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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 23:22:54 体裁作文





1、 四川位于中国西南部,是中国第二大省。占地面积570,000平方公里。四川北临甘肃、陕西,

东临湖北和湖南,南临贵州和云南,西边是西藏自治区(the Tibet Autonomous Region),西北边是青海省。

2、 四川拥有8千多万人口,是我国人口最稠密(populous)的省份。“四川”意思是有长江的


3、 四川是个旅游的好地方,有很多的名胜古迹,例如九寨沟和都江堰水利工程(Dujiangyan

Irrigation Project)。九寨沟因美丽的湖而闻名。都江堰水利工程拥有2000多年的历史,至今仍然对灌溉起着重要的作用。四川的天气和便利的交通会使旅行更加舒畅。

4、 成都是四川的首府,位于中部。天气温和湿润(mild and humid),土地肥沃(fertile soil),矿产和森林资源丰富(rich mineral and forest resources)。从经济、政治、地理和历史角度来看(From economic, political, geographical, and historical points of view),它是四川的心脏和神经中枢(nerve centre),被称之为四川的盆地,也称之为天府之国。


Sichuan is located in the southwestern part of the country,the second largest of the Chinese provinces. It covers an area of 220,100 square miles (570,000 square kilometres). It is bordered by the provinces of Gansu and Shanxi to the north, Hubei and Hunan to the east, and Guizhou and Yunnan to the south and by the Tibet Autonomous Region(西藏自治区) to the west and the province of Qinghai to the northwest. It has a population of more than 80 million ,which is the most populous(人口稠密的) province in China. The name Sichuan means “Four Streams” and refers to the four main tributaries (支流)of the Yangtze River, which flows through the province.

Sichuan is a good place for people to enjoy many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is famous for its beautiful lakes,where the water is clear and looks colorful. Another attraction is Dujianyan Irrigation Project, which has a history of 2000 years and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient traffic here can make the trip more enjoyable.

The capital, Chengdu, is located in the centre of the province. It has mild and humid climate, fertile soil, and rich mineral and forest resources . From economic, political, geographical, and

historical points of view, it is the heart and nerve centre(心脏和神经中枢) of Sichuan,commonly known as the Sichuan Basin. The Chinese call the basin Tian Fu Zhi Guo, which means “Heaven on Earth”.



May 3rd Fine

Today we visited Red Star Farm.

Early in the morning, we met at the school gate and went there together. About two hours later, we arrived. On arriving there, we were given a warm welcome by the farm workers. Then one of the workers showed us around the farm. We were very glad to see the crops and vegetables growing so well. At noon, we had a picnic happily.

After the picnic, we enjoyed ourselves in the sunshine. We listened to music, dancing and singing. Some were talking happily and even two of our classmates played chess. How time flies! It was time for us to leave though we didn't want to. It was really an unforgettable visit for us. "参观"英语作文范文

5月3日 晴







cut away 切下;逃跑

cut down 砍倒;缩减

cut off 切断

cut one's hair short 把……头发剪短

cut out 切下;删除

cut sth. in half 把……切成两半

cut sth. into halves 把……切成两半

cut sth. into two parts 把……切成两半

cut up 割开;切碎

daily goods 日用品

dance around 到处跳

dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞

dare to do 敢于……

date back to 起源于、追溯到

date from 起源于、追溯到

day after day 日复一日

day and night 一天到晚

day by day 逐日

deal in 经营

deal with 处理、对待

declare sb./sth. to be adj./n. 宣称……是……(接形容词或名词)

deep into the night 熬夜

delay doing/sth. 推迟……

demand (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求……

demand to do 要求去做

depend on/upon 取决于、依赖于、依靠

describe sth. to sb. 将……描述给(讲给)……

despise of sb. 看不起

determine sb. to do 使某人下决心做某事

determine to do 下决心做某事

develop a habit 养成习惯

develop an interest in sth. 表现出对……的兴趣

develop films 制作电影

devote sth./oneself to sth./doing 把……奉献给……

die away (气味、声音、光线)逐渐消失、变弱

die down 平息、变弱、逐渐消失

die from polluted air/over work/an accident/… 因为(空气污染、过度劳累、事故等)而死 die of grief/cold/hungry/old age/… 因为(悲伤、寒冷、饥饿、年老等)而死 die out 灭绝;死光、死绝

dig out 挖出

direct sb. to do 指导、要求某人去做

direct that sb. should do 命令某人去做

discourage sb. from sth./doing 阻碍某人做某事

dislike doing/sb./sth. 不喜欢……

dive off 从……跳水

divide sth. by sth. ……除以……

divide sth. into 将……分成

do a good deed 做好事

do away with 废除

do damage to 损害

do good/harm to sb./sth. 对……有好处(坏处)

do not give in an inch 一寸不让

do research on/in/about/into sth. 研究……

do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙

do sb. good/harm 对某人有好处(坏处)

do sb. the favour to do/of doing 帮某人忙做……

do sth. alone 自己、靠自己

do sth. at the right time 在合适的时候做某事

do sth. by hand 手工制作(常用被动)

do sth. by turns 轮流做……、依次做……

do sth. deep/far into the night 熬夜

do sth. for fun 做……为了取乐

do sth. in good faith 诚实地……

do sth. on purpose 有目的地做

do up ①系上、扣上 ②收拾整理

do with 处理

double one's output 使(产量等)成倍增长

draw a deep breath 深呼吸

draw conclusions 下结论

draw in ①(车)进站 ②引诱

draw one's attention 吸引某人注意力

draw quick interest 获得快捷利润

draw up 草拟、拟定

dream of sth./doing 梦想

drink to 为……干杯

drive sb. to tears 使某人哭

drop in at sp. 拜访某地

drop in on sb. 拜访某人

eager for 渴望

early bird 早起者、早到者

earn one's living 谋生

easy-going 随和、平易近人

eat one's words 收回某人(说过)的话

eat up 吃光

either A or B 是A或者是B(谓语动词就近一致)

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做……

end up with 以……结束

enter for 报名参加

escape being done 逃避被……

escape doing sth. 逃避做……

escape from sp. 从……逃离

ever lasting 永不停止的、永远的

every one of sb./sth. ……中的每一个

every other… 每两个……

every two… 每两个……

except for 除了(用于两种不同的事物)

expect sb. to do 期望某人……

expect sth. to be done 期望某事被……

expect to be/do 期望会……

explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释……

explain to sb. sth. 向某人解释……

export to 向……出口

face to face 面对面(作状语)

face-to-face 面对面的(作定语)

fail to do 失败、未做成

fall asleep 睡着了

fall behind 落后

fall ill 生病

fall in love with sb. 爱上某人

fall off 掉下

fall to pieces 消亡、灭亡、分裂、崩溃

far and near 远近、到处、四面八方

far and wide 广泛地

far more interesting 更有趣

far more 许多

fast asleep 熟睡

feed on sth. 以……为食

feed sb./sth. with/on sth. 用……喂养

feed sth. to sb./sth. 把……喂养给……

feel alone 感到孤单

feel like doing…/sth. 喜爱(做)……

feel lonely 感到孤单

feel one's way 摸索着前进

feel out 探索某人的意图

feel sb. on the head 摸某人的头

feel terrible 感觉不舒服

feel well 感觉舒服

few such mistakes 这么少的错误

fight against 与……作斗争、与……交战

fight back 回击

fight for sth. 为了……而斗争

figure on 指望、计划、打算

figure out ①解决 ②计算出来、合计出

fill with 充满

find out 找出、查明

find sb./sth. do 发现……做过……

find sb./sth. doing 发现……正在……

find sb./sth. done 发现……被……

finish off 结束、完成

fire at 向……开火

fire escape 火灾安全出口

fire out ①消沉、一蹶不振 ②开除、解雇

fire up 火冒三丈、发火

first aid 急救

first of all 首先

fit club 健身俱乐部

fix a time/date for sth./doing 确定……的日期

fix a time/date to do 确定日期做某事

fix A to B 把A固定在B上

fix one's attention on sth. 把某人的注意力集中到……上

fix one's eyes on sth. 目不转睛、凝视、把注意力集中在……上 fix sb. sth. 为……准备……

fix sth. for sb. 为……准备……

float off 漂浮

fly over (从上面)飞越

fold up 折叠起来

follow one's advice on 听从……的建议

follow the rules 遵守规则

fool about/around 游手好闲、闲荡

fool sb. into doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事

for (political) reasons 由于(政治)原因

for a while 一段时间

for ages 很久

for example 例如

for fear that 担心

for free 免费的

for God's sake 看在上帝的面上

for good 永久地、一劳永逸地

for instance 例如

for one thing 首先

for one's sake 为……起见

for oneself 为了自己

for sale 准备出售

for the first time 第一次

for the sake of 为……起见

forbid sb. to do 禁止某人做某事

force oneself to one's feet 挣扎着站起来

force sb. to do 强迫某人做……

foreign affairs 外交事务、外事、外务

form a habit 养成习惯

frankly speaking 坦白地说

free from 没有、免除

from a great distance 远距离

from cover to cover 从头到尾

from door to door 一家挨着一家

from side to side 左右摇摆

from that time on 从那时起

from the beginning 从一开始

from time to time 时常、经常

gain in 获得

generally speaking 一般来说

get across 通过、越过、穿过

get along (well) with ①与某人相处(得好) ②进展(顺利) get broken 弄坏了

get burnt 烧着了

get caught in 遇到

get changed 换衣服

get close to sth./sb. 与……接近

get down to sth./doing 开始去做……

get good from sth. 从……中得到好处

get hold of 把握住;抓住

get hurt 受伤了

get in touch with 与……取得联系

get in 进入

get into ①坐进(轿车、出租车等) ②陷入(某种状态)之中 get into the habit of 养成……的习惯

get it settled 确定

get married 结婚(强调动作)

get off ①下车 ②脱下

get on (well) with sb./sth. 与某人(事、物)相处(得好) get on the right track 走上正轨

get over 恢复、克服

get paid ……被付钱、得钱、挣钱

get ready for sth. 准备好……

get rid of 去除

get sb. to do/doing/done 让某人……

get separated 分开



1. 美丽的城市,美丽的风光使你度过难忘的时光。

2. 感谢朋友的盛情,祝他们一切顺利。

3. 欢迎朋友来中国参观,愿友谊地久天长。

Dear friends,

I’m very excited to stand here and express my thanks to you all . I must say I have had a good time in your beautiful city . Your people are very kind and friendly . The beautiful sight of your city will remain in our mind forever.

During my stay here you have done a lot for us . Thank you for your kindness . I am returning home tomorrow . I wish you good luck in everything . If any of you have the chance to visit China, do come to my city

May the friendship between us remain ever lasting!







Dear friends,

Welcome to China . I’m very glad to tell you what you are going to do during you 3-day stay in Beijing . Our headmaster is to You will be shown around the lab building and the library in the afternoon . On Tuesday morning the students of the two countries are to visit the Great Wall, where Mr. Zhang will tell some interesting stories about it . In the evening we are going to have a party in Room 402. The Chinese and the English students will give nice performances. You’ll have a talk with the Chinese students on Wednesday morning . You’ll be free in the afternoon . And you will leave for Xi’an by train at 9:45 on Thursday morning.

That’s all. Thank you!



Oct. 28, 2002 cloudy

What a day I

参观某地 英语作文

had today ! After school this afternoon , I got on my bike and started going fast . At this moment , an unexpected terrible accident happened . I was riding too fast without any sense of a coming truck from the left . Although the driver was quick to stop the truck , I was knocked down . My bike was broken down. Blood was trickling down my leg . My glasses were broken into pieces . Oh, what a terrible day ! I’ve made up my mind to be more careful on the road next time . Never keep my bike going too fast .


1、 时间:12月30日星期三晚七点。

2、 地点:学校第二会议室。

3、 内容:歌舞,短剧,用英语表演。

4、 晚会还有来自澳大利亚的布朗先生,演唱了吉他伴奏


5、 大家玩得很痛快。

It is reported that an English party was held at 7:00 p.m. on Dec . 30th (Wednesday) in the No.2 meeting room of our school . More than two hundred students and teachers came and took part in the evening party . They put on short plays , sang wonderful songs in English . Also they gave some dance performances . Mr. Brown from Australia also joined in the performance . He sang and plays his guitar . All those who came to the party had a good time .

请用英语为《中学英语指导》写一篇作文,题为“Our school”, 内容要点如下:







Our school lies in the west of our city . It is not big , but it has a long history . There are about 150 teachers and more than 1,500 students in our school . It has three teaching buildings and a library. To the east of our schoolyard is a large playground.

Our school is beautiful with trees and bushes , grass and flowers everywhere . When spring comes the whole schoolyard is dotted with colorful flowers .

There are the best teachers of the city in our school . The teachers are all kind and ready to help us . We work hard at our lessons and take part in different kinds of activities . Our school life is full of joy .

We all love our school life .




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