baby ,just say yes

天下有情人终成眷属,让我们生生世世不再分离 I got tired of waiting,


wondering if you were ever coming around 思索你是否会如期出现

My faith in you was fading


When I met you on the outskirts of town 而这一切当我在小镇的郊外与你相遇时

And I said


Romeo,save me,I’ve been feeling so alone 罗密欧,解开我心灵的枷锁,孤独的感觉挥之不去 I keep waiting for you but you never come 等待你使我夜不能寐而你也杳然无踪

Is this in my head ,I don’t know what to think 脑海茫然一片只因你现在的出现,这是真的吗

He knelt to the ground and pulled out the ring 单膝跪地并拿出钻戒的你

And I said


Marry me,Juliet,you’ll never have to be alone 朱丽叶,我会守护你,不让你再感到孤单 I love you and that’s all I really know


I talked to your dad,you’ll pick out a white dress 真爱和我的表现使你父亲赞悦,


It’s a love story ,baby ,just say yes

这是一曲爱的乐章,亲爱的,让我们一起谱写 Oh,oh,oh

We were both young when I first saw you 我们的初次见面在彼此最美好的年华里

篇三:英语作文Love is a miracle

Love is a miracle

Love , one abstract thing, which no one can explain it all-around. It is a feeling, a taste, one kind of beautiful reaction beyond the worldly reality. Love is classified into several parts. Many people have said, love is an enomourous power, which can hold the hardest burden. That is true. I believe love is a miracle, all the time.

When it comes to the question, different people hold different opinion based on his or hers experience. Following is my own story and feelings. As a youngster, it is common for us university students to seek our lovers. First of all, we should ask ourselves what we want from love before the journey of love, you and your Miss right or Mr. right are supposed to think alike, have the right personality. Then we will have a strong mind to stay with the right person forever.

Love is blind, it can make people become crazy or peaceful with any reasons, while , in the world, no other things can do the same. When you quarrel with , even break up with the one you loved, then you are hurt deeply, in the contrast, you will feel sweet like a child .

Love is na?ve, too simple, too na?ve. “Just as the moment you fall in love with someone, your IQ will be decreasing. ” That just is kidding, but we will do more sentimental things, without control. Of course, love will make us a much braver person, because the happiness we get from love will support us. We don’t fear things, because we believe there is always

someone backing up me.

Love is believing. One day, no one trust in me, I know my parents will not. They inspire me to stick to my dream in despair of what others say. Love is accompanying. You don’t fear that they will abandon you, they will never leave you alone offering an important sense so-called safety. Love is forgiving. The eyes of lovers cannot be stuffed with seeds, they trust each other totally. While in the reality, one does something wrong, then the other will choose forgive because of the true love. This condition usually happens between children and parents.

No matter what love is, it exists around us, with your parents, your lover, your best friends, from birth to death. There are so many moved and fantastic stories happening everday.

All in all, love can produce miracle, because love is a miracle itself, it cannot be taken place of. I hope anyone can catch the happiness belonging to him.

篇四:英语作文If love is there

If love is there

I have seen the film,"The classic", was moved to tears several times, do not know why, I now because of the film to believe there's love, my feeling is such a film, can let a person in love resonates, love, really need to fate .

The heroine in drama society actor. But because the friend 's sake, managed to escape his fate is more, they will be pulled closer. One day she tidy up the room, I found a mysterious box, inside with her mother's memories of first love. She found her love story with her experience has cleverly similar. All kinds of coincidence makes her to the actor 's favor increasing. Although she was friends intend to completely forget the reason Shang Min, but all the tests confirmed her the feeling is right. She finished her mother's story, the side he couldn't hold back my tears, he is the first son of mother.

When the sun shines on the sea, I miss you, when dim moonlight on the spring, I miss you. I like this sentence, this movie, because it explains the romantic.

篇五:a sad love story

Module 3 Unit1 Festivals around the world

Reading and writing : A Sad Love Story

设计思想:这是一篇优美生动的爱情故事,主要讲述发生在情人节的一个伤心的爱情故事,故事中又穿插一个“乞巧节”的故事。阅读活动宜于从整体入手,由易到难,步步推进,层层深入。一是内容导入和读前相关知识铺垫:用音乐导入,让学生在审美感受中兴趣盎然地进入本节课内容。为进一步了解西方的情人节和中国的乞巧节,先让学生开口说说已知的相关内容。二是浏览课文从整体入手先解决简单问题:让学生探明这篇文章的体裁,主要涉及了几个爱情故事,分别关于谁和谁。三是仔细读课文,根据故事发展的几个阶段来填表格,完成此任务也利于锻炼学生获取主要信息及抓住主线的能力。四是自主学习语言要点:先发现自己认为有用的词组及句型,再说出意思让对方组的成员以抢答的形式找出文中的答案,进而积累,为运用打好基础。五是理解的主要情节跨越了语言障碍后,再听课文,通过回答问题对主题和细节有更深入的把握,并通过相关诗句来延伸主题丰富语言积累。六写作任务,通过讨论,充分发挥想象力,根据有关审题和构思的方法点拨,给课文续写一个结尾。总之,在课堂教学中,学生应该紧跟老师所设计的教学环节,用心学习速读和细读技巧,努力提高查找﹑分析﹑处理信息的能力。积极参与各项活动,展现自己的智慧,并提高团队协作能力。在整个教学活动中,学生要充分调动各个感官参与其中,进行听、说、读、写训练,实现积极主动地学习。 教材分析:这篇课文通过李芳和胡谨在情人节的故事引出了中国


学情分析: 1.爱情是个很美好的话题,这篇课文的内容对学生有着很大的吸引力,也易于让他们把语言文化学习和生活实际联系起来。2.学生具备一定的阅读理解能力,但在有限的时间内查找特定的信息和分析处理的能力还有待提高;学生具备一定的写作能力,但仍需提醒他们写作时得注意事项。3.本篇课文情节简单,层次分明,语言障碍较少,所以学生在理解方面不会有太大问题。


1. 知识与技能目标

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:love,story英语作文)

At the end of the class, the majority of the learners should be able to

1.) Enrich their expressions and knowledge about festivals.

2)Understand the content of the text.

3.) Master the language points in this period.

4.) Write a happy or sad ending to the story.

2. 过程与方法目标

1.)Talk about something to do with Valentine’s Day and Qiqiao festival .

2.)Be clear about the plot of the two stories .

3.) Understand the main idea through answering questions .

4.) Write a happy or sad ending to the story

3. 情感态度与价值观目标

Learn to compare the festivals in China and in western countries and to know that people in different countries and in different times may celebrate similar festivals in different ways.


1. Let the students accumulate and try to use the important expressions and sentences in this part.

2. Enable the students to read and understand the passage

3. Enable the students to discuss and write a happy or sad ending to the story


1.How to help the students to comprehend the text thoroughly

2. How to help the students to learn by themselves by reading and writing.


Step1 leading in

1.Listen to music LiangShanbo and ZhuYingtai . Find a festival that fits it best.

Valentine’s Day .

2.Then do we Chinese have our own Vlentine’s Day ? What’s it ? Yes,it’s Qiqiao Festival


Step2 Warming up

1. Talk about something to do with Valentine’s Day and Qiqiao



Step3 Fast reading

Skim the passage quickly and answer questions.

1. What is the writing style of the passage? Narration(记叙文)

argumentation(议论文) or exposition(说明文) ?


2. How many stories are mentioned in the passage? Who are they

talking about?

Two: one is between Li Fang and Hu Jin, the other is between Niulang and Zhinv.


Step4 Detailed reading

Read the text carefully and identify the structure of a narrative story.
