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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 09:18:59 作文素材

篇一:My Journey作文原创

My Journey

Since I entered the university, I have embarked on my journey to interpretation. My enthusiasm for it is beyond everyone’s imagination but me .

I vividly remember the time when I touched upon interpretation for the first time .I couldn’t help struggling because it was that time that I realized that all that I’ve learned about English over the past six years seemingly couldn’t provide any assistance to or make any differences on my interpretation. I pondered for several days until I realized that there needed to be a change, a fundamental change, a bottom-up change . To change the way I learned English once and for all. I have known that the traditional way to learn English cannot meet the demands and standards of my interpretation. And I began to move on with this fresh method in mind .

But soon I came to the confusing point where I was unable to even utter a few Chinese characters when I needed to interpret some English into Chinese. After searching for references and asking for someone who have been good at it, I came to the very conclusion that interpretation was not just about English learning , it’s about both Chinese and English .

There I was then, with multiple uncertainties and much doubt in mind , I unswervingly and steadfastly started to go for it .

After nearly half a year’s efforts, my ability in this respect improved a lot .And I myself came to the conclusion that interpretation is also about the quick exchange between English and Chinese .

My journey will never end, and I will do my utmost to make it remarkable without regrets .

篇二:My journey to Jiuzhaigou(英语作文练习)

My journey to Jiuzhaigou

I would like to go close to nature. I enjoy travelling very much. I have been to many places all over the country since I was five years old. However, in my heart the trip to Jiuzhaigou has impressed me so deeply that I now still want to go there once more. No place can be better than it in my eyes. It is just like the fairyland in the world. It was the first time for me to go out with my mom in summer, together other people we didn’t know. At midnight we arrived at Chuanzhusi by bus. I felt so cold that I couldn't fall asleep. I asked my mum why it was so freezing at this time of summer. Not having taken enough clothes, I got so worried that I would be frozen to death. With so many tourists staying at the hotel, the host couldn't find extra quilt for us ,so he had to give his to us . Gradually I could feel much warmer, I fell asleep

with satisfactory. At seven thirty in the morning I was woken up by other kids. Mom told me an older brother on our bus had given me his extra coat. Having put on his coat , I felt warmer, wondering why he offered me.

The following days we saw so many beautiful views----the jade green sea, repeated water falls, snow cover peaks, the color forest and the passion called Five Miracles of Jiuzhaigou. I lost myself in the miracle mountains, colorful water and wonderful sceneries. Again we were arranged to stay in the valley called Heyie Village. There being a great many visitors, the nights were so interesting for me and I ran to every store to look for everything useful to a little boy aged only five. I got lost on the second night there. Without finding mom, I cried not knowing what to do. I

remembered the store where we had eaten meat the night before , therefore I ran to the owner of it. A younger sister saw me and asked what was the matter with me. Having got to know my mom’ s name and mine, she led me to the circles of people who were dancing to music. One by one she asked my mom’ s name. At long last she found my mom who was dancing happily. To my mom’s surprise, the younger sister left with a smile before we could say thanks to her. Mom told me Jiuzhaigou was beautiful, and the people here were more beautiful.

The nature beauty and rich Tibetan climate and favor of Jiuzhaigou are full of dreams and poetic flavor, which is the most beautiful paradise created by nature and given to the mankind and the soul home of our returning to nature. Since ten years ago, I have known warm-hearted people are not only on the bus or in the village, but also other places in the world. Beautiful mountains and charming water supply peaceful environment to human beings. Such is a wonderful and pure place Jiuzhaigou

Writer:杨宇灏 tel:0833-8886176 13036601479 add:Class5 Senior 1 Qingshen middle school,Meishan,Sichuan PC;620460

篇三:My dream journey

My dream journey

Nowadays, we are extremely familiar with “dream”. We know our “Chinese dream” and it entails us Chinese go forward together with our united strength. What is our individual dream?

When I was a senior year student, I was faced with choosing of a subject . after dealing with it ,I personally selected “east china normal university’’ as my ideal university. As for the reason why I chose it can be listed as follows .in the first instance ,majority teachers in our school are graduates of that school and I think they are excellent in teaching .secondly if I had been admitted to it ,I would studied in university freely .thus I can reduce the financial burden of my parents.

Then my dream began. I worked out a detailed plan. I glued to my seat to make up for the knowledge that I missed or gave up before. However tempting it was, I was able to resist the temptation to take part in the entertainment. Only in this way could I fulfill my dream, I thought. It was my dream that made my everyday more substantial.

I made great progress after continuous efforts. And the outcome of the college entrance examination was just so-so. Nevertheless, far from my expectancies I was enrolled into ECUST. I was very depressed after learning the result. I asked myself again and again “what did I get after working so hard on earth?” I was lost in confusion.

It was not until I began my campus life in ECUST that I realized that what matters most is not where I am but where I am going forward to.

In no case will I gave up my dream. I will persist with working hard to embrace a brilliant future!

篇四:英语作文 My space time





My Spare Time:

以“My Spare Time”为题写一篇英语作文


be intereted in,be good at,weekend,enjoy,spend...in 要求60-80字


1. It is very important for us to know how to use the free time.

In my spare time, I often go on line. I usually get information for my lessons, so I can get more knowledge. I often read novels on the computer. I like music. Sometimes I download music and enjoy it. At the weekend I visit my website and write some articles in my blog.

Besides computer, I do sports every day to make me healthy and strong.

I'm fond of travel. Because it is good for my health. In the course of my journey, I can enjoy the beautiful scenery and social custom of the different places.


In a word, we should make good use of our free time.

2. I do not have the spare time when I have time to go to school, I finished school, I would play basketball, I am very good at playing basketball, I like to play with my classmates, which is when I am very happy day. Sometimes I like to climb, especially on Sundays when many people which is very lively, and sometimes a breath of fresh air is good, makes me feel very uncomfortable, particularly birds of the woods was interesting, but very tired climbing, But this is a very interesting thing.

Can money buy happiness? 1. Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of

happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With

money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.

2. Money Can't Buy Happiness

Even having the power of buying a world, money can't buy happiness.

Above all,as the old saying goes,money isn't everything.I think happiness is a precious gift given by god, not bought by money. Secondly happiness is a kind of motion which has its origin in the deeply inner part of our hearts.That is to say we can't get happiness only in an outside way by money. Finally, happiness get formed when it's a proper tings happen or occur to us.It is not like goods that we can buy by money at any time.

So,it's clear that money can't buy happiness.


英语讲学稿 课题:Writing


1.Through learning this class, the students can write their own travel journal. 2.The students can use past tense to describe their travel experience.

【课前预习】:Look up the new words in the dictionary, and get the main idea of each paragraph.

My first ride on a train

My name is Alice. I come from Sydney, Australia and I'm 18 years old. Last summer, I had my first ride! A friend and I travelled on a train.We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, We spent two days and nights on the train.

The train was wonderful and the food was great. We ate great meals cooked by experts! For the first few hundred kilometers of the journey, the scenery was very colorful.There were fields and the soil was dark red. After that,it was desert.The sun shone,there was no wind and there were no clouds in the sky.

The train was comfortable and the people were nice. During the day,I sat and looked out of the window,and sometimes talked to other passengers.I read books and listened to my Chinese songs. I also took a lot of pictures on the train, what a pleasant and unforgettable train ride.

【课堂演练】: 1. 分析范文

Reading the passage again, and fill in the following chart.

2.写前指导 文章时态—过去时

表示过去时的词或短语:__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________




What doesn't kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller. Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.那些没能把你打败的挫折会让你变得更坚强,站得更高。当我孤军奋战不意味

描述性的语: beautiful,famous,comfortable,great,colorful,pleasant,unforgettable;

过渡性: During the journey, Most of the time,For the first few hundred miles of the journey, After that, on the first day, on the second day, on the third day…

2. 写作练习


A visit to… My travel to…

The best journey of my life An exciting trip An unforgettable trip

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ …


Correct your composition in your group and hand in it before the next class.(小组内成员互相修改作文,下节英语课之前交上)

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller. Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.那些没能把你打败的挫折会让你变得更坚强,站得更高。当我孤军奋战不意味



My Travel to Beijing

Last summer holiday, my parents and I went to Beijing by train. Although the weather was so hot, I enjoyed myself very much. There are so many wonderful places to visit, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square.

On the first day, my parents and I went to climbed the Great Wall. As we all know, the Great Wall is not only famous in China,but also famous all over the world. I saw so many kids climbing the Great Wall with their parents’ help. I also met so many foreigners who were taking photos on the Great Wall. On the second day, we visited Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. The beautiful scenery in the Summer Palace impressed me a lot, so I took a lot of pictures there. During the following days, we did some shopping and ate so many delicious food. Tired as I was, I still felt very happy.

We stayed in Beijing for six days, then we went home. It was a wonderful and pleasant travel, and I will never forget it.

二.文?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路治?/p>


时间: last summer last weekend during the summer holiday during the winter holiday last Saturday last month one/two... year(s) ago

和谁一块去:parents friends classmates brother sister cousins 怎么去的: by bus by train by plane by ship by bike one foot by car

经历了什么: we saw the beautiful scenery during the trip We ate the delicious food there, such as ... We also bought so many things, such as...

感受: pleasant wonderful exciting unforgettable terrible boring tiring 三、知识演练


1. 上周日,我和我的同学乘汽车去了公园。


2. 众所周知,那里有很多地方值得参观。

_____________________________________________________ 3. 我喜欢那个地方的原因是我喜欢哪里的风景。

_____________________________________________________ 4. 我喜欢旅游,是因为我可以看到美丽的风景并且可以见到好多人。 ______________________________________________________ 5.我买了很多东西,并且吃了很多美味的食物。

_______________________________________________________ 6. 多么令人难忘的一次旅行呀!

__________________________________(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:my,journey,作文)____________________.

7. 我喜欢这座城市,我期望着再次去那里。


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller. Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.那些没能把你打败的挫折会让你变得更坚强,站得更高。当我孤军奋战不意味
