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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 19:26:36 字数作文

篇一:英语作文 Good Health

Good Health Health is most important for any of us. ]n order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge. We all wish to be happy, so we should take good care of our health. Health is the best treasure a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life. In order to insure good health we must pay attention to some things. For example, Try eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day. And drink milk. And don't eat junk food and coffee. Exercise every day, It's good to be health. Sleep eight hours every night can help to keep health.

As for me, I have always been taking care to have proper sleep and relaxation. I have also been alert to any discomfort in my body. In my spare time I like running, swimming, and playing table tennis. So, I can keep fit and pursue my career with great facility.

篇二:英语作文:good health


The desire for good health is universal. Especially nowadays, the possession of good health is regarded by nearly every one as essential to a happy life as well as a successful one. Only in good shape can you expect to live comfortably or work ef fectively. In contrast, without good health, ambitious and promising as a person may be, he will eventually turn out to be a wreckage of modern life.

How to stay healthy, then? First, enough time should be set aside for perse vering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest. Second, you must give up the habits that damage your health, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Finally, be sure to have your physical checkup regularly. Whenever you are found to haveany disease, you should have it timely treated.

As for me, I have always been taking care to have proper sleep and relaxation. I have also been alert to any discomfort in my body. In my spare time I like running, swimming, and playing table tennis. So, I can keep fit and pursue my career with great facility.

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.

As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life.

范文1 The desire for good health is universal. It is almost believed by everyone that

good health is an essential part of a happy life. The best way to keep fit, in my opinion, is to do regular exercises. Just as the Chinese proverb goes, “Life lies in exercises”, exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. Moreover, we should put great emphasis on forming good habits, which can turn out to be invaluable as time goes by. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both indispensable. Finally, mental health, in my mind, is also of vital importance. We are happy and healthy so long as we not only embrace life’s wonderful moments but also stand up to its twists and turns.

As for as I am concerned. I have practiced winter swimming for many years. I become not only healthier and more vigorous, but also more optimistic, confident and persistent. What’s more, I try to go to bed before 11 o’clock in the evening, because I firmly believe that burning the night oil is harmful to my health. I believe only by striking a balance between work and relaxation can I have a healthy body and an intelligent mind.


Wherever you are and whatever you do, staying healthy is always important. With the improvement of our living standards, people are attaching more and more importance to their health. We students can'' t keep the high study efficiency without good health. The same thing is true with workers, scientists and doctors.

In my opinion, good diet and exercises are two major ways to keep healthy. The food we eat every day must be rational and should include meat, vegetables, eggs, and fruit. It is important to drink water every day and not to get addicted to drinking coffee or some other soft drinks. Exercising every day is also essential for us to stay healthy. We can ride bicycles, play tennis or swim. Of course we don'' t need to exhaust ourselves. We should plan our physical exercises according to our actual condition. An hour a day is enough.

As a university student, I have much free time to do exercises. l usually play badminton and tennis. But sometimes I am lazy and do not exercise for all kinds of excuses, such as cold weather and exams. I must correct it. I am also careful with my diet. In a way, keeping healthy is not very hard, if you just take it seriously.

篇三:英语优秀作文good habits make good health

Good habits and good health a twins. Good habits can make people health. For example, getting enough sleep, having breakfast, and doing exercise regularly. But some bad habits make people feel bad.

I had such a experience, in the past I often went to bed very late at night. So I felt very tired and sleepy the next day. I couldn’t learn well. So my mother ordered me to go to bed before 10 o’clock and little by Little, I have formed this habit. Now I feel much better and I can learn well.

From my experience, I know having a good habit important and. I’m going to form more good habits. I believe I will certainly have good health.



All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thou-sands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person~s character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports

Sports benefit us in many respects. When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. There is no doubt that proper sports activities keep our physical fitness. Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health. Through participation, everyone can learn that on the playground he not only struggles for himself but also fights for his team. Sports teach us about consideration, cooperation and optimism to failure.

But sports can do some harm to those people who cannot plan their activities properly. Too hard training may hurt their bodies, exhaust their vigor, and even cause them to be sick.

In general, I love sports; enjoy sports. I feel that I not only gain a wellbalanced life through going in for sports, but also get more chances to move closer to nature. Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I perform in a decent way.

Sports in Our Country

Sports are flourishing in our country now. Table tennis is the most popular sport. School children start playing it when they are very young. Not only is it played in school but it is also a favorite game for workers and people in other walks of life. In fact, it has become a sort of national game.

There are other favorite sports. For example, badminton is another popular sport, though it is not played as widely as table tennis. A number of Chinese traditional sports such as Taijiquan, Wushu, Swordplay and Qigong, are no less popular. Mention should be made of such ball games as football, basketball and volleyball.

In order to keep fit and win honor for our motherland, men and women, young and old, take an active part in sports. And our government takes effective measures to promote physical culture and build up our people’s health. More and more people go in for sports because sports can help them to build up a healthy body, to train a strong character and to raise the position of the nation in the world.

Jogging Is an Ideal Sport

That jogging is an ideal sport lies in the fact that it is a mild sport. Unlike some sports, such as football and cricket, during which one may easily get hurt, jogging is very safe and especially suitable for those who are not so robust, you may feel exhausted after running because the energy in your body is released too fast, but after jogging you will just feel OK.

Another reason for jogging being an ideal sport is that it has no limit of time or space. You can jog whenever and wherever you want. If it is raining outside, jogging can even be done in a spacious room. How long it lasts depends on your will. So you are less like to be influenced by such factors as time, weather and space when you are jogging.

Last but not least, jogging is a cheap and convenient sport. It is cheap because no extra apparatus is needed, so you can get exercise without spending a penny. It is convenient, for jogging can be done whenever and wherever you want, and it can be done by oneself. In a word, jogging is such an ideal sport that I would like to recommend it to everyone.

Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. It is the basis of happiness, wealth and success. A person can hardly always be energetic and enjoy his life. Those who are poor in health often feel sad. A weak sick man can hardly achieve much success in his career no matter what level of education he has received.

What should we do to maintain our health? First of all, we should keep a balanced diet. We should eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, not too much meat and little animal fat. Secondly, regular physical exercise is essential for a healthy mind and body. One can keep fit by taking part in sports activities that fit him. Jogging, running, and swimming are all good exercises. Finally, enough sleep is also important. A tired person will recover soon after a sleep.

As for me, one of my ways to keep fit is to keep a regular lifestyle. I get up early in the morning and go to bed before 11 o’clock. I also take a nap at noon.


It is clear that health is the foundation of one's future success. If you get sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are stout and strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you.

Now that we know that health is the source of our energy, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we should keep regular reasonable hours. If we get up early, we can breathe fresh air. This habit can do wonders in our life. Third, there is a proverb that says, "Prevention is better than cure." In short, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but love their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. If you want your wish to come true, you should do exercise and keep fit. Health is the most important ingredient of your success.

Health and Life

As the saying goes, you don't know what happiness is until you lose it; you don’t know what health is until you are ill. “Health is of vital importance to life” sounds like a cliché to everyone, but it is absolutely true. The negligence of the delicate balance of your body and soul, the harmful habits such as smoking, excessive drinking and burning mid-night oil will catch up with you someday. How many big plans are interrupted by bad health! Even a normal life is unimaginable without the guarantee of health. How to keep fit is an eternal topic of diversity and controversy. Regardless of all the different suggestions poured from all kinds of sources, one should do at least two things for him/herself. First, hold an active and optimistic attitude toward life and maintain a mental well-being. Second, live a regular life and keep a balanced diet. Anyway, a healthy life is within reach when you begin to adjust your mind and body.

Sports and Health

A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.

To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied.

I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing ph(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:good,health英语作文)ysical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.

My self-introduction

I love reading and listening to music,in my mind,the happiest thing in the world is thatin a beautiful afternoon,I am reading a book with my earphones playing my favorite songs.

To be honest,I am “lazy”--there was a time when I said “If I were tired and hungry,I would choose to go to bed instead of eating.”Though I love sleeping ,my daily routine is regular which I consider is good for my health.

My philosophy is “The test of a first rate of intelligence is to have two opposed ideas at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” It is said by Fitzgerald ,also by my idol Rui Chenggang.However,it is hard for me to totally understand the meaning.Once,I was dreaming to be a diplomat or a hostess of some channels,Rui is like my model,guiding me towards my dream.Ironically,I am here,studying physics.Anyway,I find myself suitable for this kind of study,and the diplomat dream becomes indeed a “dream”.

Hello, I’m Amy. My favorite pastime is reading when I am not occupied. Sitting on the balcony chair, I feel extremely relaxed. And if there is a cup of tea beside, it will be much better. I also enjoy traveling, for I appreciate all kinds of beautiful scene, whether it is real or imagined landscape scenery. Then it’s obvious that I prefer leisure life to the modern busy life. My philosophy You never know what you can do till you try. Because I believe we can achieve anything if we devote ourselves to it, And that is the case I can accept failure and also face the difficulty, as long as it is what I really want to do. But when I am forced to do something of no interest,

It would not be done as perfect as those things I interested in. I do not have ambitions but have the passion of life .I love sports and I do exercise almost everyday. Jogging is my favorite sports , for it is convenient .Doing exercise makes me keep a good figure and keep healthy.

篇五:高中英语 GoodHealth-健康作文素材

Good Health-健康 There is nothing complicated about eating a proper diet. For good health, eat a variety of foods. Do not eat the same foods day after day! Foods should be selected everyday from each of 'basic four.' They are the four groups of food essential to proper nutrition: the milk group, meat group, vegetable-fruit group, and bread-cereal group, Your body will then be supplied with all the nutrients it requires; they are water, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and oils, proteins, and vitamins. A person's diet is determined by his attitudes, likes and dislikes. If you eat foods from each of the basic four groups each day, you will have a balanced diet.
