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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 12:16:38 作文素材


Introduction of China

It is well known that China is one of the four ancient and civilization countries in the world. In fact ,it has a more long history than we have ever known. Many ancient architectures and all sorts of historical books are often found in different places in china . It's much easier for you to find a person in china than you can in any other countries. So, China has the largest number of population on the Earth, which, however, also puts great burden on our country.

China is also a beautiful country with many interesting places such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on .There are fifty-six peoples in our country. We get along well with each other. Besides, Chinese food is very famous for its good taste and nutrition. Many people from other countries are fond of it and try their best to cook it. Every year, lots of foreigners from different countries come china to go sightseeing.

I really hope our country will become more and more prosperous and people will live a much happier life.








? China is my mother land. I am a Chinese .China is very big and very beautiful country .China is very old,too.


? Beijing is the capital of China .Beijing is the very beautiful city ,and it is in the

north .There are lots of people live in Beijing.My cousins live in Beijing ,too .



? There are lots of famous place in Beijing.I want go to Beijing ,but I didn’t go to beijing now.


? I love you, Beijing !


? There are two bigger river in China. They are the Changjiang River and the

Huanghe River .


? The Huanghe River is a very long river ,but it isn’t longest river of China . The Huanghe River is the second river in China .The Huanghe fish is very famous .I like eat ,too . The Huanghe River is a great river.The Huanghe River is also called “Mother River”,because we all dink the Huanghe River’s water .


? I love you,the Huanghe River !


? The Changjiang River is the longest river in China . In China,It is longer than any others .It is in south of china.It is wide and deep very much . The Changjiang River is a beautiful river .There are many many boats on the Changjiang River every day .

长江是中国最长的河流,它比中国其他的河流都要长。它在中国南部。 它非常深而且宽阔,是一条非常美丽的河流,每天都有很多船只在长江上航行。

? I love you , the Changjiang River !


? The Great Wall is the first longest wall .It is in north of china.The Great Wall like a large dragon .It is very long and very old, and it’s very famous. There are lots of people visit The Great Wall every day .


? I love you , the Great Wall !


? I’m from Luoyang city. Luoyang is beside of the Huanghe river .There are many many beautiful place in Luoyang . Luoyang peony are very beautiful and famous,too . 我来自洛阳,洛阳坐落在黄河岸边。洛阳也有很多美丽的景点,洛阳牡丹甲天下。

? I love you,Luoyang !


? You are welcome to Luo yang,my dear friends!


? You are welcome to China,my dear friends!


? I love you ,China!



What is China?

The ____________ of China, commonly known as China, is located in East Asia and borders ___________ or any other country in the world. It is the most populous state in the world with __________ citizens, while the world's population is

__________. That means _________ people in the world, one is Chinese. China is made of ________ distinctive ethnic groups with Han Chinese making the _______ of its whole population. China is a _________ party state governed by the Communist Party of China, whose power is enshrined in Chinese constitution. Though China is officially an atheist country, its religious roots lie within __________, Buddhism and __________, and from these most social and moral values are derived. There are also a significant number of Chinese ___________, who arrived via the _________ trade route and still retain their distinct culture.

is enshrined in Chinese constitution. Though China is officially an atheist country, its social and moral values are derived. There are also a significant number of Chinese



China is one of the world oldest civilizations, dating back more than 5 million years and was ruled by successive dynasties until 1912. During these times, many great discoveries in fields of science and technology were made, including the inventions of printing, paper, gunpowder and compass. This period also saw the construction of many landmarks, such as the Great Wall, which stretches over 4,000 miles; equals to 30 return travels from London to Paris. The Communist Party of China led by Mao gained control of mainland China in 1949 and established People's Republic of China. The modern China of today is as much shaped by its past as its rapidly looking to the future, while many of its big cities are comparable to any in the west, the underlying culture is still vastly different. Traveling outside large urban areas also highlights the growing disparity between rich and poor.



Chinese which is the most widely spoken language in the world as well as one of the most impenetrable for foreigners. There are many regional dialects of Chinese although the most widely spoken is Mandarin and Cantonese. Chinese characters evolved over time from earlier forms of hieroglyphs. Chinese contains over 49,000 characters, but a well-educated person can recognize around 6,000 characters, some 3,000 are required to read a newspaper.


Chinese Calendar农历

Chinese Zodiac's a scheme that relates each year to an animal, this is the year of rabbit. Chinese new year is the most important of traditional Chinese holidays, windows and doors will be decorated with red color paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of happiness, wealth and longevity. On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast with families. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next morning, children will meet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year and receive money in red paper envelopes. Chinese people love red color, which symbolizes prosperity and good luck. The period around Chinese new year is also the time of the largest human migration, and between 150 and 200 million migrant workers in China, bring home their earnings and go to have a unit dinner with their families on Chinese new year eve.




Most married couples in China are subjected to one child policy, which is introduced in 1979 to curb massive population growth. It is believed to have prevented more than 300 million births since then. Another consequence of the policy has been the

emergence of so called "little emperors", a generation of self-centered consumes has developed, while Chinese education system has rapidly developed there remains a heavy emphasis on passing exams. The upshot of this is that exams dictate the

curriculum, while Chinese students can master and memorize incredible amounts of knowledge and information. They often lack the ability to critically think, develop their own opinions, and engage in creative activities. Due to the propensity for

preferring sons over daughters, China is facing a large population imbalance with currently around 120 boys born for every 100 girls. By 2020, there will be 30 million more men than women.



Since economic opening up and reform policy began in 1978, China's economy has grown 90 times bigger and is the fastest growing major economy in the world. China's annual average GDP growth is predicted to be 9.5 percent for the period of 2011 to 2015. It is the world's largest exporter, and the second largest importer of goods. It is also known as the world's second biggest consumer of luxury goods. It now has the world's second largest GDP at about 6 trillion US dollars, 40 percent of the United States. Although its per capita income of 4300 US dollar is still low, and puts China behind roughly a hundred countries. China's growth has been uneven when comparing different geographic regions and rural and urban areas. Development has also been mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal regions, while the remainder of this country are left behind. In the past decade, China's cities expanded at an average rate of 10 percent annually, a scale unprecedented in human history.


不同地区、城乡之间发展也不均衡,发达地区集中在东南沿海,其余地方则普遍落后。过去十年,城市以年均10%的速度扩张,这是人类历史上前所未有的规模。 China is a country crazy for skyscrapers to show its economic booming. More than 200 skyscrapers are being built now. Within next three years, there will be one

skyscrapers completed every five days in China, which will make the total 800 in five years time, 4 times as many in the States. China is the world's factory. One out of every three household appliances/three toys/two pairs of shoes/two shirts are made in China. It has now become the world's largest energy consumer, but relies on coal to supply about 70 percent of energy needs. Leading Chinese environmental

campaigners have warned that water pollution is one of the most serious threats facing China now. Yet with 34.6 billion US dollars invested in clean technology in 2009, China is the world's leading investor in renewable energy technologies. China

produces more wind turbines and solar panels each year than any other country in the world.


染是中国最严重的环境问题,但2009年中国就向清洁能源投资了346亿美元,成为世界最大的可再生能源投资国,是风力发电机和太阳能电池板最大的生产国。 Food饮食

Being such a large and ethnically diverse country, each region has its own local specialties which the Chinese are often keen to try and introduce to others.

由于幅员辽阔和民族众多,每个地方都有自己的特色,中国人也乐于向外人推荐 Generally you will find hot and spicy food in the western and central China and cooler food in the south and north.


A Chinese dining table is usually round allowing everyone to engage equally in conversation.


It will be set with empty bowls, plates, and chopsticks for each person.


Food dishes are placed in the center of the table to be shared between everyone. 菜肴放在中间,一起分享

Don't be put off if you see people spitting bones/seeds onto the plate, this is perfectly normal.


Contrary to what you might find in your local China Town,


Chinese food is generally healthy and often beautifully presented. Texture, flavor, color, and aroma are key considerations for all Chinese cooks, even above nutritional contents.


Chinese dining is about showing respect and hospitality for the guests and is often used as an extension of the boardroom.


Heaving drinking is often a part of doing business and it is expected that you'll keep up with others.


If you do not want to drink alcohol, make it clear before you start.


Core Concepts要点

Face (Mianzi)面子

The concept of "face" can be loosely described as someone's social status or reputation in the eyes of others.


Throughout a Chinese person's life, it must be maintained and enhanced through giving to and receiving from others in both words and actions.


It may be something as small as who gets in the lift first to the awarding of multi-million dollar contracts.


But without it you will have very little power or influence.


To make someone lose face or even unknowingly is a huge dishonor and could mean the end of a relationship.

即使是无意中让别人没面子,也是极其严重的冒犯,可能意味着断绝关系 Connections (Guanxi)关系

Guanxi literally means "connections" or "relationship" as it essentially boils down to exchanging favors.


"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".


It can loosely be compared with the idea of networking in the west,


but usually goes much further in terms of developing and nurturing the relationship through social exchanges and favors which must be repaid at greater value in time. 但是在培养关系的利益交换过程中,你需要在适当时间给对方足够的好处 Relationships between family, friends and business associates are often closely interwoven.


In such an environment, issues of corruption are not uncommon when guanxi obligations take precedence over normal rules or laws.

这样的环境中腐败从来都不是新鲜事,因为关系人情往往比规则甚至法律更重要 The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong)中庸

Known as the Doctrine of the Mean or Golden Mean, this concept involves balancing one's position among a group to maintain conformity and a sense of harmony. To do this while still achieving one's personal objectives is considered by the Chinese people the ideal way of living. This can be applied to the workplace, where one should behave in a way which is seen to be neither ambitious nor lazy at the same time. Chinese people never openly criticize, ignore or make fun of a person in front of others, even jokingly. When discussing individual performance, they always emphasize good points before bad ones.



Chinese may ask you personal questions or make observations about your age, income, religion or appearance,


don't take it personally.


Likewise, Chinese rarely say "please" or "thank you" as this is seen as unnecessary formality between friends or family.



Chinese painting has a long history. All the people around the world must be attracted by its beauty if they see it. Today,our group will introduce Chinese painting,including four treasures of calligraphy and painting,Chinese Bird-and-flower painting ,Landscape painting ,Figure Painting

and ??



Chinese Painting: refers to paintings painted on Xuan paper or silk by ink and color, it is the main form of Chinese art.


In ancient times:

Chinese painting was commonly called as Danqing, mainly refers to the paintings on silk and Xuan paper which mounted on scroll.

In modern times:

As opposed to Western styles of art, works painted in traditional style is called as Chinese painting, meaning “national painting." It’s created in accordance with the unique Chinese aesthetic trend and artistic technique.



Four treasures of calligraphy and painting:

1. Brush is a traditional Chinese writing instrument, made of animal hair.

2. Chinese ink,black pigment used for writing and painting, is made of materials including pine soot, lacquer and herbal medicine, etc.

3. Xuan paper,including unprocessed, processed and half processed, suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both calligraphy and painting.

4. Ink stone is made of special and rare stone used for grinding ink.



1. The Great wall

The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.

2. The Palace Museum

The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and

lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there.

3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man

Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, during Paleolithic times. Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.

4. Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terra-cotta Army

Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province. Construction ofthe mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers. Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed. In 1980, two bronze painted horse-drawn chariots were unearthed. They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far. In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about 1.5 kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion. The largest

of the three vaults contains 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses. The collection of warriors is

often dubbed the“eighthwonder of the world”.

5. The Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang

Dunhuang Grottoes comprise of the Mogao grottoes, West 1,000-Buddha Cave, and Yulin Cave. The Mogao Grottoes, representative of the three sites, are located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City,

Gansu Province. Construction of the grottoes began in 366 AD. The well-designed grottoes are a

treasure house containing painting, sculptures, documents, and cultural relics.

6. The Huangshan Mountain

Located in Huangshan City in southern Anhui Province, the scenic area of the Huangshan Mountain covers 154 square kilometers and is famous for its four wonders: strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock

formations, seas of clouds and hot springs. It also features a natural zoo and botanical garden.

7. Huanglong

The Huanglong Scenic Area is located in Songpan County, Sichuan Province. Calcified ponds, beaches,

waterfalls and embankments characterize Huanglong scenery.

8. Chengde Summer Resorts and Surrounding Temples

Chengde Summer Resort, known as “The Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat”, is located in northern Chengde, Hebei Province. Qing Emperors used to spend their summer days handling state affairs at the resort. Construction of the resort lasted from 1703 to 1792. It is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace outside the capital. Many of the scenic spots around the resort’s lake area mimic famous landscaped gardens in southern China, and the buildings of the Outer Eight Temples feature

architectural style of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolian, Tibetan and Uygur.

9. Qufu, Confusius’Mansion, Temple and Cemetery

Qufu, in southwestern Shandong Province, was the capital of the state of Lu during the Spring and

Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the hometown of Confusius, a great thinker and educator.

Confucius’Mansion was the residence of Confucius’ eldest male descendants for generation. The mansion holds more than 9,000 volumes of archives dating from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils. Confucius’ Temple is famous for its 2,000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty. Confucius’Cemetery houses tombs for Confucius and his


10. Ancient Buildings on the Wudang Mountain

The Wudang Mountain, located in northwestern Hubei Province, is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplace of Wudang martial arts. The Gold Hall built on the mountain in 1416 represents

advanced architectural styleand building techniques of that period.

11. Potala Palace Potala

Palace in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 meters above the sea level. The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7 th century for Tang Princess Wencheng. Potala features the

essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom.

12. The Lushan Mountain

The Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China. The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites. Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning. 13. The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha The Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains. It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province. There are 150 temples on the mountain. The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals. Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province. The Buddha is carved

out of a cliff and, being 70.7 meters tall, is the largest sitting Buddha in China. Carving of the Buddha

started in 713 and was completed in

803. The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.

14. Lijiang Ancient City

Lijiang ancient city, located in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, is an ancient town inhabited mainly by the Naxi minority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with colored pebbles produced in Lijiang, and there are many stone bridges and memorial archways built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the residences are made of earth and wood. Palace murals depicting religious themes were painted during the Ming Dynasty. The traditional Dongba Culture of the Naxi ethnic group

has been preserved in Lijiang.

15. Pingyao Ancient City

Pingyao of Shanxi Province was built 2,000 years ago during the Zhou Dynasty. The city wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of China’s earliest and largest county-level city walls. Ancient streets, government offices, markets, stores and residences have been preserved, providing invaluable

resources for research on China’s ancient Ming Dynasty county seat.

16. Suzhou Gardens

Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is a famous historic and cultural city that is more than 2,500 years old. Suzhou features more than 200 ancient gardens. The small private gardens are especially famous

nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

17. The Summer Palace of Beijing

The Summer Palace, featuring the best of China’s ancient gardens, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. The palace was built in 1153 as a temporary imperial palace. It was rebuilt in 1888. The Summer

Palace consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. The Long Corridor, painted with exquisite paintings, was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1992 as the longest corridor in the world. The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential

and sightseeing areas.

18. The Temple of Heaven of Beijing

The Temple of Heaven, built in 1420, is located in southern Beijing. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,

emperors came to the temple to worship the God of Heavenand pray for a good harvest.
