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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 19:16:32 体裁作文


1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守 eg: Everyone should abide by our social norms.

2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 eg: You should not be absent from class.

3. being absent-minded 心不在焉 In his later life he became even more absent-minded.

4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态) absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

eg: Undoubtedly, children be most likely be absorbed in study not in fantasy

5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

One must be careful when choosing the reference books that are abundant in the market

6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 How does a private pilot get access to the airways?

7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

He made this mistake by accident

8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 She mentioned it of her own accord.

9. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同….不一致 I am in accord with your plan.

10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 They praised Tom with one accord.

11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

She was dismissed in accordance with the company's usual displinary procedures.

12. on one’s own account


He's doing it on his own account, not for anyone else.

2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责

Payment All charges on Guest's own account.

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 No matter what is, they are all need to create on one's own account.

13. take…into account(=consideration)把...考虑进去 Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses.

14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

I should be glad if you would give an account of it

15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.

Ministers should be called to account for their actions.

16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.

The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.

17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) On no account should you leave the door unlocked

18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police

19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.

It will not take you very long to be accustomed to the way we do it.

20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

Hello, I am very glad to be acquainted with you.

21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

We must not act on assumptions.

22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

One must adapt oneself to the changing conditions

23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

He is going to adapt his play for television.

24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

In addition, the respondent disclosed professional confidence

用next week造句

s to one of the patients.

25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

In addition to the killed and wounded, many were missing.

26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

They failed to adhere to our original agreement.

27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.

28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

How did you adjust to college life

29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地. The path was so narrow that it hardly admitted of two persons walking abreast.

30. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.

The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance.

31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.

The jeweler's display showed the diamonds to advantage.

32. have an advantage over 胜过.

A man who can think will always have an advantage over others. have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

You have the advantage of me in experience.

have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

You have the advantage of me when you talk about science.

33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.

If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.

34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意

agree with:可用于指人,指同意其看法或意见等,也可与一些名词或从句连用。与agree to不同之处是,仅表示看法或意见一致,没有愿意进行合作或效法的含义。agree to:常与plan(计划)、arrangement(安排)、suggestion(建议)、proposal(建议)、terms(条件)、method(方法)等名词连用。这时agree to不仅指其主语与对方看法一致,而且暗含自己也愿合作、承担义务或效法的意味。

35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致

We are in agreement with their decision.

36. ahead of 在…之前, 超过;. ahead of time 提前

Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects. We completed the work five days ahead of time.

37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.

Whether we go to Paris is in the air.

There are rumors in the air.

38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.



70. 10点了,该睡觉了。

It’s already ten. to go to bed.

71. Bill现在没空。今天下午怎样?

Bill has no time now. this afternoon?

72. 李老师太忙了,她没有时间看电视。

Miss Li is she has no time to watch TV.

73. 我认为他不在家里。

he is at home.

74. 我们应该阻止他们花太多时间玩电脑游戏。

We should .



We’re free this afternoon. __________ go to the park.

71.你每天最好多吃蔬菜和水果。 72.他们正在为运动会做准备。

They __________ the sports meet.



The students __________ the house.


70. 我们一到北京就去了颐和园。

we arrived in Beijing.

71. 吉姆病了,我们去看看他吧。

72. 我每天读半小时英语。

an hour to read English every day.

73. 今天天气很好,出去散步怎么样?

It’s fine today. __________________________ out for a walk?

74. 夜深了,格林先生强迫汤姆停止玩电脑游戏马上去睡觉。

right away.


70. 到集合的时间了。

______________ get together.

71. 每天跑步对身体有好处。

______________ for your health to jog every day.

72. 铃声响了,咱们开始上课吧。 There goes the bell. ______________ our class.

73. 北京以悠久的历史和许多著名景点闻名世界。

Beijing ______________ its long history and many interest places.

74. 我认为临阵磨枪,最后突击复习不会取得好效果。

I _________________ good results.


70. 放学后去公园散步怎样?

______ going for a walk in the park after school?

71. 这座大桥大约300米长。

The bridge is about 300 ______ . 72. 太累了,让我们停下来喝些茶。

We are very tired, so let’s stop______.

73. 又到了该照班级集体照的时候了。

______ a photo of our class again.


______our classmates.


70. 李平一回到家就开始做作业。 Li Ping begins to do his homework __________________________ he comes back home.

71. 我们经常乘高铁或公共汽车去北京。

We often go to Beijing ________________ by sky train _________________ by bus.

72. 郭明义在他的生活中总是尽力帮助别人。 Guo Mingyi always helps others ____________________________ in his life.

73. 不要害怕犯错误,因为没有人总是对的。

___________________________________________because nobody is right all the time.

74. “让子弹飞”非常有趣,我和我朋友都看过两遍了。

“Let the bullet fly ”is _______________________________________________ it twice.


70. 英国皇家婚礼的现场直播挺有趣的。为什么不看看呢?

The British Royal Wedding Live is interesting. __________________watch it?

71. 一到父亲节,我就会送我父亲一个礼物。

I will send my father a gift__________________ Father’s Day comes.[来源:Z.xx.k.Com]

72. 日本的核泄漏不会影响到中国,但是我们还是应当尽可能多的关注事态的


Japan’s nuclear leakage would not affect China, but still we should watch for

developments of it ___________________________________________.

73. 你看起来很不舒服,你怎么了?

You look uncomfortable and ____________________________________?

74. 我相信我们的政府一定能够尽它最大的努力来阻止一些人再次使用瘦肉精。

I believe our government can _________________________________________

__________________________________________the lean meat powder again.


70. 我今天没时间去公园,明天怎么样?

 I have no time to go to the park today. _______ tomorrow?

71. 我的电脑不能工作了,出什么问题了?

 My computer doesn’t work. _______ it?

72. 外面刮风了。请你关上窗户好吗? It is blowing outside. _________________ the window? 73. 莉莉不仅自己喜欢画画,而且教我画画。

Lily _________________________________.

74. 李老师在备课上用很多时间,甚至周末都不休息。

Mr Li spends ___________________ even on weekends.


61. 你和我都要在八点以前到那里。

____ have to get there before 8

62. 我们最好先做作业,然后再去看李老师。

We ____ finish our homework first, then we will go to see Mr. Li.

63. 该吃饭了,咱们快点吧。

____ for lunch. Let’s hurry.

64. 李涛英语不太好,我常常帮助他(学)英语。

Li Tao doesn’t do well in English. I often ____ his English.

65. 既然你不喜欢打羽毛球,去看电影怎么样?

Since you don’t like to play badminton, ____?


70. 让我们忘记分歧,做好朋友吧。

____________________ forget our differences and be good friends.

71. 你最好别再浪费时间了。

_____________________________ not waste your time any more.

72. 昨天你没去听音乐会,你怎么了?

You didn’t go to the concert yesterday. ____________________________________ you?

73. 对不起,但我认为您把车停在这里是不对的。

Excuse me, but I ____________________________________________ park the car here.

74. 在科学俱乐部里,孩子们不是忙着做模型,就是忙着解决遇到的难题。

In the science club, the kids are _____________________________________ that they meet.


70. 你想喝一杯咖啡吗?

________________________a cup of coffee?

71. 参加锻炼对你有好处。

____________________you to take exercise.

72. 我将尽快把这个消息告诉他。

I'll tell him the good news___________________.

73. 我妈妈既不在网上购物,也不在网上阅读。

My mother_____________________________________on line.

74. 姚明篮球打得那么好,不仅在中国有名,而且在全世界也很有名。 Yao Ming plays basketball_____________________________________.



I’m sorry I ________ class.


________ going shopping with me after school, Mike?


________ 30 minutes to walk to school every day.


All the students ________ the exam next week.


Mr Liu used to smoke a lot. ________ he was seriously ill.



1、slap on: to suddenly announce a new charge, tax etc or say that something is not allowed-especially when you think this is unfair 强加在…上

2、stake out: to state your opinions about something in a way that shows how your ideas are clearly separate from other people’s ideas 明确表明,清楚界定(立场,要求等)

3、doom: to make someone or something certain to fail, die be destroyed etc. 使…失败,毁灭

4、orchestrate: to organize an important event or a complicated plan, especially secretly 策划,精心安排

5、meddle in: to deliberately try to influence or change a situation that does not concern you, or that you do not understand干预,管闲事 =interfere in


① The serial killer wanted to find a scapegoat and slapped all his crimes on the poor scapegoat, so that he could stop escaping from the police.

② To guarantee profits, merchants usually slap taxes on customers by increase prices.

2. stake out 明确表明,清楚界定(立场,要求等)

① When you face a matter of principle, you have to stake out your own position first.

② She decided to stake out a clear position, drawing a line between she and the terrorist organization.


① The failure of the war has virtually doomed the whole nation.

② Once the Sun explodes, the Earth will be doomed in an instant.

4. ① To give her wife a surprise for her birthday, the husband orchestrate a big party collaboratively with their friends.

② They have been orchestrate the stage play for two months, aiming to bring a wonderful show for audiences.

5. ① No country are allowed to meddle in domestic affairs of other countries with permissions of the United Nation.

② Mr. Smith is considered a meddler who likes meddling in other people’s business.


1.step through 跨进

例. My heartbeat slows as I step through the locked security gate and walk back towards the largest part of the nuclear plant: the power-generating room.

2.dispute 辩论,怀疑

例. He disputed the allegations.

3.set aside 搁置 把…抛在脑后

例.He urged the participants to set aside minor differences for the sake of achieving peace.


4.witness 目击

例. Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police.


5.wash over (情绪)突然而深刻地袭来


① Stepping through the gate means opening a new chapter of my life.

② You are supposed to take off your shoes before stepping through the door.


① As house prices is soaring rapidly, people start to dispute the effectiveness of government’s house pricing regulation.

② In the court, the plaintiff’s(原告)lawyer dispute the testimony(证词)presented by the defendant’s lawyer.


① Let’s set aside all assignments and make an outing this weekend for relaxation.

② Having set aside tasks of his position, he was able to throw himself into preparing the examination.


① Yesterday my friend and I witnessed a serious car accident happening.

② We are so proud of witnessing the rise of China as a global power.


① When he was told that his friend was killed in an serious car accident, grief washed over him.

② Relief washed over him as the exam was drawing to a close.


1. Strip: to remove a layer from sth, especially so that it is completely exposed.

v. 除去、剥去(一层);(尤指)剥光

2. Appalled: feeling or showing horror or disgust at sth unpleasant or wrong.

adj. 感到惊骇的;

3. Account for: to be a particular amount or part of sth.


4. A host of: a large number of people or things.


5. Aggravate: to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse.

v. 使严重、使恶化;


① As soon as the guest gave him a gift, he stripped the packaging and open the box to see what was it.

② Strip the earth on the surface and you will see the treasure box.


① He was appalled to know that Ebola has took away 800 people’s lives in four countries of Africa.

② Many young people feel appalled when they learn that a multitude of literatus suffered brutally persecution during the Cultural Revolution.


① According to a survey carried out by Institution of National Health and Nutrition from 2009 to 2010, in American adults, obese people account for more than 35 percent.

② The 2013 global market share of Samsung smartphone accounts for 31 percent, which is smartphone with most sales in the world.

4. ① A host of experiments show that smoking can increase risk of lung cancer.

② A host of people waited outside the Apple Stores to buy up Iphone6 on the first day when they were available.

5. ① We should boycotting using refrigerators with Freon for the reason that Freon(氟利昂)aggravates damage of ozone sphere.

② Many young people have formed a bad habit of being night owls(夜猫子),which aggravates degeneration of their physical functions.


1. sit in 坐落于: to be in a particular position

The village sits at/in the bottom of a valley.

2. cover the cost of足够支付: to be enough money to pay for something The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials.

3. tiny微小的: extremely small

Though Peggic was tiny, she had a very loud voice.

4. perceive as视作: understand or think of something or someone in a particular way Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive.

5. gnaw困扰、折磨:to make you feel anxious or uncomfortable

The feeling that I've forgotten something has been gnawing at me all day.


① Eiffel Tower sites in the Champ de Mars, which is the highest building in Paris. ② Sitting at the downtown, this upscale house has very convenient traffic. 足够支付

① I worked part-time and earned 2000 dollars during summer holidays, which can cover the cost of my tuition fee.

② The money we prepare for this journey covers the cost of transportation, tickets and lodging and food. 微小的

① Bacteria is too tiny to be seen with naked eyes.

② When we look up at the stars, they are just tiny bright spots which are actually enormous planets. 视作

① Leonardo Da Vinci is perceived as an outstanding prodigy in the renaissance.

② With gorgeous seascape and distinctive equatorial scenery, Maldives is perceived as one of the most beautiful country in the world. 困扰、折磨

① I stayed awake the whole night because his loud snoring gnaws me.

② My grandmother has been gnawed by rheumatism for many years.


1、 :refuse to accept that sth unpleasant is ture否认(令人不快、痛苦的事)

eg:The patient is still in denial about his lung cancer.


2、 having started已经开始,在进行中

eg: Preparations are well underway for a week of special events in May.


3、 :[VN]to organize the different parts of an activity and the people involed in it so that it works well使协调,使相配合

eg: They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team.


4、 to make progress (further than others have done)走在…前面,领先,


eg:He soon got ahead of the others in his class.


5、 到了

eg: On to the next crisis.


1. be in denial about 否认(令人不快、痛苦的事)

① He was in denial about the doctor’s diagnose of leukemia.

② The government was in denial about their dereliction of duty(失职)in failing to carry out effective and timey rescue when earthquake struck the area.

2. be underway(also under way) to do th/for sth 已经开始,在进行中 ① A new series of economic reforms are underway to revive the national economy

② The graphic design challenge is underway to offer a chance for designers to win a qualification for design study in the University of the Arts London.

3. Coordinate 使协调,使相配合

① As a manager in the company, you are supposed to be good at coordinating work between different departments.

② College students should well coordinate study and student work.

4. get ahead of 走在…前面,领先,胜过

① It is vital for our company to high-end product which can get ahead of all existed products if we want to build the majority of market share.

② With the fiercer and fiercer job competition, college students should constantly upgrade themselves to get ahead of others.

5. On to 到了

① After finishing all of the preparations and then we can be on to the next step.

② On to the next topic, we will talk about the freedom of speech in the USA.


1. cause loss, damage, etc. 造成损失、毁坏等;

e.g. Illness has taken a heavy toll on her. 疾病对她的身体造成了极大的损害。

2. adj. having a particular, important or conclusive effect. 有特殊、重


e.g. The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game. 他们主力队员受伤可能是这场比赛决定胜负的因素

3. n. [C]thing granted or yielded, esp after discussion, an argument,

etc. 妥协,让步(尤指经协商或辩论等)

e.g. Employers made concessions to the workers in negotiation.资方在与工人谈判中



22. John is my friend. I often help _________ with his Physics. A. he B. his C. him D. himself

23. — Are you free _______ Wednesday evening? — I’m afraid not. I have to look after my sister. A. in B. at C. for D. on

24. There is ________ to eat at home; we have to buy some in the supermarket. A .anything B nothing C. something D. everything

25. Which season do you like __________, spring or autumn? — Spring, because everything is full of energy.

A. good B. better C. best D. well 26. — _______ you play tennis?

— No, I can’t. I am good at playing badminton. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should 27. Albert! It’s time for you to go to bed, ___________ you will feel tired tomorrow. A. or B. but C. so D. and

28. The students _______ their classroom when the visitors arrived. A. is cleaning B. are cleaning C. was cleaning D. were cleaning 29. — What did you do on Mother’s Day?

— I ________ the house and cooked dinner for my mother. A. clean B. cleaned C. will clean D. am cleaning

30. — _______ do you have an English party? — Once a month. A. How old B. How far C. How often D. How long 31. The teacher tells us _________ to school on time every day. A. come B. came C. coming D. to come

32. — Your Chinese is pretty good, Tom. — Thanks a lot. I _________ it for three years. A. learn B. learned C. will learn D. have learned

33. A sports meeting __________in our school next week. A. will be held B. hold C. held D. holds

34. Could you tell me ______________ during the coming holiday?

A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did

(朝阳)四、单项填空 22. –Excuse me. Is that your bike? --No, it’s not ______. A. his

A. at A. other

B. hers B. on B. another

C. yours C. in C. others

D. mine D. to D. the other

23. I usually get up ______ seven o’clock every morning. 24. I have two brothers. One is a manager, ______ is a doctor. 25. –Would you like to play basketball with us? --I’d love to. But I must finish ______ my room first. A. clean

B. to clean C. cleaning

D. cleaned

26. There are no buses, you have to go there by bike.

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. for D. the best D. are having

27. Lingling’s English is much ______ than any other student’s in her class. A. good A. have

B. better B. had

C. best C. will have

28. We ______ a football game with Class 2 yesterday. 29. ––What does your mother do to keep healthy, Tom? ––She usually ________.

A. swims

B. swam C. will swim D. is swimming

30. –Listen! My sister the violin. –What beautiful music! I like it very much. A. plays

A. when

B. played B. if

C. is playing

D. will play D. because

31. We didn’t enjoy the tour ________ the weather was terrible.

C. though

32. –Look! Mr. Brown is over there.

-- It can’t be him. He________ away since last Sunday. A. was

B. has been

C. were D. will be

D. was taught

33. Chinese _______ at many high schools in that country today.

A. is taught

B. is teaching C. will teach

34. ––Could you tell me ________ the Bamboo Garden? ––The day after tomorrow, I think. A. when will we visit C. when we will visit

B. when did we visit D. when we visited

四、单项填空 (共13分,每小题1分)

从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. My father is teacher. He loves________ students very much. A. his B. him C. their D. them

23.We usually have a class meeting ________ Monday afternoon. A. at B. in C. on D. to

24. —Would you like to go for a walk with me?

—I’d love to, ________I’m afraid I have to finish my homework first. A. but B. so C. and D. or

25. —Bill, can I use your dictionary? I left mine at home. —Of course you________. Glad to help you.

A. need B. may C. must D. can

26. —Daming, are you feeling better now? —No, mum. I feel even ________. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. the worst

27. I don’t like the colour of this dress. Could you please show me________ one. A. other B. others C. the other D. another

28. —________were you born, Kate? —I was born in New York, America.

A. Where B. What C. When D. How

29. —What were your parents doing when you phoned me last night? —They ________with my grandparents.

A. were talking B. talked C. are talking D. talk 30. —Hello! May I speak to Alice?

—Sorry. She isn’t here right now. She ________ to the library. A. goes B. went C. has gone D. is going

31. He’ll send us a message as soon as he ________ in Sichuan. A. is arriving B. will arrive C. arrived D. arrives 32. It’s time for class. So stop ________, please.

A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. talked

33. More and more parks ________in Mentougou in five years. A. build B. built C. will be built D. were built 34. —Do you know ________? —Next month.

A .When will they come B. when did they come C. When they came D. when they will come


22. Tom and I went boating yesterday. _______ had a good time. A. We B. They C. She D. It

23. We traveled all night to London and got there _______ Sunday morning. A. in B. at C. to D. on

24. — ______ did you spend your summer vacation last year? — In England. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why 25. — Is Tom at school today?

— No, he is at home ______ he has got a bad cold. A. so B. or C. because D. if

26. — Could I borrow your dictionary? — Of course you ______. A. must B. can C. should D. need 27. — What about this dress?

— I don’t like the colour. Please show me ______ one. A. another B. other C. the other D. others

28. Mike invited me ______ tennis this weekend. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played

29. — Which do you think is ______ subject, math, music or art? — Art, I guess.

A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 30. — Were you at home at that time?

— No, I ______ dinner with my friends in a restaurant. A. have B. had C. will have D. was having 31. They will call us as soon as they ______ there. A. get B. got C. will get D. have got

32. I ______ much progress in my English study since last term.

A. make B. will make C. made D. have made 33. The 30th Olympic Games ______ in London this summer. A. hold B. held C. are held D. will be held 34. — Do you know ______ for New York last night? — At 9:00.

A. what time he leaves B. what time he left C. what time does he leave D. what time did he leave


69. 我不喜欢爬山,去动物园怎么样?

I don’ 70. 以前他放学后总是玩电脑游戏,现在不了。

computer games after school, but now he doesn’t. 71. 雨下得太大了,我不得不呆在家里。

72. 练习的越多,你的英语就说的越好。


If we don’t


69. 为什么不跟我们出去散散步呢?  ______ go out for a walk with us? 70. 昨天他睡过了头,上学又迟到了。

__ school again. 71. 他和他哥哥游泳游得一样快。 __ his brother. 72. 她直到妈妈回来才停止弹琴。 

__ her mother came back 73. 我认为父母没有必要阻止孩子参加不同的社团。 

(昌平)九、完成句子 70. 到集合的时间了。

71. 每天跑步对身体有好处。

72. 铃声响了,咱们开始上课吧。

73. 北京以悠久的历史和许多著名景点闻名世界。

74. 我认为临阵磨枪,最后突击复习不会取得好效果。


69. 今天下午没课,为什么不出去玩玩呢?

We don’t have class this afternoon. __________________ go out to have fun? 70. Justin 今天没有来上学。她怎么了?

Justin isn’t at school today. ______________________ with her? 71. 周日,我阿姨或表姐会和我一起去游乐园。

______________ my aunt ____________my cousin will go to the amusement park with me on Sunday

72. 他太累了,追不上其他人。

He is ___________________________________________ others. 73. 我一直坚持每天用一个小时阅读各种各样的英语读物。

______________________________________________________ English materials everyday.

(朝阳)九、完成句子 69. 很抱歉我开会迟到了。

I?m sorry that I ___________________________ the meeting. 70. 快点,该睡觉了。

Come on. ______________________________ go to bed. 71. 我以前住在上海。但是现在我更喜欢住在小城镇。

I _______________________ in Shanghai. But now I like living in small towns better. 72. 地铁出故障了,他昨天晚上十点才到家。

There was something wrong with the underground, so he ___________________ 10 o’clock last night.

73. 如果想让更多的人了解我们的俱乐部,我认为我们张贴一些海报是必要的。

___________________________ some posters if we want more people to know about our club


69. 同学们,到该做眼保健操的时间了。 ___________________ do exercise, class. 70. 业余爱好会对青少年的成长有好处。

Hobbies will _________________________ teenagers development. 71. 你要么跟朋友去滑冰,要么去爬山。

You can ____________________________ climb mountains with your friends. 72. 一些鸟飞走了,另外一些继续留在这里过冬。

Some birds fly away, and _______________________________ through winter. 73.只要你进到最大努力,你迟早会进步的。

You will _______________________________________________________.

(密云)九、完成句子。 69. 是时候出去放松一下了。 _____________ go out to relax.



Many of your favourite stars_________________ Taiwan.


There’s______________________ my CD player. Can you put it right for me?


We___________________________ to get on well with our friends.


50 million people_______________________during World War Ⅱ.

5. 大陆的变化非常大,林先生迫不及待地要回家乡看看。

The changes of the mainland are so great that Mr Lin________________ to his hometown.

6. 我们家乡的巨变令他们惊奇万分。

They___________________ the great changes in our hometown.

7. 你打算参加下周举行的运动会吗?

Are you going to take part in the sports meeting_________________ next week?

8. 他们的汽车变旧了以后,他们宁愿买辆新的,也不愿修理旧的。

When their car becomes old, they_______________buy a new one__________ repair it.

9. 我的朋友已经决意辞职,自我创业。

My friend___________________ to________his job and to begin his own business.

10. 连战对大陆的成功访问激励了越来越多的华人为祖国的未来作贡献。

Lien Chan’s ___________ he Mainland of China ________ _____the future of the motherland

11. 她在中国所见到的情景使她感到惊异。

She was ___81 at ___82 she saw in China.


Taiwan is the ___83 ___84 of China.


I ___85 to walk there ___86 than go by bus.


The snooker new star Ding Junhui said he hadn't felt much stress during the match because he __87 it as ___88.


Experts say students should ___89 backpacks ____90 more than 10-15 percent of their own body weight.












The South Pole ________________ snow______________________.


__________ all the lights _____________ before you leave the classroom.


During their _________________________ the mainland, Lien Chan and James Soong _____________________ the great changes here.


______________that this is the fourth time the Big Benhas __________________.


He has ________________________________ to be a doctor when he___________.

26. 我们需要的是不断努力,不放弃。

We need to ______ working _____ it, not give up.


We they ______ ______ drinking?


He said he had never seen _____ _____ exciting match before.


I hate people who talk _______ but do ___________.


Jim has known me _______ ________ he was a child.






36. 令我吃惊的是,他算出了那道数学难题。

_____________________, he was able to work out that math problem.

37. 他们正忙着准备妈妈的生日晚会。

They were busy _______________________ their mother’s birthday party.

38. 我对别人的秘密毫无兴趣。I _______________________ others’ secrets at all.

39. 了解怎样交友对我们来说很重要。

It is important for us to know __________________________ with others.

40. 如果你想买这件夹克,你可试穿一下

If you want to buy the jacket,you ________________________________ .

41. ________ __________or you'll miss the early bus. (快点,不然你会错过早班车的。)

42. I have a better idea, although I____ ___you.


43. The room was_________ __________people when I got there.


44. Computers will become much smaller and more useful _________the_________. (将来,电脑会变得越来越小,越来越有用。)

45. We must not______ ______others when they are in trouble. (there, bird, tree) (当别人身处困境时,我们不能嘲笑他们。)


1. come from 2. something wrong with 3. are very pleased 4. Over, lost their lives 5. can’t wait to go 6. were surprised at /were amazed at/got surprised/amazed at/got a surprise at 7. to be held/which/that is to/will /is going to be held 8. prefer to, rather than / would like to, rather

than /would rather, than 9. has made up his mind/has decided/has made a decision, give up 10. successful visit to,has/ encouraged more and more Chinese (people) to make contributions/a contribution

to11.amazed/surprised ;what 12.largest ;island 13.prefer; rather

14.regarded ;practice 15.carry ; no 16. It,s much hotter today than

yesterday.17.Let’s go swimming.18. These Photos were taken in Beijing last year.19. I think l can get On very well with these children.20. I hope to find a job in this company after l graduate from school.21. is covered with/by ; all the year round/the year round/all year round 22. Make sure (that);are turned off/ are turned out/are off/are out/ have been turned off/have been turned out 23. visit(s) to/in ;were amazed at/ were

surprised at/felt amazed at/felt surprised at 24. It’s said/ People say/

They say/ I have heard/ I have been told;stopped working/running 25.has made up his mind/ has made a/the decision/ has decided;grows up 26. keep, on 27. used for 28. such much 29. much, little 30. ever since 31. Does the teacher often regard students as his / her own children? 32. He thinks

more of others than himself. 33. He spoke too quietly to hear. 34. The old should be spoken to politely. 35. They think (that ) to work/ working hard is the key to success. 36. To my surprise 37. getting ready for /

preparing for/ preparing 38. am not interested in/ have no interest in

39.how to make friends 40. may try it on 41. Hurry, up 42. agree, with 43. full, of(filled, with/crowded, with) 44. in, future

45. laugh, at
