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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 08:21:08 作文素材

篇一:写作first impression

Assuming that a manager is going to interview some job applicants and one of his friends gives him a piece of advice that the first impression is not a reliable basis for judgment. This manager wants to hear more from others and decides to have a wall newspaper put up for more views on that topic.

It is commonly said that one's first impression of a person is the most important one, and this is certainly true when applied to job interviews. This is because the manager often has to interview a dozen or more candidates in the space of only one or two hours, allotting no more than a few minutes to each. Therefore, it is vital for the interviewee to make the best possible impression on his prospective employer during the interview.

However, the manager must be aware that he is seeing only the best side of the prospective employee and, as the saying goes, appearances can be deceptive. For instance, that smart new suit that the interviewee is wearing might have been hired from a tailor shop, or lent to him by his brother. In addition, the brief interview does not allow the manager to observe how well -- or how badly -- the interviewee might get along with his future colleagues.

On the other hand, an interviewee might give a bad impression through no fault of his own. It is possible that he woke up with a

headache that morning, or arrived late for the interview because of a traffic jam. The manager must be alert to such accidents, and not judge the interviewee too harshly. So I think that, although the first impression counts for a lot, the employer should find out some background knowledge about the interviewee before deciding whether to hire him or not.

篇二:First impression

First impression

We have heard this saying, "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression ". People's impression of us is very important and we should try our best to make sure that first one is a good one .

There is no chance for the first impression,which means that it is difficult for us to change the first impression if we make a bad first impression.It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for first time. In this short time, your appearance, your body language and how you are dressed would give a impression on others Although the first impression takes less than three seconds, it may last for months or years. So, it is easy for us to communicate with others if we give a good first impression on others. It is unavoidable for us to meet people that we instantly like and want to get to know more.Making a good first impression is critical for us to build relationships with them.First of all,you should dress modestly and appropriately and make sure that your clothing is clean and fits well when you plan to meet others.In addition,you had better speak clearly,which make you communicate clearly with the people you are meeting. Last but not least ,to be polite and courteous at all times.

In short,it's necessary for us to create a good first impression .We had better pay attention to making a good first impression.


1. Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles 2. World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict 3 3. Citizen Scientists 4. Motoring Technology 5. Late-night Drinking 6. Making Light of Sleep 7. Sugar Power for Cell Phones 8. Eiffel Is an Eyeful 9. Egypt Felled by Famine 10. Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers 11. When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach 12. Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass 13. Invisibility Ring 14. Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers 15. Winged Robot Learns to Fly 16. Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth 17. A Sunshade for the Planet 18. Thirst for Oil 19. Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience 20. Explorer of the Extreme Deep 21. Plant Gas 22. Snowflakes 23. Powering a City? It's a Breeze 42 24. Underground Coal Fires a Looming Catastrophe 25. Eat to Live 26. Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently 27. Driven to Distraction 28. Sleep Lets Brain File Memories 29. I'll Be Bach 30. Digital Realm 31. Hurricane Katrina 32. Mind-reading Machine 33. Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive Waste 34. Batteries Built by Viruses 35. Putting Plants to Work 36. Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning 37. Don't Drink Alone Gets New Meaning 38. "Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan 39. Clone Farm 40. Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety 41. Too Little for Global Warming 42. Renewable Energy Sources 43. Forecasting Methods 44. Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed 45. Small But Wise 46. Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers" 47. Listening to Birdsong 48. Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright 49. US.Scientists Confirm Water on Mars 50. Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities 51. Microchip Research Center Created微芯片研究中心成立 52. Moderate Earthquake Strikes England 53. Dangers Await Babies with Altitude 54. What Is a Dream? 55. The Biology of Music 56. How We Form First Impression 57. Screen Test 58. The Mir Space Station 59. More Rural Research Is Needed 60. Washoe Learned American Sign Language 61. Graphene's Superstrength1 62.Dung to Death 63.Time in the Animal World 64.Watching Microcurrents Flow 65.Heat Is Killer 66.How Deafness Makes It Easier to Hear 67.Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely 68.An Intelligent Car 69. A Biological Clock 70.Wonder Webs 71.Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness 72.Giant Structures 73.Better Solar Energy Systems: More Heat, More Light

篇四:2014年职称英语 概括大意和完成句子(6) -How We Form First Impression

第六篇 How We Form First Impression

1 We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why? Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her — aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.

2 The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a person’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different1. In fact, your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information — the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming “signals” are compared against2 a host of “memories” stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these new signals “mean.” 3 If you see someone you know and like at school3, your brain says “familiar and safe.” If you see someone new, it says, “new — potentially threatening.” Then your brain starts to match features of this stranger with other “known” memories. The height, weight, dress, ethnicity, gestures, and tone of voice are all matched up. The more unfamiliar the characteristics, the more your brain may say. “This is new. I don’t like this person.” Or else, “I’m intrigued.” Or your brain may perceive a new face but familiar clothes, ethnicity, gestures — like your other friends; so your brain says: “I like this person.” But these preliminary “impressions” can be dead wrong4.

4 When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking (not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child) that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others. Rather than learn about the depth and breadth of people — their history, interest, values, strengths, and true character — we categorize them as jocks , geeks , or freaks.

5 However, if we resist initial stereotypical impressions, we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly

first impression56

1. Paragraph 2

2. Paragraph 3

3. Paragraph 4

4. Paragraph 5

like. If we spend time with a person, hear about his or her life, hopes, dreams, and become aware of the person’s character, we use a different, more mature style of thinking — and the most complex areas of our cortex, which allow us to be humane.

词汇: trait /treit/n.特点,特征,特性 geek /^i:k/n.反常的人 simplistic /sim5plistik/adj.过分单纯化的 stereotype /5stiEriEutaip/v.对产生成见 categorical /7kAti5^CrikEl/adj.绝对的 humane /hju:5mein/adj.有人情味的,人文的 host /hEust/n.一大群,许多 ethnicity /eW5nisiti/n.种族特点 sensory /5sensEri/adj.感官的,感觉的 intrigue /in5tri:^/n.激起兴趣 cortex /5kC:teks/n.脑皮层 freak /fri:k/n.怪人jock /dVCk/n.骗子 注释:

1. Your brain is so sensitive picking up facial traits,even very minor difference in how a person’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different:从 even开始到 as different是个结果状语从句,相当于 that even very minor …,而 that是与主句中的 so呼应的。

2. against:和……对比

3. If you see someone you know and like at school, …:如果你在学校里看见某个你认识而且喜欢的人……。 like在这里是动词。

4. dead wrong:相当于 completely wrong。dead wrong是口语表达用语。


5. Sensory information is one that is perceived through . A B C D EF Ways of Departure from Immature and Simplistic Impressions Comment on First Impression Illustration of First Impression Comparing Incoming Sensory Information Against Memories Threatening Aspect of First Impressions Differences Among Jocks, Geeks and Freaks

6. You interpret by comparing it against the memories already stored in your brain.

7. The way we stereotype people is a less mature form of thinking, which is similar to .

8. We can use our more mature style of thinking thanks to .

A a stranger’s less mature type of thinking

B the most complex areas of our cortex

C the immature form of thinking of a very young child

D the meaning of incoming sensory information.

E the sights and sounds of t he world.

F an opportunity to analyze different forms of thinking


1. D 本段叙述的是人脑解读感官信息的过程。

2. C本段举例说明第一印象解读的过程,将第二段叙述的内容具体化。

3. B本段对第一印象进行了评论,说第一印象不成熟, simplistic and categorical。

4. A 本段说如果我们与某个人接触,了解他的生活、希望、梦想和性格特征,我们就不会停留在第一印象的


5. E 选 E的依据在第二段的第三句。

6. D选 D的依据在第二段的昀后两句。 Sensory information的意思就是 information perceived through sensory organs(视觉、听觉、、味觉、触觉、嗅觉等)。

7. C选 C的依据在第四段的第一句,该句是: When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.

8. B选 B的依据在第五段第二句。




如果你在学校看到某个你认识而且喜欢的人,你的大脑会做出“熟悉安全”的判断;如果你看见了一个陌生的人,你的大脑会告诉你“陌生,有潜在的威胁”,紧接着你的大脑会开始将这个陌生人的特征与“已知”的记忆进行比较,包指身高、体重、穿着、种族、手势以及音调等等。特征越不相符,大脑越会告诫你,“这是陌生人,我不喜欢这个人”,或“我很好奇”。大脑也可能观察到一张新面孔,但却有着熟悉的穿着、种族特征和手势——像你的朋友,这时大脑会告诉你“我喜欢这个人”。但这些第一印象却可能是完全错误的。 当区分人时,我们使用一种欠成熟的思维方式(与小孩子不成熟的想法一样)去对别人做出简单并且范畴化的判断。(这佯的后果是)我们将人区分为骗子、反常的人或怪人,而不是对人的深度和广度,即历史、兴趣、价值、力量或真正的性格有所了解。



篇五:Unit3 Reading 1 First Impression

编制人:杨秀菊 潘艳艳 李伟杰 审核人:张兴峰 使用日期:5.27




【使用说明】本学案为阅读课而设计,希望在熟读课文的基础上,力争在25-30分钟内完成。 Step1. Warming up

What changes do you expect to see in your life in one thousand years’ time? Transportation: _________________________________________

Education: ____________________________________________

Life: _________________________________________________

Environment: __________________________________________

Location of settlement:___________________________________

Step 2.Fast Reading

Task1 Skim through the passage and get its general idea.

The passage is mainly about ___________ .

A. How Li Qiang was transported to the future.

B. How Li Qiang got to the future and his first impression of it.

C. What the life was like in the future.

D. The introduction of the “ Future Tours” company.

Task 2. Put the following sentences into the correct order.

a. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.

b. I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised. c. I won a travel to the year AD 3008.

d. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.

Step3. Careful Reading

Task 1 True or False

1. In the year AD 3008, the air in private houses was poor quality. ( )

2. Hovering carriages were a fast means of transport, and people could fly in them in every direction. ( )

3. Li Qiang arrived in a busy town where he got lost. ( )

Task 2 Scan the passage and choose the best answers.

1. According to the passage, why did Li Qiang take this future tour? (para.1)

A. Because he was curious about the year AD 3008.

B. Because he won a prize last year which offered this trip.

C. Because his parents were good friends with Li Mengxi.

D. Because his parents offered him a lot of money.

2. What is the purpose of having the green tablets? (para.1)

A. To forget one’s past experience.


B. To help one fly to the future.

C. To help one calm down.

D. To provide one with much oxygen

3. Why did Li Qiang’s head ache? Because _________.(para.3)

A. he got a bad cold when traveling.

B. there was no air at all.

C. he felt a bit homesick.

D. he was hit by a lack of fresh air.

4. A table and some chairs rose from _____ in the large, bright clean room.(para.4)

A. under the floor.

B. under the curtain.

C. under the wall.

D. under the computer screen.

5. What can we infer from the text?

A. Li Qiang felt a bit uncomfortable at first.

B. While traveling, there was no one else besides Li Qiang and Wang Ping.

C. It was the first time travel trip for Li Qiang and Wang Ping.

D. Li Qiang regretted having traveled to the year AD 3008.

Step 4. Further Reading

1. What is a “time lag”?


2. Why did my guide give me some tablets?


3. How did Wang Ping help me when my head ached for lack of air?


4. What did Wang Ping’s house look like?


5. What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall?

_____________________________________________________________________ Step5 Retelling the text

Li Qiang felt _________ and ________ at first, as a result he suffered from _________. Li Qiang was transported safely into the future in a ____________.

________ by the new surroundings, Li Qiang was hit by the ______ of fresh air and his head ________. Wang Ping gave Li Qiang a______ to put on.

Arriving home Li Qiang was shown into a large bright, clean room with a ______ wall, a ______ floor and soft lighting. __________, he slid into bed and fell ____ asleep.

教师评价___________ 批阅日期___________

