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篇一:2014年秋三年级英语上册 Unit8 Happy New year教案 译林版

Unit 8 Happy New Year

教学内容 Story time


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、日常用语和句型Happy New Year!

What’s this/ that? It’s?

This is for you.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇uncle,doll,ball,robot,CD.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇happy,new,year,for,you,that,car.

4. 欣赏歌曲Happy New Year!


1. 句型:What’s this/that? It’s ? This is for you.

2. 词汇:happy,new,year,for, doll,ball,robot.


1. 日常用语:What’s this/that?的语序

2. 词汇:happy,new,year,doll,ball,robot等词的读音


1. 多媒体、挂图、生词卡片,服装类、食品类图片,本单元学习的玩具类的图片(多带几套做奖品)、玩具(用礼品盒包装),Uncle John像的头饰, 小红花等奖品。

2. 黑板进行喜庆的装饰,并写上New Year’s Day(the first of January/1月1日)


A. Greetings

B. Say a rhyme For you and me

C. Free talk

1.教师出示Uncle John的头像介绍

T: Who’s this? He’s Uncle John. Now, I’m Uncle John.(戴上头饰). Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Uncle John.

教师领读uncle, John. 学生跟读


T: Look, there are some clothes.(把图片翻过去,抽一张)What’s this? Guess. S1: It’s a T-shirt.

T: No.

S2:It’s a jacket.

T: Yes. Look at this jacket. It’s red.

S2: How nice!

T: This is for you.(作为奖励给学生,引导学生说Thank you)

S2: Thank you.


T: What’s this? Guess.

S3: It’s a skirt.

T: Yes. What colour is it?

S3: It’s green.


T: Good. This is for you.

S3: Thank you.

? ?

3. 出示食品图片, 然后翻过去,抽一张让学生猜。

T: What’s this? Guess.

S4: It’s a cake..

T: Would you like a cake?

S4: Yes, please.

T: This cake is for you. Here you are.

S4: Thank you.

? ?

D. Story time


T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a doll.

T: Great. It’s a doll. D-O-L-L, doll.

Ss: D-O-L-L, doll.

T: This is for you.(给学生相应图片做奖品)

S1: Thank you.


? ?



3. 出示装有这些玩具的礼品盒,并摆放在不同位置。

T: What are they? Maybe it’s a doll?it’s a ball. Guess.

T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a doll.

T: No.

S2: It’s a car.

T:Yes. This is for you.(给学生相应图片做奖品)

S2: Thank you.

指远处的盒子问,让学生初步感知What’s this?与What’s that?的区别。

T: What’s that?

S2: It’s a robot.

T: Yes. You are right. This is for you.(给学生奖品)

S2: Thank you.

? ?

4. 引导学生看黑板的日期,播放歌曲Happy New Year.

T: It’s New Year’s Day. Happy New Year.(引导学生回答Happy New Year.)Ss: Happy New Year.

教师走进学生中间,与学生用Happy New Year.互相问好。

5. 播放Story time动画,引导学生理解。

6. 学生听录音跟读对话,提醒学生指着所读模仿语音语调

7. 学生分组、分角色朗读


(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:happy,new,year内容)

E. Consolidation

1. 出示Story time部分的图片,师生、生生分角色看图说话。

2. 学生同桌用图片或卡片,互赠新年礼物,互致新年祝福

S1: Happy New Year.

S2: Happy New Year.

S1: This is for you.

S2: Thank you. What’s this?

S1: It’s a toy cae.

S2: It’s nice.


F. Homework

1. 听录音,熟读Story time对话,拼读玩具类单词

2. 抄写词汇happy,new,year,for, you,that,car,yes.

义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案Unit 8 第二教时

教学内容 Fun time, Song time

教学目标: 复习巩固第一教时学习的日常用语和句型、单词,培养学生运用这些语句进行交流的能力。


1. 多媒体、挂图,服装类、食品类、玩具类图片和单词卡片,写有Story time对话句子的条卡。

2. 学生准备服装类、食品类、玩具类图片和单词卡片,组成扑克,准备游戏。 教学过程

A. Greetings

B. Sing a song

1) 播放歌曲,学生欣赏歌曲旋律。

2) 教师领读歌词,边做动作引导学生理解。

3) 听录音跟唱

C. Revison

1) 出示课文句子条卡,学生认读,读得好的,教师把卡发给他,让他站到讲台前领读。

2) 出示Story time部分图片,随着图片的出示让站在前面的学生相应举起卡片编对话领读,其余学生跟读。

3) 出示玩具类单词卡片,学生认读、拼读。

4) Free talk


T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a cake.

T: Would you like a cake.

S1: Yes, please.

T: This cake is for you.

S1: Thank you.

T: What’s this?

S2: It’s a skirt.

T: What colour is it?


S2: It’s yellow.

T: You’re right. This is for you.

S2: Thank you

? ?

D. Fun time

1. 引导学生看课本P52,了解游戏规则

2. 师生示范

T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a CD.

T: No, it isn’t.

S2: It’s a robot.

T: You’re right. This is for you.

S2:Thank you.

3. 学生分组游戏。

E. Homework

1. 课后继续Fun time部分的游戏。

2. 抄写本单元四会单词。

义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案 Unit 8 第三教时

教学内容 Cartoon time, Letter time


1. 复习巩固句型Happy New Year

What’s this/ that? It’s?

This is for you.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读Happy birthday!

3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词toy, ah,ha

4. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母Xx,Yy,Zz.


1. 能看懂、会表演Cartoon time部分对话。

2. 字母Xx,Yy,Zz.



1. 多媒体、挂图,生词卡片,字母卡片

2. 在黑板上画好四线三格。


A. Greetings

B. Revision

1) 出示Story time图片,学生看图说话

2) 出示玩具类图片,遮住图片部分,让学生猜,师生对话

T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a doll.

T: No.

S2: It’s a car.

T: Yes, you’re right. This is for you.



? ?

C. Song time

1. Sing the song Happy New Year

2. T: Can you sing song Happy birthday to you?(大部分学生会唱)

Let’s sing Happy birthday to you together


D. Cartoon time

T: Today is Bobby’s birthday. Let’s watch a cartoon.

播放Cartoon time部分动画。

1. 帮助学生理解故事大意。

T: Who’s this?

Ss: It’s Sam.

T: Who’s this?

Ss: This is Bobby.

T: Yes. This is Dog. And this is their friend, Monkey. What’s in the box?

3. 检查学生的理解情况

T: Whose birthday is this?

Ss: It’s Bobby’s birthday.

T: Good. Look at Picture2. what’s this?

Ss: It’s a toy car.(教学toy)

T: Look at Picture .What’s this?


T: It’s a clown.

4. 学生听录音跟读,模仿语音语调。

5. 学生分角色朗读表演。

E. Letter time

1. 引导学生看P54图片,找出字母Xx,Yy,Zz.

2. 教师领读字母,学生注意观察老师口型跟读。

3. 朗读竞赛。教师观察学生口型,及时纠正。

4. 学习书写

引导学生仔细观察课本P54字母在四线三格中的位置及正确的笔顺,然后在书本上描写字母 F. Homework

1. 试着默写本单元四会单词。

2. 抄写字母Xx,Yy,Zz.

义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案Unit 8 第四教时

教学内容 Checkout time

教学目标 复习巩固本单元学习的语句、单词、字母,学生能熟练地运用这些语句进行交流,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。



A. Greetings

B. Song time

1. Sing the song Happy New Year

2. Sing the song Colour song


篇二:三年级上册 Unit8 Happy New Year!单元测试卷 Microsoft Word 文档

Unit8 Happy New Year!

Name:____ Class:_____ 听力部分 (50分)

一、听录音,写出你所听到的字母的大小写形式。(听两遍)(1’×8=8’) ...



×8=8’) (

)1. A.SXZ

B. XZS C. ZXS ( )2. A. PQRL B. RLQP C. LRPQ ( )3. A. tvb B. bet C. bct ( )4. A. pqbd B. bpdq C. qdbp ( )5. A. doll B. ball C. dog ( )6. A. happy B. like C. thank ( )7. A. cake B. pie C. car ( )8. A. robot B. orange C. right 三、听录音,把相应的礼物和人物连线。(听两遍)(1’×4=4’)

三、听问句找答句,填序号。(听两遍)(1’×7=7’) ( ) a. Yes, please. ( ) b. I’d like a hot dog. ( ) c. Red and yellow. ( ) d. It’s a red car. ( ) e. OK. ( ) f. Thank you.

( ) g. Nice to meet you , too.

四、听录音,判断你所听到的句子是否符合要求,正确的请用“√”,错误的用“×”。(听两遍)(1’×6=6’) 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、

晚上临睡前,你可以对爸妈说: ( ) 跟朋友再见时,你可以说: ( ) 向别人祝贺生日时,你可以说: ( ) 送给别人一件短裙时,你可以说: ( ) 你看不清远处的物品时,你可以问: ( ) 请别人把物品转交给苏阳,你可以说: ( )

五、听录音,在合适的地方填入单词序号,将对话补充完整。(听两遍)(1’×7=7’) ....

Grandma: What’s that?

Mike:①_________ a cap. It’s②__________you. Grandpa: ③__________this?

Mike: It’s a jacket. It is for you, Grandpa. The④__________is for Helen. ⑤__________skirt is for Mum.

Family: Thank you, Mike. Happy ⑥__________! Mike: Dad, this book is for you. Dad: ⑦__________ you, my dear.


的用“F”表示。(听两遍)(2’×5=10’) ( ) 1. It’s New Year’s Day. ( ) 2. This doll is for Mike. ( ) 3. Mike would not like a robot. ( ) 4. They(他们) like this blue ball.

( ) 5. This CD is for Liu Tao. That toy car is for Su Yang.

笔试部分 (50


一、写出所给字母的大写或小写形式。 (0.5’×14=7’)

B d g I j l x

m P Q r t Y U


颜色类:_______ _______ _______ _______ ______ 食品类:_______ _______ _______ _______ ______ 玩具类:______ _______ _______ _______ ______ 服装类:_______ _______ _______ _______

家庭成员类:______ _______ _______ _______ ______ 三、英汉互译。(1’×8=8’)

1. 我的家人____________ 2. for you and me_________ 3. 真漂亮!____________ 4. New Year’s Day ________ 5. 这张光盘_____________ 6.Helen’s birthday__________ 7. 怎么样_______________ 8. a red toy car___________ 四 、根据情景,选择合适的英文表达。(1’×5=5’)

( ) 1. 你想知道远处的是什么物品,你可以问:_____________

A. Who’s that? B. What’s this? C. What’s that?

( ) 2. 向别人介绍自己的叔叔说:_____________

A. This is my uncle. B. He’s my aunt. C. He’s my father.

( ) 3. 你想把礼物送给Mike,你会对Mike说:_____________

A. This is to you. B. This is for you. C. This is for Mike.

( ) 4. 你托Mike把礼物带给Tim, Mike回答:_____________

A All right. B. Yes, it is. C. Thank you.

( ) 5. 下面句子中哪一句不适合和别人打招呼?

A Good evening B. Nice to meet you.. C. Good night.

五、选出错误的选项,将序号填在题前的括号里,并在横线改正。 (1’×5=5’) ( ) 1. This Su Hai. ____________

( )


( )


( ) ____________




( ) you, ____________


1. A:What’s B:It’s (a;an) book. B:This is ____(for ;to) you. Happy New Year ____ (for ;to) you. A: _______(Thanks; Thank) you.

2. Dad: Happy _____(new; New) Year, girls! Girls: Happy New Year, dad.

Dad: What______(would;do) you like?

Girls : We would like a _____.(ball;doll.) Dad: What______(about; now) a ball? Girls: _____(Yes; No), thanks.

篇三:happy new year正确答语

happy new year正确答语

The same to you and thank you!

篇四:三年级英语上册教案Unit 8 Happy New Year

篇五:Happy New Year第一课时教案

Happy New Year教案





2.学生能听得懂,会说,会读单词a doll, a ball, a CD, a car, a robot.

3.学生能听得懂,会说,会读句型What’s this/that? It’s...This is for… 并用句型来询问物品和互赠礼物。



2.重点单词a doll, a ball, a CD, a car, a robot

3.重点句型What’s this/that? It’s...This is for…



A. Greetings.

B. Listen to the song, say: What’s the song about? What can we do When New Year’s Day comes?(presents)

Presentation and practice

A. Play a game and teach the sentence patterns: what’s this? It’s a ...

B. Students guess what’s in the box and learn the sentence patterns : what’s this/that? It’s a... Then teacher teaches the new words a doll/ a robot/ a ball.

C. Teacher introduces Uncle John. Students guess what the presents are in the box.

D. Watch the cartoon and answer the question: What presents? E. Read and match. Try to find whose presents they are.

F. Check the answers and teach the sentence patterns It’s a … It’s for…

G. Listen and imitate the dialogue.

3. Consolidation

A. Happy reading: 1. Read by oneself 2. Read in the groups 3. Read in different roles

B. Act out the dialogue

4. Extension

A. Imagination: Tim is back…

B. Act it out.

5. Homework
