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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 19:22:34 作文素材

篇一:be -ed 介词

Be + -ed + 介词

Be intended for be designed for be informed of be reminded of

be tired of be tired out be worn out be married to

be accustomed to be addicted to be used to be attached to

be engaged in applied

be lost in be caught in with

be faced with equipped with

be armed with diagnosed with

be occupied with

be absorbed in be located in be trapped in be covered with be decorated with be concerned with be buried in be dressed in be satisfied with be filled with be infected with be concerned about be be born in be pleased be be

篇二:Students Caught Cheating Should be Expelled From

Students Caught Cheating Should be Expelled From College

Some people don’t think studengts cautht chrating should be expelled from college. They think, cheating in exam is not so serious, it is only a little problem. Students have their rights to study in school, and they are young men, they shoule be given chances to improve their problems.

I don’t agree with them , I think students cautht cheating should be expelled from college. In my opinion, cheating is an unhealthy tendency,and therefore should be done away with. Regulations should be enforced that students with cheating behavior must be punished severely. As a student, we should be honest and strict with ourselves. We shouldn’t deceive ourselves as well as others. Many students are not aware of the consequence of cheating in exams. Students cheating in exam will make a bad infuence. Cheating is unfair to the students that study hard and be honst in exam, they paid time and enegy before exam but they might get a lower mark than students who theated, it is absolutly unfair. So, obviously , I agree with that students caught cheating should be expelled from college. Because cheating is a problem about honesty . It makes a bad influence and really unfair to the working hard students.

篇三:新概念二 Lesson33

Lesson 33 Out of the Darkness 冲出黑暗



1.burst into +n =burst out doing 突然 ····· 起来 burst into tears =burst out crying

2.as is known to everybody总所周知 3.be injured 受伤

4.cut across穿过横穿 5.as usual像往常一样

6.give out散发出精疲力竭 7.instead of 代替

8.give a speech演讲 9.put up shelters搭建避难

10.be pleased to do sth.乐意做某事 11.be proud of 以 ····· 而自豪

12.the number of ····· 的数量 13.in the open air 在户外

14.right away立刻 15.in ruins破败不堪成废墟

16.dig out掘出 17.at an end 终结

18.a number of 许多大量的 19.too····· to·····太····· 而不能

20.tens of thousands of 成千上万的

21.be trapped in =be caught in 被困在·····中

22.all ····· not····· = not all····· 并非所有·····都

23.to the north of =north of 在·····的北面24.be rescued from 被从·····解救出

25.be buried 被埋葬被埋藏26.bury oneself in =be buried in 专心于,埋头于

27.think little of 评价不高 think highly of 赞许给予较高评价

28.as if 仿佛 29. be/ get shocked 震惊 30.at an end 终结

1、In the city, the water pipes in some buildings crashed and burst.




I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。

The police burst through the door. 警察破门而入。

There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。


(1) burst in on…突然打断

He burst in on our conversation. 他突然打断了我们的谈话。

(2)burst into +n.突然…

The speaker burst into angry speech. 演讲者突然讲粗话。

(3) burst out + doing突然…

The woman burst out crying like a child. 那个妇女突然像小孩一样哭了。

2. Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.

地震中,有三分之二的人死亡或受伤。injury n. 伤害


injure ; hurt; wound; harm 伤害

injure比hurt 正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。 hurt 既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly, slightly, seriously等连用;但若果指精神上的创伤,只能用very much, rather / deeply。

wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,特指战场上受伤。可以是肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的创伤。

harm 表示引起对身体、物质或精神上的损害,常指伤害人的肉体,损坏东西以及损害健康、品质、事业等。


1、Did you say that our neighbor ______ in the accident?

A. badly hurted B. was badly hurted C. had badly hurted D. was badly hurt

2、My chest _____ when I take a deep breath, doctor.

A. hurts B. wounds C.harms D. injure

3、The old lady died from the _____on her head; she was _______when cleaning windows on the ladder when she fell off it.

A. injury; injured B. wound; wound C. wounded; hurt D. hurt; injured

5、The bus driver was badly ___on both legs in the traffic accident.

A. wounded B. broken C. injured D. destroyed

3. It seemed as if the world was at an end!


come to an end vi.结束(用作谓语)bring/put sth.to an end vt.结束;制止

at the end of在…尽头(末)(指时间或空间)by the end of到…末为止(现在完成时连用) by the end of last...(与过去完成时连用)by the end of next...(用于将来完成时)

in the end最后,终于(作状语)on end连续

to the end到底without end没完没了的

【随堂练习】用at the end of, by the end of 和 in the end填空。

(1)How many English words have you learned _______(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:be,caught,in)_____ last term?

(2)He became an outstanding doctor ___________.

(3)My uncle will fly to China _________ this year.

It seemed + that从句是一个句型,表示“看起来好象”。

eg: It seemed that he didn't notice this. 看起来他好象没注意这件事。

as if是连词词组,意为“好像、好似”,相当于as though,一般用于句型It looks/seems as if...中,其意思是“看起来好像??”。如果与事实相反,则用虚拟语气;如果与事实一致,则保持正常时态。 eg: 1.There is a lot of cloud. It seems as if it's going to rain.


2.She is so kind to me. It seems as if she were my mother.


sb. 作主语时,seem后常跟adj.作表语。

eg: He seemed a little angry. 他看起来有点生气。

4.、In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.

(1)n. 残垣断壁;废墟(名词时常用复数)

The city lay in ruins after years of bombing.

(2)v. 毁灭;使破产

The hurricane ruined all the houses here.


be in ruins 呈一片废墟 fall into ruin 变成废墟 come to ruin 毁灭,落空

ruin oneself 自我毁灭 bring sb. to ruin 使毁灭

5. shock vt.&vi.(使)震动,震惊;(使)受电击n.打击;震惊;震动[C]令人震惊的人或事 People were shocked.(回归课本P26)

①1 was shocked to see him alone.我很吃惊地发现他独自一人。

②I felt the shock as the aircraft hit the ground.飞机着陆时我感觉到震了一下。

③If you touch this live wire,you’11 get a shock.如果触摸这条带电的电线,你就会遭到电击。 归纳拓展with/from shock由于震惊

shocked口办震惊的,震撼的 shocking adj.令人震惊的

a shocking accident令人吃惊的事故

be shocked at对……感到吃惊be shocked to do深感意外地去做


(1) shocked/surprised/amazed等的主语多为人,而shocking/surprising/amazing等的主语多为物。这两


①They were shocked by her rudeness.他们对她的无礼感到震惊。

②What a shocking waste of time!时间的浪费多么惊人呀!

(2) 当表示具体的令人震惊的人或事的时候,shock是可数名词,这一点常和冠词一起考查。如:

The news of his mother’s death was a terrible shock to him.



vt.(trapped,trapped)使陷入困境;设陷阱捕 n.陷阱;困境;捕捉(动物的)夹子

①The lift broke down and we were trapped inside(it).电梯出了故障,我们被困在里面了。 ②The thieves were caught in a police trap.窃贼落人警方设的陷阱而被捕。


(1)fall into a trap:be caught in a trap掉人陷阱;落人圈套be trapped in…

(2)trap sb into doing sth诱使某人做某事

By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession.他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。

7、Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.

(1) n.援救,营救

The police came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river

(2)v. 救援;拯救

He rescued a boy from drowning.


rescue sb./ sth. from sb./ sp. 把???从???营救出来

come to/ go to sb’s rescue = rescue sb.援救某人 a rescue team 救援队

a rescue mission 救援任务 rescue workers 救援人员


(1)The mother, along with her two children, _________from the sinking boat by a passing ship.

(2)The firemen ________ five children from the burning house yesterday.

8. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.

(1) be trapped in 陷入困境

They were trappend in the burning building.

(2) bury 埋葬,掩埋

be buried in / bury oneself in 埋头于,专心于

(3)the dead 死者,表示一类人。形容词前加the常用来表示一类人或一类东西。

eg: the rich 富人 the young 年轻人

the old 老年人 the deaf 聋人

the blind 盲人 the injured 受伤的人

the new 新的东西 the ordinary 普普通通的东西

the unusual 不同寻常的东西

注意:"the + 形容词" 作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由上下文的意思而定。如表示一类人,作复数看待;如表示抽象概念或具体的某个人时,谓语动词用单数。

eg: 1.The young respect the old; the old love the young. 尊老爱幼。

2.All the injured have been sent to hospita. 所有受伤的人都已送往医院。

9 congratulation(n.)“祝贺”,一般要用复数形式,常与on连用。congratulations on sth./doing sth. eg: 1.Let's offer our congratulations on her success. 对她的成功表示祝贺。

2.Congratulations on winning the race. 祝贺你比赛获胜。

注意:表示向某人祝贺,接介词to。congratulations to sb.

eg: 1.Congratulations to you. 祝贺你。

2.Let's send our congratulations to him on winning the Nobel Prize.


congratulate(v.) “祝贺,恭喜;道贺,向......致词”,congratulate sb. onsth./doing sth.

eg: 1.I congratulated my girlfriend on her birthday. 我向女友祝贺生日。

2.Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.


2.We congratulated him on having passed the examination.



1、Older students were having difficulty in studying and o_________ themselves.

2、That place is dirty and s_________.

3、In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b________.

4、People began to wonder how long the d_________ would last.

5、F_________ water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane.

6、Everywhere they looked nearly everything was d__________.

7、The railway tracks were now u_______ pieces of steel.

8、Without _________ (电),modern life would be very difficult.

9、_________ (判断)from his appearance, the manger must be over fifty.

10、Dead and ________ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.


1、The building ________ wall is white is my uncle’s house.

2、I know the boy ________ you are looking for.

3、Will you please lend me the very book ________ you bought yesterday?

4、The student ________ the teacher praised at the class meeting is our monitor.

5、The reason ________ comes after spring is summer.

6、This is the museum ________ we visited last Saturday.

7、The boy with ________ John is talking is my brother.

8、The girl _________ leg was broken in the earthquake was talken to the hospital immediately.

9、_________ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior schools is increasing.

10、Don’t read such books _________ you can’t understand.


1、We don’t need to do extra work this evening. The day’s work was almost ______ now.

A. at the end B. at an end C. at one end D. at our end

2、I’ve read all the books ________ you gave me.

A. who B. whose C. whom D. that

3、In that big fire all their houses were__________, so they had to build new ones.

A. hurt B. harmed C. injured D. destroyed

4、The boy ________ on the ground ________ to me that his hen _______ three eggs a day.

A. lies; lied; laid B. lying; lied; laid

C. lay; lied; lain D. lay; lying; has laid

5、Alice received an invitation from her boss, ________ came as a surprise.

A. it B. this C. which D. that

6、After the Tsunami passed away, all the villages and towns were ________. And no being was seen.

A. in ruin B. in ruins C. at ruins D. for ruins

7、The bus driver was badly ________ on both legs in the traffic accident.

A. wounded B. broken C. injured D. destroyed

8、I haven’t seen both of her films, but ________ from the one I have seen I think she’s a promising actress.

A. judging B. judge C. judged D. judgment

9、— We need a quick reply.

— I see. I’ll send the paper to you _______.

A. now and then B. sooner or later

C. just now D. right away

10、The whole world was ________ when they learned that the quake had brought so much damage.

A. concerned B. interested C. shocked D. frustrated


1、Professor Yu ______ ______ ______ before ______ his speech.


2、All the students ______ ________ _______ the Internet.


3、The police _______ a man _______ drowning.


4、She _______ very _______ ________ her children’s success.


5、______ ______ _______ the teacher was satisfied with what you have done.


6、________ _________ families _______ ________and many children were left ________ parents. 成千上万个家庭遇难,许多孩子成了孤儿。

篇五:English Unit1--Unit4


1) the world to know more

about China.

2) The change of a city is change in its becoming more beautiful and


3) I but “Assistant Manager” was printed on my card.

4) Of course I will what you feel about it, but business is business.

5) The professor encourages us to6) Do you believe that love couldwhen the beloved is away in the other


7) Never giving thanks to your teachers who have helped you all the


8) The freshmen could help the tickets for the college’s “Do It Yourself


9) Sorry, I can’t give you an answer 10) Another story? Oh, children, my mind is 二

1) 像许多人一样,你大概也在学习如何推销自己。market

You like most people, probably are learning how to market yourself .

2) 对一名新雇员employee来说,最重要的不一定是工作经验,而是怎样不断更新知识。

not necessarily, update To a new employee ,the most important is not necessarily work, but how to update


3) 对不起,我那位闲不住的老板让我即刻就走!go-go , right now

I’m so sorry. My go-go boss asks me to leave right now.

4) 那位主妇只是不停地诉说她的家事,我就知道我会被拉进这样的谈话。continue on, some

sort of story , be caught in That housewife just continued on with some sort of story about her family ,I knew I must be

caught in such a conversation.

5) 对我来说,失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开这个世界。

missed, set the goal, leave without

For me, missed time is missed life, I can not leave this world without reaching the goal I set.

6) 我的锻炼计划是建立在每天锻炼基础上的。它不一定会让我长高,但会使我身体健康。

On a daily basis ,not necessarily

My exercise plan is (built) on a daily basis. It could help me become healthier, not

necessarily taller.


1) Clearly, he depends too much on others’ and for his work.

2) The great progress they have made comes from their good3) On Halloween, American children go “trick or treating” to get small gifts of and .

4) It’s hard for us to know how much ’s Space

5) The organizer has a number of famous singers to perform at the opening


6) Exercise will always give you a good .

7) I’don’t accept my money.

8) I’ll phone you in my lunchthe company’sdinner for the


1) 我对父母的感激之情难以言表。show thanks, to

Language is not enough to show my thanks to my parents.

2) 澳大利亚很希望参加亚运会,但它不是亚洲成员。part of

Australia wants to join the Asian Games, but it is not part of Asia.

3) 繁忙的一周之末我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。at the end of

I always enjoy a tea break at the end of a busy week.

4) 要发出去的数据应该每周更新一次。send out, update

The data to be sent out should be update once a week.

5) 他有很好的团队精神,能与任何一类人很好地合作。any type of

He has good team spirit, being able to word with any type of people.

6) 在她手里,一片普通的纸可以被剪出各种花儿来。a piece of,cut out

In her hands ,a piece of common paper could be cut out into various kinds of flowers.

7) 这种甜言蜜语可能让你很受用,但不适用于我。work for

Such sweet words might please you. But they don’t work for me.


1) When I 2) The computer can easily get stuck, so you must3) The company has created a new logo to4) This old railway station will be rebuilt to a huge supermarket.

5) Let me see all the 6) The historicalin support of this conclusion is weak.

7) In that region floods do occur, though they are not very serious.

8) Chatting with friends over the Internet in the dead of night is probably my only .

9) Before it got dark the campers10) The local found that the pollution in the river was serious.

1) 他自愿当我们队的司机。serve as

He volunteered to serve as the driver of our team.

2) 做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异。beware of

We should beware of cultural differences in doing foreign trade.

3) 我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友。come across

We’re just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages.

4) 大卫把每幅图片都研究了两遍,又仔细地阅读了图片说明。caption

David studied each photo twice and read the captions carefully.

5) 他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象。straightforward

We were impressed by his straightforward answers.

6) 你能提供证据来证明他当时不在犯罪现场吗?evidence

Can you provide any evidence to show that the was not in the crime scene at that time?


1) You have to keep some money2) Our manager is at a conference. She can’t 3) The boss was here just now. He has been away 10 minutes 4) She is with the salesman because the product is completely different from

what he recommended.

5) Please look around and make yourself at home.

6) I wish to speak for my former employee: he will be7) Many businessmen spend lots of money in advertising as they know it to


8) Your product is9) When more people wish to buy than to sell, the price rise.

10) The young man worked very hard and soon began to二

1) 这是玻璃做的,最多值100元。at (the) most

This is made of glass. It costs 100 Yuan at (the) most.

2) 玛莉很有志向,她急切想在事业上出人头地。get ahead

Mary is ambitious , she is keen to get ahead in her career.

3) 如果你需要我们的产品,请提前和我联系。in advance

If you need our products, please contact me in advance.

4) 我们需要一名卡车司机,你完全适合这份工作。perfect for

We need a truck driver, and you are perfect for this job.

5) 汤姆对那个城镇不熟悉,以前从没去过。new to

Tom is new to the town. He has never been there before.

6) 掌握一门外语很难,但值得付出努力。pay

It is difficult to master a foreign language ,but it pays to make the effort.
