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My favorite sport

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.


体育运动英语作文一:体育运动有益身心健康 The Advantage of Sports

Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.


This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What’s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. After all, sports can make your life more colorful.


Nothing is more important than doing sports. It's time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.


体育运动英语作文二:体育热情 The Enthusiasm For Sports

Though PE class is a part of children’s education, many teenagers didn’t form the habit of doing exercise, they don’t have interest in sports. Enthusiasm for sports is of great importance, young people should treat it as their integral part of education.


On the one hand, promoting enthusiasm for sports among teenagers helps them keep a healthy lifestyle. In the school, students are forced to take exercise in the PE class, they need to join certain activities. In this way, students live in a healthy lifestyle, they won’t get sick easily. But after they leaving school, no one forces them to do so, so they are lazy to take exercise, their bodies gets weaker.


On the other hand, the enthusiasm for sports can help students enhance their sense of teamwork. As we known, most sports need more than one person to do, like badminton and table tennis, these sports needs more than two people. When students are playing badminton, they need to cooperate, so that they can defeat others, if they just keep an eye on themselves, they game can’t be played. Doing these sports will bring students the sense of teamwork, which is important for their career. 另一方面,对体育的锻炼可以帮助学生加强他们的团体合作感。我们知道,大部分运动需要不止一个人来做,比如羽毛球和乒乓球,这些运动需要超过两个人做。当学生打羽毛球时,需要合作,这样他们才可以打败对手,如果他们只是关注自己,游戏就无法进行。做这些运动可以给学生带来合作感,这对他们将来的职业很重要。

People should keep the habit of taking exercise, the sound body ensures better future. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a happiness to take exercise.


体育运动英语作文三:体育锻炼的好处 The Advantages of Doing Physical Exercises

As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it.” From this, we know

that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As far as I concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.


First of all, doing exercises in the morning will refresh my body as well as give me a good appetite to eat my breakfast. What’s more, the air in the morning is really fresh and clean, so I can keep my mind clear and sound in the class. By doing physical every day I can keep my mind alert that I can finish my tasks in time. If I do not do any physical exercise, I will feel tired and my body becomes quite sluggish. During the night, I may find it becomes harder to fall asleep. Second, doing exercises everyday will help me to mound a better personality. It takes time and patient to do exercises. Sometimes I just want to give up, but my friends encourage me to carry on, then I feel a lot of satisfaction. Doing physical exercises makes me stronger and healthier. That’s my personal experience.


As a student, sports are indispensable. You can pick up your favorite sport and do it every day. Only in this way, you can have both pleasure and a healthy body.


体育运动英语作文四:锻炼身体的重要性 The Importance of Physical Exercise

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life. There is a famous saying: "Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, they'll certainly help you live longer and more healthily.


Exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It helps coordinate the different parts of our bodies when we have sports. For example, we must try our best to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs when we play basketball, or we won't be able to shoot the basket. Exercise also benefits our organs. It lets the heart beat faster than usual, and then helps enlarge the blood vessels to protect us from heart attacks.

锻炼对我们的身体很好。运动的时候能够帮助我们 协调身体的各个部分, 例如,打篮球的时候我们必须尽力使手脚协调,否则我们不会投中篮。运动也有利于我们的器官。它让心跳比平时快,然后帮助扩大血管来预防心脏病。

Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely. For instance, when you play table- tennis, you must try to reflect as quickly as you can so that you may fight back at the right position at the fight moment.

运动也有助于提高我们的反应能力。例如,打乒乓球时你必须要快速反映,这样你才可以在正确位置反击。 Exercise can also contribute to improving our mood. When you do exercise, you move a lot, and you have to be more active. It helps you become more optimistic.

运动也有助于改善我们的心情。做了运动,活动多了,你也会变得更活跃。它可以帮助你变得更加乐观。 Exercise will fill your life with various contents and make it more colorful.


What's more, exercise will help you get rid of your inertia. If you keep doing exercise regularly, you will never be a lazy person. Therefore, exercise has great effect on one's character. 而且运动可以帮助你摆脱你的惰性。如果你经常锻炼,你永远都不会成为一个懒惰的人。因此,运动对一个人的性格有很大的影响。

In a word, exercise is helpful, important and absolutely necessary.



Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.

Now please pay attention to the pictures.There a lot kinds of sports.but which one is really fit you best? As far as I am concerned ,we should take diffrent sports for diffrent purpose.

Nowadays, Young people are more likely to pursue a healthy life.Naturally,they think that playing sports can bring us a healthy body.but Not all sports are suitable for us.If you just want to keep fit or lose weight ,a large amount time spending on playing sports is unnecessary.Taking morning jogging alongside the beach,playing basketball with your friend or even doing fitness exercises could make you feel relax and comfortable.

On the other hand,to the old people ,playing basketball must be a joke.But it doesn't means they couldn't enjoy themselves by playing sports. on the contrary,sports are important.especially for the people who just retired. tai chi ,ping-pang and yangko can add zest for their life and help them get rid of loneliness.

As the development of our sceoity(社会), more and more pressure around us. White collar spend fewer and fewer time on playing sports. They must easily fall sick. So they should pay more attention to balance their life .For they have less spare time, Hula loop ,shuttlecock and rope skipping are the best choices.

To be brief,playing sports is important,but we should choice the right One .Are you find your sports?Come on !Let's Go!!!

Thanks for your attention . Now it's your time. Could you share you opinions with us about the follow question.

What sports well suit you?why?


乒乓球Table tennis






1.体操 gymnastics

2.游泳 swimming

3.击剑 fencing

4.举重 weightlifting

5.棒球 baseball

6.篮球 basketball

7.排球 volleyball

8.乒乓球 table tennis

9.足球 soccer

10.跳水 diving

11.马球 polo

12.水球 water polo

13.垒球 softball

14.网球 tennis

15.赛艇 canoe

16.冲浪 surfing

17.自行车 cycling

18.羽毛球 badminton

19.田径 track and field

20.手球 handball

21.摔交 wrestling

22.拳击 boxing

23.射箭 toxophily

24.射击 shooting

25.柔道 judo

26.骑马 equestrian

27.曲棍球 hockey

football 足球

rugby 橄榄球

basketball 篮球

volleyball 排球

tennis 网球

baseball 垒球

handball 手球

hockey 曲棍球

golf 高尔夫球

cricket 板球

ice hockey 冰球

gymnastics 体操

horizontal bar 单杠

parallel bars 双杠

rings 吊环

side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马

weight-lifting 举重

boxing 拳击

Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

judo 柔道

fencing 击剑

skiing 滑雪

downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降

slalom 障碍滑雪

ski jump 跳高滑雪

ice skating 滑冰

figure skating 花样滑冰

roller skating 滑旱冰

middle-distance race 中长跑

sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏

marathon 马拉松

decathlon 十项

cross-country race 越野跑

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)

triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳

pole vault 撑竿跳

throw 投掷

throwing 投掷运动

putting the shot, shot put 推铅球

throwing the discus 掷铁饼

throwing the hammer 掷链锤

throwing the javelin 掷标枪

walk 竞走

swimming 游泳

medley relay 混合泳

crawl 爬泳

breaststroke 蛙式

backstroke 仰式

freestyle 自由式

butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳

diving competition 跳水

water polo 水球

water skiing 水橇

rowing 划船

canoe 划艇

boat race 赛艇

yacht 游艇

kayak 皮船

sailing 帆船运动

jockey, polo 马球

Tennis 网球

Athletics 竞技

Swimming 游泳

Individual Sports 体育项目

Football 足球

Games and Competitions 球类运动

Baseball & Softball 棒球和垒球

Water Sports 水上运动

Wrestling 搏击类竞技

Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托

Basketball 篮球

Riding and Horse Races 赛马

Boxing 拳击

manager 经纪人

instructor 教练,技术指导

guide 领队

trainer 助理教练

referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判

linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判

contestant, competitor, player 运动员

professional 职业运动员

amateur 业余运动员,爱好者

enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者

favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)

outsider 无取胜希望者

championship 冠军赛,锦标赛

champion 冠军

record 纪录

record holder 纪录创造者

ace 网球赛中的一分

Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会

Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会

stadium 运动场

track 跑道

ring 圈

ground, field 场地

pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地

court 网球场

team, side 队

竞技性运动competitive sport

用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up

出名 make one's mark

体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event

体育 PE (Physical Education)

体格、体质 physique

培训 groom

余的,带零头的 odd

年少者 junior

残疾人 the handicapped/disabled

学龄前儿童 preschool

全体;普通;一般 at large

平均寿命 life expectancy

复兴 revitalize

使有系统;整理 systemize

历史悠久的 time-honored

跳板 spring-board

秋千 swing

石弓,弩 crossbow

(比赛等的)观众 spectator

取得进展 make headway

体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power

与...有关系,加入 be affiliated to/with

落后 lag behind

武术 martial arts

五禽戏 five-animal exercises

体育运动 physical culture and sports

增强体质 to strengthen one's physique

可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying

称号,绰号 label

涌现出来 to come to the fore

源源不断 a steady flow of

队伍 contingent

又红又专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient

体育界 sports circle(s)

承担义务 to undertake obligation

黑马 dark horse

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:关于运动的英语作文)

冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse

爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner

发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health

锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country 为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland


Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.

体育道德 sportsmanship

打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play 竞技状态好 in good form

失常 to lose one's usual form

比分领先 to outscore

打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score

失利 to lose


Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission)

中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation

国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee

少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school, youth amateur athletic school

辅导站 coaching center

体育中心 sports center/complex

竞赛信息中心 competition information center

运动会 sports meet; athletic meeting; games

全国运动会 National Games

世界大学生运动会 World University Games; Universiade

比赛地点 competition/sports venue(s)

国际比赛 international tournament

邀请赛 invitational/invitational tournament

锦标赛 championship

东道国 host country/nation

体育场 stadium; sports field/ground

体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium

比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums


Doing regular aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercise refers to the movement there is sufficient oxygen supply,to aerobic metabolism as the main source of energy.Aerobic metabolism is the most radical forms of metabolism in the body, only produce carbon dioxide and water, hardly generate harmful substances to the body.In recent years, I will do aerobic

exercise on a regular basis, , my friends can't believe I can be so hard, they feel it very trouble. But I like these sports very much.

First of all, aerobic exercise should your body more healthly. As the saying goes"Life is movement", aerobic exercise can make oxygen inhaled several times more than usual, promote tissue metabolism, make the body have sufficient nutrients, muscle strength and endurance, body immunity is enhanced. The larger muscle groups at the same time continue to have rhythm, rhythm to do exercise, both to exercise the muscles, and strengthen the body's circulation system work, obviously improve the heart of the nutrition and lipid metabolism, so enhance the

cardiopulmonary function, make the cardiopulmonary endurance exercise. Therefore enhanced physique, is good for your health.

The second, shaping good physique. All kinds of aerobic exercise need to burn the calories and burning body fat, like this exercise the more time longer, the more burn off fat, this can reduce the body fat percentage. At the same time in the process of exercise, the muscle to obtain the very good exercise, the flexibility of the body is well enhanced, and eventually achieve the goal of weight loss and fitness.

The third, reduces stress and depression. Aerobic exercise is an adjusting way of positive emotion regulation. It can transfer and adjustment through the human body nervous system excitability, ease the mental pressure, have the effect of balanced mental psychological state and improve sleep quality.

The fourth, improves heart health. During aerobic exercise, your body is in constant need of oxygen which is used up very fast. Thus, your heart has to keep up and pump oxygen rich blood into your system without delay. This helps to strengthen your heart and improves its functionality. Thus, aerobics improves the health of your heart and prevents heart diseases.

The last, boosts immunity. People who exercise regularly have a stronger

immune system. Aerobics helps you develop a stronger immune system and does not let you fall prey to viral fever and infections.

Aerobic exercise has many benefits, make up is not complicated. In our life a lot of exercises are aerobic exercise. Such as: walk, climb mountains, row a boat, have a

swim, aerobics, cycling, jogging, shadowboxing exercise, play volleyball, play badminton, play basketball, social dance and so on. These cyclical aerobic exercise intensity is easy to control, simple and Easy to operate, without special equipment, can continuously on the heart and circulation system, respiratory system, improve heart function.
