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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 09:20:25 初中作文



一 单项选择题(12题,每小题5分)

1.“种族并不能说明荣耀,我见过最高尚的兽人,也见过最卑劣的人类。”这句话出自著名的圣骑士提里奥.弗丁之口,请问,这句话是他对谁说的( )

A.伊崔格 B.泰兰.弗丁 C.乌瑟尔 D.萨尔

2.下面哪位人物不是阿隆索斯.法奥的学生( )

A.乌瑟尔 B.加文拉德 C.亚历山大.莫格莱尼 D.图


3.亚历山大.莫格莱尼的武器是( )

A.灰烬使者 B.雷霆之怒·逐风者的祝福之剑 C.阿什砍迪.兄弟会之剑 D.影之哀伤

4.罗宁,布洛克斯希加,克拉苏斯参加了下列哪一场战斗( )

A.黑石塔战役 B.第一次燃烧军团入侵 C.第一次兽人 大战 D.天谴之门战役

5.萨尔在CTM中去纳格兰学习萨满教义后,谁接任了部落大酋长的职位( )

A.加洛什.地狱咆哮 B瓦洛克.萨鲁法尔 C.格罗姆.地狱咆哮 D.奥格瑞姆.毁灭之锤

6.祖尔金不会下列哪种变形形态( )

A.龙鹰 B.山猫 C.巨熊 D.鹌鹑

7.下列哪位人物不是死于阿尔萨斯之手( )

A.乌瑟尔 B.希尔瓦娜斯 C.亚历山大.莫格莱尼 D.泰瑞纳斯国王

8.伊利丹从谁的手中抢走了黑暗神殿( )

A.阿卡玛 B.玛维.影歌 C.马瑟里顿 D.阿达尔

9.下面哪位半神不是死于第一次燃烧军团的入侵( )

A.野猪之神阿戈玛甘 B巨熊之神乌索尔乌索克兄弟 C.白鹿之神玛洛恩 D.丛林之神塞纳留斯

10.在攻打卡拉赞战役中,麦迪文死于谁手( )

A.图拉扬 B.卡德加 C.伽罗娜 D.安度因.洛萨

11.下列哪个国家不是阿拉希王国分裂出去的( )

A.洛丹伦 B.暴风城 C.吉尔尼斯 D.银月城

12.下列哪位人物不是纳克萨玛斯军事区天启四骑士的成员( )

A.库尔塔兹领主 B.瑞文戴尔男爵 C.达里安.莫格莱尼 D.亚历山大.莫格莱尼




3.带头饮下玛落留斯之血的是______,他在灰谷一战中,再次饮下染有玛珞留斯之血的泉水,并斩杀了半神______。清醒之后,在萨尔的陪同之下,与_____同归于尽, 找回了自己的尊严。他的武器_____在卡拉赞的最终BOSS_______王子手中掉落。


5.泰坦众神开创了艾泽拉斯世界后,留下了五色巨龙来保护艾泽拉斯世界,他们分别是红龙生命女王_______,蓝龙魔法之王______,绿龙梦境之王______,黄龙时间之王 _____和疯狂了的黑龙大地之王_______。




9.巨魔是一个古老的名族,在巨魔的鼎盛时期曾打败了___族,后来大体分裂成2个分支,分别是位于南方荆棘谷的______部族,他们的首领是_____;北方的_____部族, 他们的首领是_____。

10.暗夜精灵在永恒之井大爆炸后,一部分高等精灵被流放,就是现在的______,他们现在的首领是_____;一部分沉入海底,就是现在的_____,他们的首领是 ______;还有一部分暗夜精灵留守在达纳苏斯,他们的首领是______。









阿尔萨斯:父亲! Father!

一切都... 结束...了? Is it... over?

泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底, At long last,

没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子。 No king rules forever, my son.

阿尔萨斯:我的眼前... 只有无尽黑暗... I see... Only darkness... before me. 泰瑞纳斯国王:失去了主人的号令, Without its master's command,

无止尽的天灾军团对这个世界的威胁会越来越大。 The restless scourge will become a even greater threat to this world.

对它的掌控不能停止。 Control must be maintained.

永远要有一个巫妖王的存在。 There must always be... a Lich King.

弗丁:这份艰巨的重担, The weight of such a burden,

只有我来承担了,没有其他人可以... It must be mine, for there is no other... 伯瓦尔:提里奥! Tirion!

你手中掌握着一份残酷的命运,兄弟。 You owe a grim destiny in your hands, brother.

但那并不只属于你。 But it's not your own.

弗丁:伯瓦尔! Bolvar!

我的老天啊... By all that is holy...

伯瓦尔:红龙的烈焰封印了我的命运。 The dragon's flame, sealed my fate. 活人的世界已容不下我。 The world of living can no longer comfort me.

把王冠放在我的头上。 Place the crown upon my head, Tirion.

从今以后,我将监禁这诅咒之力。 Forever more, I will be the jailor of the Damned. 弗丁:不,老朋友,我不能... No, old friend, I can not...

伯瓦尔:动手吧提里奥! Do it Tirion!

你和这些勇敢的英雄有自己的宿命要去完成。 You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill.

这最后的奉献就交给我吧。 This last act of service is mine.

弗丁:我们不会忘记你,兄弟。 You will not be forgotten, brother.

伯瓦尔:必须忘了我,提里奥! I must be forgotten, Tirion!

如果这个世界要从恐惧的枷锁中解脱出来, If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear,

今天这里发生的一切必须永无人知晓。 They must never know what's done here today. 巫妖王伯瓦尔:告诉他们,巫妖王已经死了。 Tell them only that the Lich King is dead, 而伯瓦尔·弗塔根和他同归于尽... and Bolvar Fordragon died... with him. 走吧!离开这里! Now, go! Leave this place,




战士 任何一次冲锋都无以畏惧,任

















- The damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪!


- My life for Nazul! Ner \'\'zhul万岁!(Nazul应为Ner \'\'zhul,UD的老大,下同)

- I wish only to serve! 服从是我的天命!

- Thy bidding, Master? 您的命令,主人?

- Where shall my blood be spilled? 我的热血应撒向何处?

- I bow to your will. 服从您的意愿。


- Yes, Master! 是,主人!

- I gladly obey. 我乐意服从。

- My fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。

- Thy will be done! 您的意愿已完成!


- This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了!

- Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地!

- All I see is blackness... Oh, my hood\'\'s down. 我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头巾掉下来了。

- Let blood drown the weak! 让血海淹没弱者吧!

- My life for Aiur! Uh, I mean Nazul! Aiur万岁!啊,我指的是Ner \'\'zhul!

- The living be cursed! 诅咒生者!

- Would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? Page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246页。

- Once you head down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny! And you get dental. 一旦你步入黑暗,它会永恒支配你的命运!


- [.vs 英雄] I am sanctified! 我被净化了!

- Death shall reign! 亡灵支配一切!

- Fear the Reaper! 在死神面前颤抖吧!

- Let life cease! 生命,终结吧!

噬尸鬼 - (注解: 所有其他音效都是噪音)


- Me eat dead people! 我吃死人~

- Me scary! 我好怕怕哦~

- Me eat brains! 我吃脑髓~

- No guts, no glory! 不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀!

地穴魔王- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是\'\'PitFiendDeath\'\' 而不是\'\'CryptFiend\'\' )


- The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了!


- Proceed! 前进!

- Make your choice!请指示!

- You rang? 你在召唤我吗?

- I await. 待命。


- [召唤Vile Insects] Rise! 起来吧!

- By Narube!** 以Narube的名义!

- What\'\'s done is done! 奉命行事!

- The time is now! 是时候了!

- Yes, Master! 是,主人!


- What a tangled web we weave!我们编织的网多么缠绕!

- Spider sense tingling.

- Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel. 上星期我的上半身出现在《探索频道》

- And my bottom half was on Animal Planet. 而下半身出现在《动物星球》

- My ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! (注解: lol) 我吐丝的时候PP都肿起来了!

- I like chicks that are into bandage! (注解: rofl!) 我喜欢绷带绑起来的小鸡

- I\'\'m stuck on bandages, \'\'cause bandages are stuck on me!* 我被绷带绑住了,因为我绑住了绷带!


- [.vs 英雄] Fall before the scourge! 在天罚面前倒下吧!

- For the Spider Kingdom! 为了蜘蛛王国!

- Be drained of life! 吸干你的生命!

- You may feel a sting. 可能会有点疼的~

石象鬼- (注解: 全是噪音没有文字)

绞肉车- (注解: 全是噪音没有文字)



- Us hear and obey!* 我们听从命令!



When it began it was just a computer game. Now it is seen as a cultural force that sparks love affairs, breaks marriages and creates "sweat shops" to satisfy a black market in virtual goods。


World of Warcraft marks its fifth birthday as something more than just an online role-playing game where users become wizards, warriors, orcs and elfs。


An estimated 12 million people play the game. They spend many hours taking on quests and doing battle with each another, building up their character-- or "levelling up" as it is known in the game--to gain powers and abilities。


But it has a dark side. A thriving black market for virtual goods to use in the game, such as swords and animals, has emerged. Some top-level goods take thousands of hours to earn, and impatient players are willing to pay up to $5,000 on eBay to get them。

但是,它也有黑暗的一面。专门买卖游戏中所使用的虚拟物品——如刀剑好动物等——的黑市应运而生,而且生意兴隆。有些顶级物品需要花上数千小时才能获取,而一些急不可耐的玩家宁愿在eBay上花高达5000美元予以购买。 The real financial rewards on offer have created an underground industry, where players play in slave-like conditions to obtain the items and sell them on. "You effectively have sweat shops in China," Mr Chatfield said. "If you were to visit one of these gold-farming things, you'd find a building with maybe 20-40 people in it, playing in shifts on banks of computers. They do it because they can earn more money doing that than producing garments in factories."



The addictiveness of the game has been accused of destroying relationships, creating "Warcraft widows" as players set it above anything else。


One "widow" told The Times: "We've had to enter into some heavy negotiation to work out the nights and weekends when he can play without me nagging to stop. Because it's not just the odd half-hour. Sometimes if he's locked into a group he'll break only to eat and visit the loo." 一个“活寡妇”对《泰晤士报》讲述说:“我们已经到了不得不严肃地进行谈判的地步,只有在双方讲定的晚上和周末,他才可以玩游戏,而我也不会唠叨和阻拦。因为这不只是临时玩上半个小时的问题。有时候,如果他加入一个队伍,他只在吃饭和上厕所的时候才有片刻停息。”

Blizzard Entertainment, which owns the game, will not reveal the average time that players spend on it, but academic research estimates that it is between 25 and 40 hours a week。


This obsessiveness has even led to violent consequences. Last week, police in France said that they had thwarted a plot by a boy, 13, to murder his school teachers. He was allegedly addicted to Warcraft. He was found by officers with his father's shotgun and cartridges。


In 2007, two parents were arrested for allegedly killing their child after becoming obsessed with the game。

2007年,两名家长因沉迷于“魔兽”,涉嫌杀害自己的孩子而遭逮捕。 However, fans say that the game's popularity stems from the social atmosphere that it has created. In the game, people often have to join together to compete quests. Mr Chatfield said: "I know of several people

who have got married through meeting in games. I even play the game with my wife."

然而游戏迷们称,“魔兽”受欢迎的原因来自它所缔造的社交氛围。在游戏中,人们往往要联合起来去挑战任务。查特菲尔德说:“我就知道几个人,他们是在玩游戏过程中认识而后结婚的。就连我和我的妻子也在一起玩游戏。” Blizzard said that they would mark the 5th anniversary by introducing surprise elements into the game, such as the "Onyxia Brood Whelpling Pet" as well as new "bosses" for players to battle against。


Fans are also awaiting the latest "expansion", which is an update to the game. Cataclysm is likely to be the biggest release of next year。 游戏迷还期待着最新的“资料片”,也就是它的升级版。“魔兽世界·大灾难”很可能是明年发布的最畅销游戏。

Mike Morhaime, the president and co-founder of Blizzard, said: "We never expected the series would grow into a social and pop-culture phenomenon. We've always simply made the games that we wanted to play ourselves and I hope that approach will continue to serve us well in the years to come."




When it began it was just a computer game. Now it is seen as a cultural force that sparks love affairs, breaks marriages and creates "sweat shops" to satisfy a black market in virtual goods。


World of Warcraft marks its fifth birthday as something more than just an online role-playing game where users become wizards, warriors, orcs and elfs。


An estimated 12 million people play the game. They spend many hours taking on quests and doing battle with each another, building up their character-- or "levelling up" as it is known in the game--to gain powers and abilities。


But it has a dark side. A thriving black market for virtual goods to use in the game, such as swords and animals, has emerged. Some top-level goods take thousands of hours to earn, and impatient players are willing to pay up to $5,000 on eBay to get them。

但是,它也有黑暗的一面。专门买卖游戏中所使用的虚拟物品——如刀剑好动物等——的黑市应运而生,而且生意兴隆。有些顶级物品需要花上数千小时才能获取,而一些急不可耐的玩家宁愿在eBay上花高达5000美元予以购买。 The real financial rewards on offer have created an underground industry, where players play in slave-like conditions to obtain the items and sell them on. "You effectively have sweat shops in China," Mr Chatfield said. "If you were to visit one of these gold-farming things, you'd find a building with maybe 20-40 people in it, playing in shifts on banks of computers. They do it because they can earn more money doing that than producing garments in factories."


有这样的血汗工厂。要是你想去参观这样一个打金之处,会看到一个房间,里面大约有20到40人轮流在一排排电脑上玩游戏。他们这样做是因为他们靠这个赚的钱要比在工厂里做?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路唷!?/p>

The addictiveness of the game has been accused of destroying relationships, creating "Warcraft widows" as players set it above anything else。


One "widow" told The Times: "We've had to enter into some heavy negotiation to work out the nights and weekends when he can play without me nagging to stop. Because it's not just the odd half-hour. Sometimes if he's locked into a group he'll break only to eat and visit the loo." 一个“活寡妇”对《泰晤士报》讲述说:“我们已经到了不得不严肃地进行谈判的地步,只有在双方讲定的晚上和周末,他才可以玩游戏,而我也不会唠叨和阻拦。因为这不只是临时玩上半个小时的问题。有时候,如果他加入一个队伍,他只在吃饭和上厕所的时候才有片刻停息。”

Blizzard Entertainment, which owns the game, will not reveal the average time that players spend on it, but academic research estimates that it is between 25 and 40 hours a week。


This obsessiveness has even led to violent consequences. Last week, police in France said that they had thwarted a plot by a boy, 13, to murder his school teachers. He was allegedly addicted to Warcraft. He was found by officers with his father's shotgun and cartridges。


In 2007, two parents were arrested for allegedly killing their child after becoming obsessed with the game。

2007年,两名家长因沉迷于“魔兽”,涉嫌杀害自己的孩子而遭逮捕。 However, fans say that the game's popularity stems from the social atmosphere that it has created. In the game, people often have to join together to compete quests. Mr Chatfield said: "I know of several people

who have got married through meeting in games. I even play the game with my wife."

然而游戏迷们称,“魔兽”受欢迎的原因来自它所缔造的社交氛围。在游戏中,人们往往要联合起来去挑战任务。查特菲尔德说:“我就知道几个人,他们是在玩游戏过程中认识而后结婚的。就连我和我的妻子也在一起玩游戏。” Blizzard said that they would mark the 5th anniversary by introducing surprise elements into the game, such as the "Onyxia Brood Whelpling Pet" as well as new "bosses" for players to battle against。


Fans are also awaiting the latest "expansion", which is an update to the game. Cataclysm is likely to be the biggest release of next year。 游戏迷还期待着最新的“资料片”,也就是它的升级版。“魔兽世界·大灾难”很可能是明年发布的最畅销游戏。

Mike Morhaime, the president and co-founder of Blizzard, said: "We never expected the series would grow into a social and pop-culture phenomenon. We've always simply made the games that we wanted to play ourselves and I hope that approach will continue to serve us well in the years to come."

