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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 17:31:46 体裁作文


If I was your best friend I'd never let you go

We could go to places we ain't never been before

Maybe take a chance or we'd never ever know

I've got time on my hands and I wanna spend more Swag swag swag, more than a little

Chillin' in the park while we're eating popsicles

I don't know about me but I know about you

Say hello to falsetto in 3-2-swaggie

I'd like to be everything you want

Hey girl let me talk to you

If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go

I'd keep you on my arm girl

You'd never be alone

and I could be a gentleman

Treat you how you want

If I was your boyfriend

I'd never let you go, I'd never let you go

Tell me what you like - yeah

Tell me what you want

I could be your Buzz Lightyear

Fly across the globe

I don't ever wanna fight

Yeah you already know

I could make you shine bright

Like you're standing in the snow


Girlfriend, girlfriend, you could be my girlfriend

You could be my girlfriend until the w-w-world ends We could dance, do a spin and a twirl and

Voice gone crazy on this hook like a whirlwind (super swag)

i never be alone七妹

I'd like to be everything you want

Hey girl let me talk to you

If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go

I'd keep you on my arm girl

You'd never be alone

and I could be a gentleman

Treat you how you want

If I was your boyfriend

I'd never let you go, I'd never let you go


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V

1. The landlady ___ us bread and milk. A

A. offered B. recovered C. received D. confronted

2. This is not my bike.It's ____________.B

A. Mary B. Mary's C. of Mary D. the bike of Mary

3. She divided the cake into three pieces and gave her three children ___ a peice.D

A. every B. all C. both D. each

4. — Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? — ________. C

A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I can't

C. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents D. I don't know

满分:2 分

5. We all know knowledge begins ___ practice.D

A. at B. from C. in D. with

满分:2 分

6. —Do you mind telling me where you're from? —_________.C

A. Certainly. I'm from London B. Sure. I was born in London

C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. I'm from London

满分:2 分

7. —Oh, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll be careful next time. —___________________. B

A. It's nothing at all B. Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter C. Thank you D. There are no questions 满分:2 分

8. I don't mind how hot it is, but I can't ___ the cold. A

A. stand B. fight C. keep D. beat

满分:2 分

9. —Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? —_______. B

A. Don't ask that B. Sorry, I'm a stranger here C. No, I can't say that D. No, you're driving too fast 满分:2 分

10. —Please help yourself to the fish. —_______. A

A. Thanks, but I don't like fish B. Sorry, I can't help C. Well, fish don't suit me D. No, I can't 满分:2 分

11. We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education. B

A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory

满分:2 分

12. —Do you mind my smoking here? —_________.B

A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes. I'd rather not. D. Good idea.

满分:2 分

13. —Hurry up please, or I'll be late. —_______ A

A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now. B. Well, it's alright, sir.

C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way.

满分:2 分

14. —Hi, is Mary there, please? —______A

A. Hold on. I'll get her. B. No, she isn't here. C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want. 满分:2 分

15. —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! —_________.B

A. Don't worry about it B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course

C. Mr. Brown is very good D. Good luck to you

满分:2 分

16. Our neighbors will ___ our house when we are away. C

A. pay attention B. look at C. look after D. care

满分:2 分

17. —What can I do for you, madam? —_________.A

A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I'm busy

满分:2 分

18. —Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and we'd like you to join us. —A Susan. What's the occasion? What time do you want to me to come?

A. I'd love to B. No way C. By no means D. I'm afraid not.

满分:2 分

19. ___ Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days in China. B

A. In B. On C. At D. From

满分:2 分

20. We look ____ to receiving a prompt reply to our letter. D

A. round B. through C. after D. forward

满分:2 分

21. The rising ___ of living is as hard on country families as on city families. C

A. price B. spend C. expense D. amount

满分:2 分

22. After her husband died, she ___ another man in 1964. A

A. married B. married with C. married to D. was married to

满分:2 分

23. I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given.D

A. no possibility B. there was impossibility C. impossible D. it impossible

满分:2 分

24. They are from__________.They are_________. D

A. Germany;Germen B. German;Germany C. Germany;German D. Germany;Germans

满分:2 分

25. The storm prevented Betty and Mary ___ yesterday. C

A. leave B. to leave C. from leaving D. of leaving

满分:2 分

26. The artist spends most of his spare time ___ butterfly specimens. D

A. collect B. collects C. to collect D. collecting

满分:2 分

27. Sorry, I don't ______your opinion. C

A. agree B. care C. share D. accept

满分:2 分

28. —Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's

exam. —______C

A. It's none of your business. B. What are you doing?

C. Sure. Sorry to disturb you. D. No, I don't think so.

满分:2 分

29. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? —_________.C

A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Yes, help yourself D. It doesn't matter

满分:2 分

30. While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family.C

A. comment B. complain C. communicate D. comprehend

满分:2 分

31. —This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. —________.B

A. You may ask for help. B. Let me give you a hand. C. Please do me a favor. D. I'd come to help. 满分:2 分

32. If you ever have the ___ to go abroad to study, you should take it.A

A. chance B. possibility C. offer D. luck

满分:2 分

33. The road builders' claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under____ by the government.A

A. consideration B. inquiry C. regard D. application

满分:2 分

34. Please let me sit down; I’m ___.C

A. worn down B. worn off C. worn ou D. worn away

满分:2 分

35. —Are you getting a new flat this year? —____ I can't afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat. B

A. Without question. B. You must be joking. C. Good idea! D. Are you sure?

满分:2 分

36. The town is about _________ ride from here .C

A. two hour B. two hour's C. two hours' D. two-hours

满分:2 分

37. Jack looked down ___ Tom for his poor manners. C

A. to B. at C. opon D. in

满分:2 分

38. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans ___ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day. B

A. used to eating B. are used to eating C. are used to eat D. used to eat

满分:2 分

39. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____.A

A. withdraw B. resign C. retire#retreat

满分:2 分

40. She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really _______ her. C

A. hurt B. damage C. spoil D. harm

满分:2 分

41. Just calm down --- it doesn't___anything to get so hysterical. B

A. become B. solve C. turn D. involve

满分:2 分

42. —Tomorrow is my birthday. —__________.C

A. Oh, I have a good idea. B. I am glad you like it.

C. Many happy returns of the day! D. You must be very happy.

满分:2 分

43. This state ___ the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. B

A. forbids B. prohibits C. prevents D. discourages

满分:2 分

44. Please don't ___ Bobby when he ___ you. A

A. turn down, turns to B. turn away from, turns into C. turn off, turns up D. turn out, turns over 满分:2 分

45. This test ___ a number of multiple -choice questions. C

A. composed of B. composes in C. consists of D. consists in

满分:2 分

46. —You have lovely children. —_______________.D

A. No, no, no. They are not B. Oh, no, no C. You're talking too much D. Thanks

满分:2 分

47. —May I see the menu, please? I've been waiting an hour already. —_________.C

A. That is the menu, sir B. Yes, please go on C. Here you are, sir D. Of course, sir 满分:2 分

48. We have come to a critical moment. You must take immediate ___.B

A. act B. action C. activity D. doings

满分:2 分

49. —How are you feeling? —Much better. _________.A

A. Thanks for coming to see me. B. You look great. C. You are so tired. D. Don't mention it. 满分:2 分

50. Intelligent students can always ___ good solutions to problems. B

A. carry out B. come up with C. look into D. catch up with

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V

1. —What day is today? —________.B

A. Today is March 25th B. Today is Saturday C. Today is fine D. Today is cold

满分:2 分

2. It is ___ that I am looking for. C

A. himself B. he C. him D. he himself

满分:2 分

3. They will____to Paris next year. D

A. trip B. get C. visit D. travel




( )1.He _____ when the UFO arrived.

A. was sleeping B. were sleeping C. has slept D. is asleep ( )2.I have been skating _______ nine o‘clock.

A. for B. since C. at D. from ( )3.Would you mind ______ those old jeans?

A. don‘t wear B. not to wear C. aren‘t wearing D. not wearing

( )4.---He‘s never been to an aquarium.


A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. I never too D. I don‘t too ( )5.It‘s really cold today, ______ ?

A. does it B. doesn‘t it C. isn‘t it D. is it ( )6._____ have you been swimming? For five years.

A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How much ( )7.--Could you please _____ in the room? --Oh, I‘m sorry.

A. not smoking B. not smoke C. not to smoke D. don‘t smoke ( )8.---Could we buy a piano, Jack?

---I‘m afraid there ______ enough room for one in the house. A. aren‘t B. are C. isn‘t D. is ( )9.I got home _____ they were having dinner.

A. as soon as B. while C. because D. after ( )10. We got mad ______ the team for losing the match.

A. at B. in C. on D. about ( )11.She _______ a lot of money on clothes.

A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys ( )12.I will stay at home and read books if it _______ tomorrow.

A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain ( )13.The teacher encourages her students _____ English as much as possible. A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke ( )14.His father _____ to Nanjing. He _____ back next week.

A. has been, is B has been, will be C. has gone, is D. has gone, will be

( )15.The teacher said that they ______ hard-working students.

A. is B. are C. were D. was .


One night a young American doctor was sleeping at home when his doorbell began to ring. When he opened ―Excuse me, Doctor,‖said the man. ―Can you come at once to a place out of town. It‘s quite far but you haway‖

―Certainly,‖ said the doctor, ―I‘m ready. I‘ll come soon.‖ a few minutes, the car came. The man got into the car and they off.

time, and then the man said, ―Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and to town.‖ ―Butpatient,‖

the doctor said. ―Where‘s the patient?‖


answered the man. ―Nobody There are no taxis at this time of the night. Here‘s! ( )1. A. listening ( )2. A. take ( )3. A. After ( )4. A. drove ( )5. A. short ( )6. A. away ( )7. A. watch ( )8. A. my ( )9. A. go

B. standing B. pass

B. left

C. sitting C. see

C. got

D. watching D. show D. went

B. For B. long

C. In C. hard C. back C. see

C. a

D. With D. late D. slowly D. know

D. your D. ask D. for you

B. quickly B. look for

B. no B. lose B. night

C. find C. idea A

( )10.A. evening


For many people the subject of hiccups (嗝) is a joke, but for Harry Mendes, a fifteen-year-old schoolboy from Birmingham, it was something quite different.

His hiccups began one Sunday lunch time and continued day and night for two weeks. After the first week, Harry's parents took him to hospital, but it took another week for the doctors to cure his attack.

Harry, who is now back at school, described what happened to him.

“When I began to hiccup, I drank a glass of water but that didn't do any good. That evening I had hiccups every four seconds. We tried everything to stop them. I held my breath and drank cold drinks. My father even tried to give me a shock but that didn't work either.‖

After a week of sleepless nights, he went to hospital. The doctors took an X-ray of his chest but they couldn't find anything wrong.

“They gave me some medicine and my hiccups slowed down, but it was another week before the medicine worked completely and my hiccups stopped.‖

Harry was very lucky. The world record holder is the American farmer Charles Osborne, who hiccupped for sixty-eight years. He stopped in 1990 at last, but nobody knows why. ( )1.Harry's hiccups lasted ____.

A. a week

B. fourteen days

C. twenty-eight days B. went to hospital

D. one month

( )2.His hiccups started after he ____.

A. drank a glass of water

C. ate an Indian meal

D. finished his homework B. held his breath D. couldn't stop hiccupping B. took an X-ray of his chest D. let him drink cold drinks C. 喷嚏 B

D. 哈欠

( )3.His parents decided to take him to hospital when he ____.

A. hiccupped for four seconds C. hiccupped at night

( )4.His hiccups completely stopped one week after the doctor ____.

A. gave him some medicine

C. gave him a shock A.震惊

( )5.What does “shock” in this passage mean?

B. 休克

Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you. Tickets


Children:Over 12 $ 1.00 Under 12 Free Opening time 9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Except Friday 10:00 a.m. — 3 :00 p.m. Keep the zoo clean!

Do not touch,give food or go near the animals.

( )6.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A. Four

B. Five.

C. Six.

D. Seven.

( )7.Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the

tickets together? A. $4.00

B. $2.00

C. $3.00

D. $1.00

D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday D. tall

( )8.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A. 8:30 a.m. Monday B. 9:30 a.m. Friday C.3:00 p.m. Sunday

A. fat

B. long

C. strong

( )9.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _______. ( )10.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. To give some food to the dogs. C. To throw things everywhere.

B. To touch the monkey on the head. D. To take a few nice photos. C

Yang Liwei circled the earth 14 times in 21 hours on October 15 and 16, 2003, landing on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Looking a little tired, Yang stepped out of Shenzhou V, smiling and waving at the waiting people. ―I feel very good.‖ Yang said to Premier Wen Jiabao on the phone. Yang said to a newspaper, ―For our motherland and me, this is a great moment.‖

China‘s (系统) to protect the spaceman, but neither Russian rockets(火箭)nor American ones have.

Yang didn‘t know that he was chosen as China‘s first spaceman until just before the launch. Although Yang was excited at the news, he still slept at 8p.m. as usual and was woken up at 8p.m. the next morning. Before the launch, Yang ate Chinese traditional food-dumplings. We all know that travelers usually eat them before going on a journey for good luck.

A stamp Success of China First Manned Space Flight was issued(发行)on October 16, 2003, making China the third country to send a spaceman into outer space.

( )11. It took Yang Liwei_____ to travel around the earth every circle. A. 6 hours B. 90 minutes C. 2 days D. 21 hours ( )12. How did Yang Liwei feel after he came back to the earth? A. Quite tired. B. A little scared. C. Tired but excited. D. A little nervous ( )13. Which of the following statement is right?

A. There is no difference between China‘s spaceship and other countries. B. Yang Liwei knew he would be China‘s first spaceman long before. C. From the news, Yang Liwei was too excited to fall asleep. D. Yang was proud of the flight.

( )14. What does the underlined word ―launch‖ mean? A. 发射 B. 出发 C. 制造 D. 设计 ( )15. China issued the stamps to _________.

A. leave them in space

B. give them to Yang Liwei as a reward C. celebrate the success

D. give them to Russian and American spacemen.


Experts(专家) say that students usually need eight to ten hours‘ sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger (手指) with his eyes still closed, begging(请求) for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of students ― early birds‖ in China, he has to get up before six every morning. A report shows that without a good night‘s sleep, students seem to be weaker (虚弱) than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.

Experts have ever said that the students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to work well in class.

( ) 16. The 10-year-old boy begged for more minute to sleep because__________.

A. he didn‘t have enough sleep B. it wasn‘t time for him to get up C. he didn‘t want to go to school D. he wanted his mother to wake him up ( )17. In this passage we know if students don‘t get enough sleep, they may________.

A. become too weak to sleep B. not work well in class C. go to bed early D. be weak in English

( )18. In this passage ―early birds‖ means ―persons who ______________‖

A. get up early B. get up late C. sleep less D. don‘t want to sleep ( )19. ―Stay up late‖ here means ―_____________‖

A. study late B. watch TV late C. not go to bed until late D. stay outside ( )20. According to the passage, which of the following is right?_________

A. If you want to study better, you must work hard at night. B. Sleeping less means working hard.

C. Some clever students are able to work well in class because they have good study habits.

D. Students don‘t have enough sleep because they have lots of homework to do.

第二卷 笔试部分 (共35分)

第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分15分)

(一) 单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分) noise from the bushes. 2.Have you ever h_________ of the interesting story?

3.Mrs Lee has much ______________(经验) of teaching English. 4. Listening to music is a way of (放松) yourself.

5. It‘s hard to (想象) how they can improve English so quickly. (二) 综合填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)


Life is not easy, so I‘d like to say ―When anything (1), believe in yourself!‖ When I was a young me. I was sad but could do my life. It was an English speech contest(比赛). My all the teachers and students of my school!

―Come on, boy. Believe in yourself! You are sure to (6)different topics. At last I the topic ―Believe in yourself‖. I tried my best to remember all the speech and it over 100 times. With my mother‘s great love, I did well in the contest. I could (9)______ believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the on me, now all said congratulations to me.

第二节 任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分; 满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,并完成短文后的任务。

Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don‘t agree with them.

Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources (资源), we are short of

篇四:Test Yourself

Test Yourself (Units 1-4), Book 2

41. I guess Professor Wang hasn’t finished grading the papers yet. If he had, he would not keep us in ______.

A. suspense B. trouble C. doubt D. wonder

42. John remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of ______ wit.

A. emotional B. accurate C. excellent D. exceptional

43. “Are you worried about your son being alone in a strange country?” “______. I’m sure he’ll manage fine”

A. By all means B. Of course C. Not in the least D. No wonder

44. The plot of the novel ______ the economic development of the village.

A. evolves with B. emerges from C. blends with D. attaches to

45. The decision to quit school at that young age is, ______, the most stupid thing I have ever done.

A. at times B. at first sight C. in retrospect D. by comparison

46. At the conference yesterday, our differences were further ______. The next step is to work out a solution acceptable to both sides.

A. narrowed down B. cooled down C. driven home D. brought about

47. Brian cheated in the last math exam, so he thought he could ______ it again this time, but he was wrong.

A. get rid of B. get away with C. avoid being caught D. mess around with

48. This child is a born mathematical problems without remembering to have meals.

A. and so B. to the extent that C. so much so that D. so much that

49. As a cleaning woman, her ______ duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.

A. continuous B. routine C. initial D. constant

50. Even ______ what she said about his personal life is true, it is irrelevant to his qualifications as a software engineer.

A. knowing B. assuming C. recognizing D. acknowledging

51. Bonuses are meant to ______ hard work and outstanding performance. This means that not all workers are entitled to them.

A. restore B. grab C. push D. reward

52. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just ______ until the examination time.

A. fooled around B. to fool around C. having fooled around D. to have fooled around

53. The president of the automobile company said that short-term profit is not at the top of the company’s ______ list. Their major concern at present is developing a more competitive model.

A. interest B. priority C. assignment D. job

54. In the past ten years Jack has been with us, I think he has proved that he ______ respect from everyone of us.

A. qualifies B. expects C. reserves D. deserves

55. He has been ______ since he was appointed as president of the university last year.

A. putting up B. getting away C. making use of his relationship D. throwing his weight around

56. A market economy allows businesses to compete against each other free from government ______.

A. restriction B. planning C. interference D. arrangement

57. The seller gave me a thirty percent ______ on the shirt. Don’t you think it’s a good bargain?

A. discount B. treatment C. decrease D. favor

58. Mark does not take his schoolwork seriously. ______, no one expects a millionaire’s son to work hard.

A. However B. Conversely C. But then D. Nevertheless

59.I am sorry I am not in a position to answer this question. Ask the man sitting by the window. He is ______ here.

A. in charge B. liable C. reliable D. in power

60. Despite a very tight schedule, everyoe who came to the meeting agreed that at least one day should be ______ for sightseeing.

A. set apart B. added C. put in D. inserted

61. But for her mother’s sudden illness, she would never think of breaking this ______ with you.

A. arrangement B. schedule C. appointment D. interview

62. To be frank, I don’t like Jack. His rather superior manner ______ on me.

A. jams B. jars C. irritates D. upsets

63. His ______ argument against our proposal is based on misinformation.

A. organic B. valid C. formal D. principal

64. As a receptionist, my job ______ answering phone calls and offering general information about the company.

A. is involved with B. consists of C. requires D. evolves

65. This entrance is in ______ use: do not block it.

A. constant B. tender C. creative D. critical

66. We are all ______ to dislike those who are critical of us.

A. suspicious B. easy C. liable D. desirable

67. At the dinner party last night Christine felt greatly ______ because her mother kept bragging about her accomplishments at school.

A. alarmed B. disappointed C. ashamed D. embarrassed

68.James Joyce’s novels are difficult to understand and impossible ______ into another language.

A. to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translated

69. Sports help to build character and ______ competitiveness.

A. cultivate B. accomplish C. assist D. restore

70. The ______ breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work.

A. continuous B. continued C. continuing D. continual


41-45: ADCAC 46-50: ABCBB 51-55: DBBDD 56-60: CACAA 61-65: CBDBA 66-70: CDAAD

Test Yourself (Units 5-8), Book 2

31. The terrorist attack on America on September 11, 2001 has met with ______ condemnation.

A. overall B. universal C. extensive D. widespread

32. “Take the medicince and go to bed early. If the headache ______, you should come for an X-ray examination,” said the doctor.

A. recurs B. happens C. recovers D. repeats

33. To keep up with the pace of the modern world, we must overcome the ______ to new technology.

A. resistance B. suppression C. charm D. reproach

34. George can hardly be labeled a radical; he is a man of ______ views.

A. modest B. sensitive C. moderate D. tolerant

35. The earthquake left thousands of people in ______ need of medical care.

A. current B. urgent C. critical D. continual

36. ______ by a strange loud noise downstairs, the two girls jumped from their bed and screamed.

A. Stunned B. Amazed C. Promoted D. Startled

37. Our trip to Beijing ______ with the visit of my cousin Lucy’s family. So we had a great reunion at the foot of the Great Wall.

A. recurred B. coincided C. blended D. occurred

38. The survey shows that the officials of some listed (上市的) companies are ______ themselves at the expense of the stockholders (股东).

A. abusing B. rewarding C. disrupting D. enriching

39. At such a time of crisis, we must try to ______ all differences of party or class and stick together.

A. set forth B. set back C. set down D. set aside

40. I have told her on ______ occasions that George is not a man to be trusted.

A. ridiculous B. numerous C. sentimental D. alternative

41. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its ______ was not.

A. intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity

42. Being ______ about its future, investors are wary of putting more money in the dot.com industry.

A. skeptical B. contemporary C. incredible D. aesthetic

43. Don’t ______ the poor child any more. He is already sad enough for getting himself into such a mess.

A. humiliate B. threaten C. conflict D. reproach

44. For more accurate data, we need more ______ equipment to do the research.

A. systematic B. expensive C. speculative D. sophisticated

45. For generations the people in these two villages lived in perfect ______.

A. conflict B. distinction C. harmony D. regulation

46. The employer worked his men almost ______ collapse.

A. to the extent of B. to the point of C. on top of D. in spite of

47. While the doctors analyzed the patient’s condition, his family waited outside in considerable ______.

A. tension B. anticipation C. eagerness D. anxiety

48. When asked for your views about your ____ job, on no account must you be negative.

A. current B. contemporary C. occasional D. universal

49. Our new refrigerator ______ 70 percent less electricity than our old model.

A. conserves B. consumes C. conquers D. accommodates

50. Big industries and environmental protection groups naturally have ______ interests.

A. conflicting B. distinguishing C. alternate D. combating

51. It wasn’t the dinner. It was ______ people talked about at the dinner that disgusted him.

A. what B. that C. whatever D. those

52. In these remote villages, women are ______ the opportunity of having a career.

A. reserved B. denied C. disrupted D. invaded

53. ______ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!

A. If I had got up B. If only I get up C. If only I had got up D. If I got up

54. Most people are not yet aware that water is a precious resource that must be ______.

A. conserved B. enriched C. preserved D. reserved

55. Though this house is very old and may not be worth much, it is ______ great emotional value to my father who spent all his childhood days here.

A. by B.of C.with D. for

56. I still believe children should be disciplined when the need ______.

A. arouses B.arises C. dominates D. bides

57. Allegations (指控) of corruption were ______ as ridiculous.

A. dismissed B. surrendered C. banned D. modified

58. I could see from her expression that my comments had ______.

A. come through B. hit home C. borne out D. got away

59. Susan warned herself not to ______ despair. She must stand up and fight.

A. take credit for B. give way to C. work her way into D. rid herself of

60. At the time the police caught him, he was driving in ______ of 120 miles per hour.

A. average B. reality C. transition D. excess



Test Yourself (Units 1-4), Book 3

41. As people’s living standards improve, the health and beauty business is ______ with more sophisticated products than ever before.

A. astonishing B. flourishing C. exaggerating D. diminishing

42. The ______ of older persons is relatively low in developing countries, but it is growing much faster than in the West.

A. addition B. majority C. percentage D. statistic

43. Makers of consumer electronics will pay for environmental sanitation services to collect and ______ used refrigerators, computers, and televisions under the new rules.

A. discharge B. distribute C. dispose of D. deal with

44. As some of the rules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO, the government decided to ______ them as soon as possible.

A. abolish B. accomplish C. distinguish D. establish

45. As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to ______ the temptation to cheat on exams.

A. refuse B. reject C. resist D. resolve

46. In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become ______ words; almost everyone has heard of them.

A. family B. home C. house D. household

47. Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything, she just ______ it and almost always got

whatever she wanted.

A. went by B. went for C. went over D. went with

48. The reason 800 million people go hungry today is not that there isn’t enough food in the world, ______ that these people cannot get the food anyway.

A. but B. despite C. even D. except

49. As she matured as an artist, she ______ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture.”

A. came to B. kept to C. took to D. went to

50. My son failed to come back home last night. This morning the police came to our house and ______ my worst fears that he was injured in a car accident.

A. advocated B. confirmed C. insured D. promised

51. Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union ______ a worldwide ban on British beef and beef product exports.

A. challenged B. charged C. forged D. imposed

52. The exhibition at the Shanghai Science and Technology Center ______ such endangered animals as the giant panda and the Siberian tiger and describes the work being done to protect them.

A. detects B. exploits C. features D. demonstrates

53. A computer file is a collection of ______ data, used to organize the storage and processing of data by computer.

A. electrical B. artificial C. electronic D. genuine

54. To protect the environment, scientists and engineers are researching ways to ______ electricity more cheaply from such renewable energy sources as the wind and sun.

A. generate B. manufacture C. construct D. transform

55. In social dancing, the participants dance for their own pleasure rather than for the ______ of an audience

A. appreciation B. entertainment C. leisure D. temptation

56. Wireless waste from cell phones, pocket PCs, and music players ______ special problems because they have toxic chemicals in batteries and other components.

A. expose B. commit C. pose D. transport

57. Scientists have discovered many planets orbiting distant stars, all are ______ to life.

A. unlikely B. unfriendly C. forbidden D. vulnerable

58. A healthy and better-educated new generation is a ______ for sustainable economic and social development of all countries.

A. guarantee B. security C. demand D. target

59. Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of life in dense ______ areas such as New York City.

A. agricultural B. rural C. suburban D. urban

60. My trip to the small village under the control of the enemy fire was full of delays and difficulties, but I eventually ______.

A. got by B. turned it over C. hit the sack D. made it

61. For traditional Chinese painters, fame and fortune come late, and it is ______ for artists to hold their first exhibitions when they are over seventy years old.

A. hardly common B. less frequent C. not unheard of D. just usual

62. A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town square yesterday, ______ at


3. I don?t know where I should go. (同义句) I don?t know _______ _______ ________. 4. Miss Smith will come to our school in a 第一课时

Sction A 1a 一2c month. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ ________ Miss Smith I.单项选择

( )1.There ____ a sports meeting in our come to our school?

school next week. 5. People will have robots in their homes. (改A.is going to have B.will have 为否定句) C.will be D.is People _____ _____ robots in their homes. ( )2.There will be _____ pollution and ____ IV. 根据中文提示完成句子

trees in the future. 1. 将来会有更少的污染。 A.less, less B.more , less ___________________________________ C. fewer, fewer D.more,fewer 2. 一切都是免费的。 ( )3.I?m very thirsty,there?s ____ water here. ___________________________________ A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 3. 人们将会活到200岁吗?

___________________________________ ( )4.—Will a man live____ 200 years old?

—I don?t think_____. 4. 将来会有更少的树和更多的小汽车吗? A.to, so B.to be, so ___________________________________

C.to, that D.to be, that 5.人们将很少使用地铁。 ( )5.I have _____ to tell you. ___________________________________ A. something important

B. important something C. somethings important D. important something II.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Now more people like driving cars. So they will use the subways _________. (little) 2. Kate often _______ TV at night, but tonight she _____ a new play at the theater. (watch) 3. _______ there _______ only one country on the earth?

4. Look, the bus is so ________. Let?s wait for the next,OK? (crowd)

5. —Kids won?t go to school. They?ll study

on computers.

—Oh, I ________. There will always be

schools. (agree) III. 改写句子

1. What?s the weather like in Beijing?(同义句) ______ ______ the weather in Beijing? 2. I went to Shanghsi last year.(一般疑问句) ______ _______ _______ to Shanghai last year?

Unit 1 Will people have robots?


Section A 3a—4

I. 单项选择

( ) 1. —Will there be any paper money ____

100 years?

—No, ___________.

A.after, there won?t B.after,they won?t C. in, they aren?t D. in, there won?t ( ) 2. What _______ your city will be like in

twenty years?

A. you think B. do you think C. do you know D. would you like ( ) 3. My parents will come back ______ two


A. in B. at C. before D. after

( ) 4. Two years ago she _________ in high

school. Today she ________ in college. In five years, she ________ a worker. A. is, was, is B. was, is, is C. is, was, will be D. was, is, will be ( ) 5. —________ will she arrive here? —In ten minutes.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How old II. 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空

Lucy is my closest friend. She _______ (come) from California, USA. She _________ (come) to China two years ago. She came here ________ (learn) Chinese. She has finished all her lessons in our class. Now she _____ (visit) some great interest of China. She __________ (return) home next week. I hope she will have a good trip.

III. 根据句意,用more/less/fewer填空

1. We can use cars ________ and plant ______ trees to fight pollution.

2. Kim likes reading, so he spends _________ money on books than the other things.

3. If we have robots, we can finish the work with _______ people and ________ time. 4. I have __________ apples than you. You should give me some.


5. Our city will become more beartiful. I think there will be _____ tall buildings and _____ pollution in it.

6. The city will have ______ trees and ______ pollution. IV. 翻译句子

1. 五年前我是一名学生。

___________________________________ 2. 十年后他将成为一名教师。

___________________________________ 3. 三年后将会有更多的高大建筑物和较少的小汽车。

___________________________________ 4. —你认为Sally五年后会干什么? —我认为她会成为一名记者。

—_______________________________ —_______________________________



( ) 1. I went to Beijing and fell___it last year. A.love with B.in love with C.with love D.with love in ( ) 2. He?ll___speak French in a few weeks. A.can B.could

C.be able to D.able to

( ) 3. In twenty years, we _________ rockets

_________ the moon.

A. will fly, in B. fly, on C. will fly, to D. flew, to

( ) 4.I live___ an apartment with my parents. A. in B. at C. on D. with

( ) 5. Do you think there _______ robots in

the schools in 100 years? A. are B. will C. will have D. will be

( ) 6. —________ will he get to Beijing? —In two days.

A. How long B. How soon C. How for D. How often

( ) 7. Yesterday it _____ sunny, but today it

___ cloudy and tomorrow it ___ rainy. A. was, is , is B. was, is, will be C. is, is, will be D. was, was, is II. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

1. Can you see those tall b_______ on the other side of the street?

2. My grandpa now has a lot of f______ time. 3. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are two great Chinese a_______.

4. When I grow up, I want to be a computer p_______ like my uncle.

5. The girl is too young to d_____ herself now. Her mum helps her every morning. III. 句型转换

1. He can finish doing the work on time. (改为同义句)

He ______ ______ _______ finish doing the work on time.


2. Yao Ming went to Huston Rockets 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Yao Ming _______ to Huston Rockets?

3. There will be some paper money in ten years. (改为否定句)

There ________ be ________ paper money in ten years.

4. Mr Smith will have supper in the minutes. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ _______ Mr Smith have supper?

5. There will be fewer cars and more bikes. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

_______ there ________ fewer cars and more bikes? IV. 翻译句子

1. 我们家乡污染没有以前那么严重了。 There is ______________ in our hometown _________________.

2. 你认为Sally五年后会干什么?

__________________________________ 3. 三年后我将住在一个公寓里。

__________________________________ 4. 他时常乘火车去上学。


Section A 3a—4

I. 翻译短语

1. 十年后_______________________ 2. 爱上_________________________ 3. 去滑冰_______________________

4. 作为一名记者______________________ 5. 养一个宠物________________________ 6. 获奖______________________________ II. 单项选择

( ) 1. On weekdays, I?ll ____ a suit and o the

weekend I?ll _______ more casually. A. wear, wear B. wear, dress C. dress, wear D. in, put on

( ) 2. He ______ speak English in two years. A. will can B. can

C. will able to D. will be able to ( ) 3. What ________ the weather ________


A. is, like B. will, like C. will, is like D. will, be like ( ) 4. Do you think that France _______ the

next World Cup?

A. win B. beat

C. will win D. will beat

( ) 5. —This paper _______, “I?ll be a nurse in ten years.”

—I think Tom _______ that. A. writes, writes B. says, say C. writws, said D. says, wrote

( ) 6. —How long does it ______ you _____

all the dishes?

—About half an hour.

A. take, to wash B. take, washing C. spend, washing D. spend, to wash III. 阅读理解

The Greenwood Boys

The Greenwood Boys are a group og pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will arrive here tomorrow. They are coming by train and most of the young people in the town will meet them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will sing at the Workers? Club. The Greenwood Boys are


staying for five days. During this time, they are going to give five performances (演出). As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They are trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions (场合).

根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1. Are the Greenwood Boys singers, or are they dancers?

_________________________________ 2. When will they come here?

_________________________________ 3. Who will meet them at the station?

__________________________________ 4. How many performances are they going to give?

__________________________________ 5. What are the police trying to do as usual? ___________________________________ IV. 翻译句子

1. 我去年到了沈阳并喜欢上了它。

I went to Shenyang last year and _________ ________ ________ ________ it. 2. 在周末人们喜欢穿得随便些。

_______ ________, people like _________ _________ ________. 3. 他不喜欢一个人住。

He ______________________________. 4. 明天的天气怎样?



I. 翻译短语

1.飞到月球________________________ 2. 实现____________________________ 3. 在将来____________________________ 4. 与??一样________________________ 5. 叫醒唤醒__________________________ 6. 上百年____________________________ 7. 例如______________________________ II. 单项选择

( ) 1. ______ have _______ bikes. The bikes

are ________ nice. A. Hundreds, so, such

B. About two hundred, so, such C. Hundreds of, such, so

D. About two hundreds, such, so

( ) 2. My classmate asked me to help her

_________ his math.

A. with B. out C. in D. to ( ) 3. It?s not easy for a child _____ on time. A. get up B. getting up C. to get up D. gets up

( ) 4. The mother is now trying ______ her

child _________.

A. to make, to walk B. to make, walks C. to make, walk D. making, to walk

( ) 5. This boy is able _______ this job. A. to do B. to doing C. do D. does

III. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词或


1. I?m _______ a book oon robots.

2. I lost my bag during the school trip. It was an _______ trip.

3. Work hard from now on and your dream will __________.

4. I think I know _____ well. I can do that job. 5. It is _________ for such a little boy to solve the problem.


IV. 阅读理解

“Mirror (镜子), mirror on the wall, what will I look like in ten years? Will I look pretty is I eat junk food and don?t exercise?”

To get the answers, you might need a special mirror. French scientists have invented (已经发明) one. In this mirror, you won?t see what you look like today. You will see what you?ll look like in the future.

“The mirror looks just like the one in your bathroom, but with two differences,” says Martin Illsley, one of the scientists.

First, it has a camera to take your pictures. You also need to tell the mirror what you eat and how you exercise. Then, with that information, special software (软件) in it will create a future vision (样子) of you on the mirror.

What can bad habits do to you in five or ten years? This mirror may just show you. If you don?t want it to become real, give up your bad habits right now!


( ) 1. The mirror is special because you can

see a future vision of you in it.

( ) 2. The mirror looks like a common one. ( ) 3. When you stand behind the mirror, you

will see what you will look like in the future.

( ) 4. The mirror can tell you what you

should eat every day.

( ) 5. People can use the mirror to help them

to keep healthy.
