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A few years ago when I was 18, I was dating a girl from Edinburgh. Now this place has quite a lot of history so ghost tours are common but one stands out as being famous due to the fact that it has an extremely well documented case of a poltergeist called the Mackenzie Poltergeist. After having read the book written by the founder of the City Of The Dead tour I was really looking forward to going on it.


The tour starts off by taking you around Edinburgh and telling you stories of certain parts, but it all kicks off when they take you into a place called the covenanters prison. In this small cemetery is the Black Mausoleum where the poltergeist is. Many people have felt cold spots in this tomb and have left the tour only for c


uts and welts to appear later. Part of the tour is for all of the participants to be locked in the tiny mausoleum for ten minutes. Now while I was in there I felt things touching me and heard scratching noises on the walls and ceiling of this sandstone tomb. While this wouldn't be uncommon, what happened to me after I left that still scares me.

在旅游开始时,他们会带着你绕着爱丁堡转转,向你介绍一些景点。只有当他们将你带入一个叫做“神圣盟约监狱”的时候,旅游才算真正开始,这是一块面积不大的墓地,这里有一个叫做“黑陵”的坟墓,里面就住着那个闹鬼。在坟墓里,许多人都会感到阴森森的,里面的磕磕绊绊也往往吓得他们提前结束游程。在游览中有一部分内容是把游客关在一个很小的墓穴里,让他们在里面呆十分钟。当我被关在这座用砂岩砌成的墓穴时,感觉到有什么东西一直在碰着我, 并且还听到在穴壁和顶部有“唰唰”的擦划声。如果这还算是正常的话,那么在我走后所发生的事情至今还让我心有余悸。

After enjoying the whole thing I left the graveyard to return home to the flat but as I was exiting the cemetery I felt something come with me, a heavy kind of feeling, as if there was something on my back but not physically. This continued all the way home which was quite a long walk. When we got there we were the only two in the house, save for the cats, or so we thought. It wasn't long before I felt something in the house with us, like the presence of a man standing in the kitchen. I'm quite sensitive to these things so I knew it wasn't my imagination.


Making my way towards the kitchen, carrying the cat because the girl wouldn't come with me, I stepped into the hall. Now the one thing you should know about this house is that it always like a furnace, but the cold spot in the hall actually took my breath away, it was freezing! I refused to go any further and went back to the bedroom to sit with the girl. The scary thing was that she isn't very sensitive to things like this but she described to me something she felt standing in the hall and it matched the description of the man I felt in the kitchen. This scared the utter hell out of me because what I felt was a tall man, with long greasy hair but I couldn't make out his face.



To this day I still have no idea what followed me home but I was terrified and I'd rather not find out.


更多精彩英语: 必克英语


There was an old woman who lived all by herself, and she was very lonely. Sitting in the kitchen one night, she said, "Oh, I wish I had some company."

No sooner had she spoken than down the chimney tumbled two feet from which the flesh had rotted. The old woman's eyes bulged with terror.

Then two legs dropped to the hearth and attached themselves to the feet. Then a body tumbled down, then two arms, and a man's head.

As the old woman watched, the parts came together into a great, tall man. The man danced around and around the room. Faster and faster he went. Then he stopped, and he looked into her eyes.

"What do you come for?" she asked in a small voice that shivered and shook. "What do I come for?" he said. "I come for YOU!"

(The narrator shouts and jumps at the person near him!)








A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements. It was really nice, not one of those mass produced plastic things, it was made of wood and had intricate carvings all around its base, like moons and stars and other cosmic stuff, I don't really remember it that well except they were very detailed and looked hand carved. We didn't think much of it at the time because we were black widow hunting (not one of our smarter ideas, but it was a rush when we found one). I'd also like to say that we don't drink, do drugs, or anything that would mess with your mind like that. Day turned to night and we had given up our hunt and started playing X-Box. We got bored shortly after. So one of my friends decided to go the board.


When he brought it back I swear it had grown at least a foot in all directions from the last time I saw it (not important, it just intrigued me). Anyway we went on to ask it stuff and nothing happened, so my other friend went to his computer and looked up some ancient druid chant to open some vortex thing.


I don't know the specifics; no one else went with him. All he did was print out what we were supposed to say, it was mostly just weird word combinations and a few summoning phrases I can't remember. This was almost a year ago, I do remember feeling pretty silly going through with it. This I remember clearly though, the same friend who got the paper all of a sudden asks for it to give us a sign. Of all the stupid things to do... well I was very upset with him, but he defended himself by saying that's what the site told him to do. As it turns out it said not to ask for a sign or anything else like that. It even put it in all caps and bolded, too.


Well after that he was pretty embarrassed, but nothing happened for about a half hour. So we just gave up ghosts for the night (our attention spans couldn't handle nothing happening for that long). Later we got back on the X-Box and started playing, I think it was Halo when we heard my friend's parents get home, it was about 9 pm, about an hour early. So he decided to go into the garage and jump out when they got out of the car. Well he waited about 10 minutes just sitting there before he decided to look out a window and no one was there. While he was looking he heard about two inches from his ear

someone smacking their lips like they had dry mouth and were preparing to speak. When he spun around there was no one there, which is about when he came walking back to the basement at a very brisk pace.



While we were down there we heard a number of doors slamming and knocks over our head like someone was kneeling and punching the floor over and over. Which doesn't sound that scary, but it was the most frightening experience of my life. Then some guy started screaming bloody murder down the hall from us in the basement. When I looked down the hall I saw what looked like a transparent hunchback limping toward us. The way he was moving was not like a normal person would, it was like a glitching computer; he would "jump" forward, backward or to a side, then back to his normal place again. It was just strange. After this I ran faster than my legs could take me out of his house, forgetting my friends until I stopped across the street and noticed they were right behind me. I guess they didn't see the guy, but when they saw me running they felt like they were snapped out of a trance.


After that nothing major happened in his house and I was only in his basement long

enough to move the TV and X-Box upstairs. It might have been the chant but I am almost sure it was his invitation that provoked it.


更多精彩英语推荐: 商务英语




In the middle of the night I hear a scream, one I'll never forget. As I awake, I wonder. was Lilly having a nightmare? Had Jake watched a scary movie before bed? Did a mysterious noise make Bella wakeup? As these questions ran through my mind, I

thought nothing of them. I slowly crept towards jakes room, he had heard the scream too, but was too scared to get out of bed. I told him to go back to bed. That everything was okay. But inside I felt as though I was living a nightmare myself. Then I heard Bella, she was crying, something wasn't right. but Bella was okay. As quiet as I could, I opened Lilly's door. “honey? are you okay?”. She didn't answer. Again i asked, “Honey? Are you awake?”. As i lifted the sheets…She was gone. Where had my baby girl gone? I ran all over the house. She wasn't anywhere. When I walked by her room again, the window was open. As I looked out the window, I saw Lilly. A man threw her into the trunk of his car, as if she was a rag doll. That was the last time I saw my sweet little girl. My angel. She was only 8, and someone took her away from me, stolen from her own home. I instantly called 911, heartbroken, I tried explaining what had just happened. The police arrived, but there was nothing they could do.

A month after the incident, the doorbell rang. It was christmas eve, so I thought it was just another gift from grandma an grandpa. I read the label. There wasn't a return adress? or any adress? Just a box, with a card. I opened the card to read it. It read “merry christmas, here's your angel back”. My heart stopped. Was the card referring to my daughter? I opened the box, in horror, I fell to the floor. They gave me back my daughter…in pieces.





原文来自 必克英语http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-11569.html


I worked in my local pub and over the weekends and some times during the week I would stay over there with the other bar manager. We shared a room. It wasn't strange to us to hear things at night. Sometimes the juke box would come on; sometimes you could hear voices and laughter coming from the bar. I used to like hearing that, as if those people who had really enjoyed coming to the pub still liked to pop in for a late drink!


Every morning, no matter how much you had scrubbed and polished the bar top the night before, you would find three water marks, as if the landlord and two regulars had stayed and had a drink together. Then other things started happening.


When I was in the bathroom there would be knocks on the door. I would call out but get no answer, and sometimes find there had been no one upstairs but me. I would hear running footsteps and a child's laughter. The sash window in the room I stayed in would never close fully and condensation used to build up on my full length mirror. In the morning you could see two small hand prints at the bottom of the mirror. Again, these occurrences didn't bother me; in fact it was quite comforting.


At night I would sometimes feel someone get into bed with me and feel two little hands in the small of my back. However, things started happening that DID bother me.

到了晚上,我有时会觉得有人钻到了我的被窝里面,能感到有两只小手在背后摸我的腰部。 (这也算不了什么),但是,这之后发生的事情真的让我感到不安。

After locking up one night I and the other bar manager were cleaning up. Now, in the ladies toilets there was a door that opened up into a courtyard, however no one had ever found the key. As I was checking out the toilets, I saw the door handle move. I thought someone had managed to get into the courtyard and called to my friend to look through the window. He didn't see anyone. Then the door handle started moving much more violently and I ran out to my friend.


We both watched through the window as an unseen hand rattled the door handle. We took off upstairs quite quickly, put all the lights on and slept in the living room that night. I hated having to go to the toilet at night from that point on.


The bathroom was at the end of corridor and I would always feel as if something was walking right behind me. I once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. I started to feel scared to be upstairs on my own.


Downstairs, in the bar, it had a much more friendly atmosphere, but upstairs felt

oppressive and claustrophobic. One night I woke up to find my sash window open and the tall figure standing on the balcony, looking out across the town. It then jumped off the rooftop. The child I had sensed, in such a comforting way, now began to scare me too. It was a little girl, and it seemed that with the appearance of this dark man she became intensely scared. I would see her standing in the doorway screaming while the black shadow approached behind her. I would hear cries and screams in the dead of night. My friend ended up pulling down the old fireplace that had been bricked up in the room we shared. That did it for I sensed something dreadful in the entire pub after he did that. I never worked or stayed there again.


更多精彩英语: 商务英语学习资料
