作业帮 > 作文素材 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 09:25:39 作文素材

篇一:少儿英语歌曲 One two three four five

One two three four five, once I caught a fish alive, six seven eight nine ten, then I let it go again. Why did you let it go,

because it bit my finger so, Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right. One two three four five, once I caught a fish alive, six seven eight nine ten, then I let it go again. Why did you let it go,

because it bit my finger so, Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

篇二:One Two One Two Three Go

One Two One Two Three Go



作词:胖胖三/张胜丰 作曲:徐光义 编曲:黄冠豪 我的朋友 快一起出发

彩虹出现 快乐Open啦

不要害怕 一起跟着我呀

Open Open Your Dream 希望无限大

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 KaMiSaMa

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 KaMiSaMa

Oh Oh Oh Open 你的双手

Oh Oh Oh 快和我一起动

乌鸦飞过 头痛 下雨天 难过


扭一扭 转动 拍拍手 加油

大步迈开 向前走

快点拿起 魔法棒

朝天空 划破

下雨天 会不见 彩虹出现了

扭一扭 摆动 拍拍手 加油

Open Your Dream Dreams Come Ture

Oh Oh Oh (Oh Open) Oh Oh Oh

我的朋友 快一起出发

彩虹出现 快乐Open啦

不要害怕 一起跟着我呀

Open Open Your Dream 希望无限大

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 KaMiSaMa

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 KaMiSaMa

Oh Oh Oh Open 你的双手

Oh Oh Oh 快和我一起动

挥挥你的 双手 把烦恼 甩走

笑一笑 没什么大不了的

扭一扭 转动 拍拍手 加油

大步迈开 向前走

彩虹就要 出现 别害怕磨练

魔法棒 让梦想 全部实现

扭一扭 摆动 拍拍手 加油

Open Your Dream Dreams Come Ture

Oh Oh Oh (Oh Open) Oh Oh Oh

我的朋友 快一起出发

彩虹出现 快乐Open啦

不要害怕 一起跟着我呀

Open Open Your Dream 希望无限大 我的朋友 快一起出发

彩虹出现 快乐Open啦

不要害怕 一起跟着我呀

one two three go舞曲

Open Open Your Dream 希望无限大 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 KaMiSaMa

乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 乌嘎嘎 KaMiSaMa


课堂用语及肢体语言 规范语言,表扬用语,作为一名英语老师,要做到全英文教学,因为这样可以一种语言环境,而且还可以锻炼学生的听力。

1. class begin

2. listen to me carefully

3. repeat after me / read

4. follow me

5. Exchange

6. Are you ready?

7. speak loudly,ok?

8. come here. Go back

9. come on

10. let’s play a game ,ok?

11. everybody here, stand up.

12. look at me

13. who would like to have a try?

14. try it again. Let me try.

15. It’s your turn.

16. let’s read it. One by one group by group line by line

17. one two three go

18. one more time

19. show me your hands

20. when I say hello everybody you should say hello

21. let’s sing a song.

22. Music please.

23. I need give you power.

24. open your books

25. class is over


1. keep quiet

2. stop

3. freeze

4. attention one two three

5. one two three, eyes on me four five six ,hands on knees.


1. good

2. very good

3. Excellent

4. you are very clever.

5. well done.

6. terrific! row by row

7. smare cute clever boy – girl.

8. wonderful.wonderful 棒棒棒

9. good good very good.

10. very very cool.

11. give me five.give me ten.

12. you did a good job.

13. you,really,really,really,did a good job.

14. hey ,hey ,great. Hey hey hey great.

15. oh.oh,super 转

16. winner winner go go go



1. 激发学习情绪

2. 缓解学生的压力 增进师生互动

3. 调整教学节奏和课堂氛围

4. 培养学生音乐智能,活动智能,语言智能,空间智能,逻辑智能。


篇四:Lesson8 One Two Three

Lesson8 One Two Three 教学目标:1. 1、2、3的练习,让孩子练习用英文数数

2.Stand up, sit down的练习


2. two,three的发音

课前准备:闪卡,磁带,大娃娃一个, 纸棒子,三个积木,课本 课时安排:两课时



一、 暖场活动: 3分钟

1. 和小朋友互道早安,鼓励小朋友回答。

2. 复习lulala歌曲。

3. 请出大娃娃,演示stand up和sit down,并让小朋友一起做和说

二、 单词活动:地板活动, 5分钟

1. 伸出食指并念出one,请孩子一起做,出示闪卡,同理教出two和three。数次

2. 鼓励孩子数数教室物品

3. 用动作表示one,two,three。鼓励孩子回答

三、 课文活动:地板及站立活动 3分钟

1. 教师用踏脚方式,让孩子跟着做和并用英语说出来

2. 将课本动作带出,让孩子跟着念并学动作

四、 歌曲加舞蹈:站立活动 3分钟


五、 复习活动 3分钟


六、 结束活动 3分钟

1. 带孩子再念一遍课文

2. 提醒孩子回家听录音,并练习

3. 唱one,two,three歌曲,结束课程




1. (A) Hi, I’m Pam. What’s your name?

(B) I’m Pluto. I’m Pluto. How old are you?

(A) I’m ten. How about you?

(B) I’m nine.

2. Come together and say hello. It’s so good to see you!

Go away and say good-bye. We’ll meet again soon.

3. Good morning to you

Good morning to you

We are all in our places with sun shinning faces

Good morning to you

Good morning to you

4. Hello, . Hello, police officer.

How are you? How are you?

I’m fine, thank you; I’m fine, thank you.

How are you? How are you? B: 热身类

1. Raise your arms. Stretch, stretch.

Raise your legs. Run, run.

Twist your shoulders. Twist, twist.

Bend your knees.Bend, bend.

Touch your toes.One, two.

2. Round round garden

Like a Teddy Bear

One step Two steps

Tick you under there

3. Wiggle wiggle wiggle

Shake shake shake

Roll roll roll

Fingers run away

4. Nod your head,yes yes yes

Shake your head,no no no

Raise your hand,one two three

Look at him,look at her

Very good.Now do it again

C: 课堂管理类


1. Is Joy here today? (2) Hello, teacher! (2) I’m here today.

2. Where is …? Do you know? …is here. Yes, yes, yes.

Where is …? Do you know? …is not here. No, no, no.


1. Peek,peek,peek a boo.

Peek,peek,I can see.

2. Kids kids kids,look at me

Kids kids kids,show me you teeth

Kids kids kids,one two three

Kids kids kids,go back to your seat

3. Green light,green light

Go go go!

Yellow light,yellow light


Red light,red light


4. Fight,fight,no,no,no

5. Peter,Peter,go away,come again some other day.

I don’t want to play with you.

6. One potato,two potatoes

Three potatoes,four

Five potatoes,six potatoes

Seven potatoes,more

7. Found a peanut, found a peanut. Found a peanut just now.

Just now I found a peanut. Found a peanut just now. (Repeat once)

8. Eeny meeny miny moe,

catch the tiger by the toe.

If he hollers, let him go.

Eeny meeny miny moe. (Chant)

9. Up,up,up,pick an apple,down,down,down


1. Goodbye my friends, I’ll see you again.

Goodbye my friends, I’ll see you very soon. (Repeat twice)

Goodbye goodbye sayonara. (Repeat 4 times)

2. Bong ca ca. Time is up! Hu la la. We are free. Good-bye!

3. Clean up,clean up.

It's time to go!

Put away your pencils,

Put away your books.

Take your book bags,too!

4. Goodbye cC,goodgye cC

Goodbye cC,so long

See you again,see you again

See you again next time.

D: 教学类


I like food

I like bananas, cookies and oranges, tomatoes, hot dogs and sandwiches, hamburgers, lettuce, bread and carrots. Yummy, yummy, I like to eat.


1. Mr. Thumb, Oh, Mr. Thumb. One two three four, move again. We shall move around and dance happily.


2. Under, above, in and on, in and on, in and on.

Under, above, in and on, in front of and behind.

3. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are gray.

You never know, dear, how much I love you.

Please don’ t take my sunshine away!

4. Small circle, small circle, Small circle, big circle.

This is mama. This is papa. Waving goodbye.

5. Six times six, six times six, thirty-six.

Six times six, six times six is many. Teddy bear!


1. Point to the window, point to the door…

Point to Judy,I remember her.

2. 1 finger 1 finger, turn turn turn

Turn to a mouse, squeak squeak squeak

2 fingers 2 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump 3 fingers 3 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a cat, miaow miaow miaow

4 fingers 4 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a dog, woof woof woof

5 fingers 5 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a tiger, roar roar roar

6 fingers six fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a cow, moo moo moo

7 fingers 7 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a snake, hiss hiss hiss

8 fingers 8 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a gun,bang bang bang

9 fingers 9 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a sheep, bleats bleats bleats

10 fingers 10 fingers, turn turn turn

Turn to a tiger, roar roar roar

3. Bear,bear,what can you see?

I see a panda looking at me.

Panda,panda,what can you see?

I see a ......

4. Sunday,la la la

Monday,la la la

Tuesday,la la la


La la la,Friday

La la la,Saturday

That makes a week.

5. Red is color of tomamo,

Yellow is color of banana,

Green is color of frogy,

Blue is color of sky and sea.

We are,we are happy!

6. Look at me, what can you see?

Black hair, two brown eyes,

one nose, two ears.

I can see me! Yeah,yeah,yeah!


1. Happy new year,happy new year.

Happy new year to you all.

We are singing,we are dancing.

Happy new year to you all.

2. Trick or treat, trick or treat

Give me something good to eat,

Thank you thank you,

Thank you for the treat.


Who is wearing yellow today?

Yellow today,yellow today.

Jack is wearing yellow today,

Yellow today,yellow today

Jack is wearing yellow today,

Yellow today.
