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The United States of America

The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several

territories in the Caribbean and Pacific.

At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the

product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The U.S. economy is the world's largest national economy.

The national flag of the United States consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the "union") bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars. The fifty stars on the flag represent the 50 states and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy and became the first states in the Union. Nicknames for the flag include the "Stars and Stripes", "Old Glory," and "The Star-Spangled Banner" (also the name of the national anthem).

Washi(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:介绍美国的英语作文)ngton, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States, filled with major museums and monuments, along with

multi-cultural communities.

New York is the most populous city in the United States and one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. As the home of the United Nations Headquarters, it is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also referred to as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part. Many districts and landmarks in New York City have become well known to outsiders. Times Square, iconified as "The Crossroads of the World", is the brightly illuminated hub of the Broadway theater district, one of the world's busiest pedestrian intersections, and a major center of the world's entertainment industry. The city hosts many world renowned bridges, skyscrapers, and parks.

Los Angeles is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world and the second largest in the United States. Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. As the home base of Hollywood, it is known as the "Entertainment Capital of the World", leading the world in the creation of motion pictures, television production, video games, and recorded music.

The United States is extraordinarily diverse in its array of attractions. There are various places of interest in the county, such as Niagara Falls, Yellowstone National Park, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, The White House, Central Park, Grand Canyon, the Golden Gate Bridge, etc.

Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the

American Dream.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay onto the Pacific Ocean. It connects the city of San Francisco on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County. It has become an internationally

recognized symbol of San Francisco and California.

The United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values. Aside from the now small Native American and Native Hawaiian populations, nearly all Americans or their ancestors immigrated within the past five centuries. The culture held in common by most Americans—mainstream American culture—is a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of European immigrants with influences from many other sources, such as traditions brought by slaves from Africa. More recent immigration from Asia and especially Latin America has added to a cultural mix that has been described as both a homogenizing melting pot and a heterogeneous salad bowl in which immigrants and their descendants retain distinctive cultural characteristics.



美利坚合众国是一个宪法联邦共和国,主要位于北美。它拥有50个州和一个联邦区,它同样可以称作the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., the U.S. of A., America, the States, or (poetically) Columbia。




The United States of America is a constitutional federal republic, situated

primarily in North America. It comprises 50 states and one federal district, and has several territories with differing degrees of affiliation. It is also referred to, with varying formality, as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., the U.S. of A., America, the States, or (poetically) Columbia.

Since the mid-20th century, following World War II, the United States has emerged as a dominant global influence in economic, political, military,

scientific, technological, and cultural affairs. Because of its influence, the U.S. is considered a superpower and, particularly after the Cold War, a hyperpower by some.

The country celebrates its founding date as July 4, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress—representing thirteen British colonies—adopted the Declaration of Independence that rejected British authority in favor of self-determination.

The structure of the government was profoundly changed in 1789, when the states replaced the Articles of Confederation with the United States Constitution. The date on which each of the fifty states adopted the

Constitution is typically regarded as the date that state "entered the Union" to become part of the United States.



选择其中两个话题,写两篇短评,每篇短评字数至少300英文单词。 ? 请一定根据作品进行评析,内容切题,言之有据,不要泛泛而谈; ? 要进行论证,不仅仅是叙述,采用适合的论证方法,如举例法; ? 语言要通顺,尽量避免语法错误。

? 1. Analyze the theme of Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”. (In your opinion, what was the reason that made the speaker stop by the woods on a snowy evening? What might the woods and snow and dark symbolize? Why can’t the speaker stay longer by the woods to appreciate its mysterious beauty?) Your answer should be at least 300-word long.

? 2. How do you see Dreiser’s naturalism influencing his work in Sister Carrie? (What is Naturalism? What kind of person is Carrie?) Your answer should be at least 300-word long.

? 3. How does Gatsby represent the American dream? What does the novel have to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s? Your answer should be at least 300-word long.

1. How do you see Dreiser’s naturalism influencing his work in Sister

Carrie? (What is Naturalism? What kind of person is Carrie?) Your answer should be at least 300-word long.

Experience, laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness of Carrie's life reflected the real life of lower level people in American society. Dreiser revealed the darkness of American society and evil in the rough language of working-class people, Dreiser used the rough language than magnificent words more appropriate, more can cause readers shocking.

Dreiser for Carrie life and destiny of the description is certainly not just realism by exposing the social evils, but in order to confirm the humanity in with nature in the struggle to this view that the result is always failure, in order to explain about the fate of strength, and showing that the forces of nature play a leading role in the lives of the people.

Carrie was edified by flashy neon and ugly neon surrounding in Chicago, gradually, she died out simple personality, she became a famous actor in New York by the expense of the hue, and she was into the high society. Before because of the helpless life, she became the los of wife, but she had a the greater desire, so she eloped to New York with Hector, after long she became a red star, and she abandoned him because Hector was very the fall. But can we say that she was a bad woman? I think we can’t say that. Because Carrie do these which was just for self-defense, and she didn’t love los instead of just grateful for him, so

that we did not say her to go up against that she abandoned Hector ward. After all, she was unable to take responsibility for a home.

Some people said that Carrie is an ungrateful person ,and she was not a concentrated person, so she lived a empty life at last. I think that no one can evaluate her, because New York was full of power ,envy and terror, people can not to be with the milk of human kindness, or it will get themselves pieces.

2. How does Gatsby represent the American dream? What does the novel have to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s? Your answer should be at least 300-word long.

To a postwar American as the background of the novel, the surface described love story in the upper-middle class of the United States in the 1920s, in fact true recorded at a time when the social culture and young people faced the "American dream" of disillusionment perplexed.

"The great gatsby" outlined experience and ideas of the "blundering 20 century" people. The author successfully portrayed a vivid and soul figure-- Gatsby, and he lived in the United States than gates postwar economic boom, not only experienced "jazz era" superficial prosperity, but also did feel it with crisis. By that time, the American economy was very development, it brought an unprecedented prosperity to the U.S..

Gates was a person who lived in the dream, he was in the dream from beginning to end. He would rather live in a dream, and do not want

to return to real life, his dreams was the fire. Eventually he ended up dead. The author reflected the society's significant problems with gates dream-- hypocritical society of the upper, the sins of money, the morbid of social phenomenon, asset class advocacy of "American dream" the illusion of sex and jazz age mourning. The novel was given the enormous irony and attacked to the 20 century of social atmosphere and the success of American dream.

It's not hard to find the character image. Its destiny tragedy was a double meaning, Gates was not only this that reflected reality and fantasy conflict in the society, but also is the typical representative of the American dream. The novel had to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s, because the capitalist society was extremely cruel, ruthless, hypocrisy, dirty and ugly, social and moral value completely fallen by the United States, at that time its expression was extremely cynicism, greed and blind pursuit of pleasure. It eventually led to the destruction of the American dream. Eph Scott Fitzgerald's novel criticized social features of the extreme.



Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790)

Franklin is the Founding Father who is seen as the master of home-spun(朴素的) practical wisdom. Of humble origins, Franklin began as a printer and writer (the author of Poor Richard's Almanack), then became an inventor and scientist, and concluded his long career as the consummate(完美的) diplomat. He played a key behind-the-scenes role at the conventions that led to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.


George Washington (1732-99)

The first president of the United States and the American commander in chief during the War of Independence from Great Britain, Washington is often called the "Father of His Country." Originally a gentleman farmer from Virginia, Washington showed great leadership qualities as a soldier. Highly popular with the American public, he was eulogized by a member of Congress as "first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen."

乔治?华盛顿(George Washington, 1732-1799)

华盛顿是美国第一任总统,在摆脱英国统治的独立战争(War of Independence)时期担任总司令,常被尊称为“国父”。他原是弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)一位从事农业的乡绅,后成为一名军人,表现出非凡的领导能力。他在美国公众中享有崇高的声望,一位国会议员曾赞颂他


Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. "We hold these truths to be self-evident," he wrote, "that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Jefferson, who was later elected the third president of the United States, also wrote the state of Virginia's law establishing religious freedom and founded the University of Virginia. 托马斯?杰佛逊(Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826)

杰佛逊是1776年《独立宣言》主要起草人。他写道:“我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的 : 人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”杰佛逊后来当选美国第三任总统。他还起草了弗吉尼亚州保障宗教自由的法律,并创办了弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)。

Sacagawea (ca. 1786-1812)

A young woman of the Lemhi Indians in present-day Idaho, Sacagawea helped the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804-06 explore vast newly acquired lands in the American West. Sacagawea, who spoke several Indian dialects, served as a guide and interpreter to various Native American tribes during this peaceful expedition. When the expedition encountered the Lemhi band, she arranged for the Lemhi to provide the horses, provisions, and shelter that made the journey to the

Pacific Ocean possible. One of Sacagawea's descendants, Willow Jack, is pictured in authentic costume.

莎卡嘉薇亚(Sacagawea, 1786-1812)

莎卡嘉薇亚是印第安人莱姆哈伊(Lemhi)部族的成员,该地现属爱达荷州(Idaho)。她在1804年至1806年间帮助刘易斯(Lewis)和克拉克(Clark)远征队在美国刚获得的西部广袤土地上探险。莎卡嘉薇亚通晓好几种印第安人的方言,为这项和平探险任务担任向导并充当译员,与各种各样的印第安人部族进行沟通。在探险队遇到莱姆哈伊部族时,该部族经过她的安排为他们前往太平洋沿岸的旅途提供了必需的马匹、粮草和住所。图中身穿正统印第安人服装的威洛?杰克(Willow Jack)是莎卡嘉薇亚的后裔。

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

President during the American Civil War, 1861-65, Lincoln is revered for having kept the Union together and freeing the slaves. A legislator from Illinois, Lincoln won the Republican nomination for president and was elected on an anti-slavery platform in 1860. As a result, 11 southern states seceded and war began. In the Gettysburg Address, he stated his resolve “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

亚伯拉罕?林肯(Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865)

林肯在1861年至1865年美国南北战争时期担任美国总统,他因维护美国统一和解放黑奴而广受尊崇。林肯原是伊利诺伊州(Illinois)联邦议员,后获共和党提名为总统候选人,1860年以反对奴隶制的政纲当选总统。此后,南方11个州脱离联邦,引发美国内战。林肯发表的葛底斯堡演说(Gettysburg Address)表示,决心“使民有、民治、民享的政府与世长存”。

Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)

Appalled that the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1870) guaranteed the right to vote to newly freed slaves but not to women, Susan B. Anthony led a group of women to the polls in Rochester, New York. She was arrested several times for trying to vote, and later organized the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. She died in 1906, having paved the way for the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted American women the right to vote in 1920. 蘇珊?安東尼(Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906)

蘇珊?安東尼对1870年美国宪法第15条修正案表示极为不满,因为该修正案只保障新获得解放的奴隶有选举权,但不给妇女同样的权利。她带领一群妇女去纽约州罗切斯特(Rochester, New York)投票站表达抗议。她因试图投票参加选举多次被捕,后来组织了国际妇女选举权同盟(International Woman Suffrage Alliance)。她于1906年逝世,但她为1920年保障妇女选举权的第19条宪法修正案获得通过创造了条件。

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

The foremost physicist of the 20th century, Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity, which overturned previous ideas on the nature of the physical universe. Born in 1879 in Germany, he developed his important ideas as a young man. In 1933, Einstein took a position with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, and became an American citizen in 1940." His ideas would prove instrumental in developing the atomic bomb during World War II. 阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein, 1879-1955)

爱因斯坦是20世纪久负盛名的物理学家。他创立了相对论(theory of relativity),推翻了关于宇宙本质的旧观念。他1879年生于德国,很年轻时就提出了许多重要观点,1933年,他到新泽西州普林斯顿(Princeton, New Jersey)的高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Studies)任职, 1940年成为美国公民。他的学术思想对于美国在第二次世界大战(World War II)期间发明原子弹发挥了关键作用。

富兰克林?戴莱诺?罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945)

罗斯福以其乐观的精神和政治智慧帮助美国渡过了南北战争(the Civil War)以来最艰难的时期:大萧条(the Great Depression)和第二次世界大战(World War II)。他于1933年就任总统,执政长达12年。在此期间,美国经济得到恢复,轴心国军队(the Axis forces)被打败。罗斯福是贫苦民众心目中的英雄,但众多工商界人士并不认同他在“新政” (New Deal)时期实施的经济和社会改革。

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)

Franklin D. Roosevelt's optimism and political savvy helped carry the United States though its greatest domestic crisis since the Civil War: the hard times of the Great Depression and World War II. He assumed the presidency in 1933 and—during his 12 years at the helm—saw his country recover economically and triumph over the Axis forces. FDR was a hero to the poor, but many businessmen did not favor his economic and social reforms, called the New Deal.


John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917-1963)

肯尼迪具有卓越的领导才能,建立了众多的业绩,风度优雅,充满智慧和魅力,人们经常怀着感念的心情回忆他担任美国总统的三年时光。在德克萨斯州达拉斯(Dallas, Texas),刺客的一颗子弹夺走了他的生命,但是他激励了千百万人民。1962年,他以坚定的意志抗击来古巴的苏联导弹威胁,以后又与苏联进行合作,缓和了核军备竞赛。他还创立了争取进步联盟(Alliance for Progress)及和平队(Peace Corps)。

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963)

People everywhere look back nostalgically to JFK's three years as president of the United States because of his leadership, his accomplishments, and his grace, wit, and charisma. He inspired millions before he was killed by an assassin's bullet in Dallas, Texas. Although not afraid to stand
