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Everybody,tell me yesterday’s English statement~OK,today let us continue to talk about courage.


The Great Wall, for our Chinese people, is already a symbol of will意志strength力量and courage 勇气。长城,以它的巍巍雄姿和坚强不屈的性格,象征着中华民族伟大的力量。这是在中华民族处于最危险的时刻,举国上下高唱“把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城”,同仇敌忾kài,浴血抗战中提炼锻铸成的象征。《义勇军进行曲》的长期传唱,使长城在人们的心目中已升华为民族精神和意识。

Yesterday we learned about ,it is a film about courage as well.And courage is Now,I’['s?riz]I bet u must at least hear of it. Its author is JK Rowling.And actually this whole story is about courage and love of cause. 那JK Rowling 在接受采访时就曾表示”Courage is the most important, so she wants to enter the Gryffindor among the four colleges.”格兰芬多是魔法学校霍格沃茨四个院校之一,以勇气著称,所以我们的主角们都被分在了格兰芬多。So if you are brave ,fearless, and own great courage,you may be luckily enough admitted in Gryffindor.

Gryffindor has a proverb ['pr?v??b]故事从头到尾也都是过人的胆识、无畏的勇气和无私的爱支持着主角们的行动,也正是验证着格兰芬多勇气,胆识,与气魄的精神灵魂。


·Write a letter to your dream girl or boy and declare your heart. That is courage.

·Say no to your teacher in his class when you have a different opinion. That is courage. ·After failing several times in the exam, who still hands in the entry fee resolutely

['rez?lu:tl?] , that is courage.

In a word, courage is: A man does what he must in spite of obstacles ['ɑbst?kl], dangers and pressures. Courage means opportunity,hope,and love.

But “→我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。我希望你们也能记住这点,勇敢不是盲目,不是无所畏惧,而是心怀恐惧,却依然向前。

All in all, learning what courage is is to explore something deep in our heart.

It can not be seen and it can not be touched, but it exists everywhere, well prepared to help those who are in need, to guide them to go through dangers, difficulties and to be confident in life.



Do we have courage? Majority of people say yes, of course.then,do we have significant courage?Today,when we talk about with courage ,this pictures would appear in our mind, stallone or Schwarzenegger emerge their muscle,with a machine gun da da da…maybe the seize mislead us about courage.And the real ,meaningful courage are ignored by people fo a long time.

Here are three points we need pay attention to when we use our courage.

Just as the saying goes‘Have Wisdom Courage in mind are more differcult than in action’. Jingke,the famous assassin ,he was full of courage,and he tried his best to assassinate qingshihuang,Obviously,he lost ,and that is vain,he lost.How can a small character beat the powerful and prosperous dynasty! On the concontrast,Zhangliang,a clever adviser,helped liu bang to revolt and established Han dynasty,which also achieve the same aim like jingke.But the courage of latter is filled with wisdom and significant,which having the essential difference from the former.

Second points,We can’t violate objective fact and regular pattern,someone say I have courage ,and I will plant apple trees

in winter…it is possible?or like zhuyuanzhang ,he have the courage,he betray the tradtion and divided the country for his sons in order to gover the empire,but a unite country is the trend of history,therefore the war broke out. Someone may have question for the fomer example,is zhangliang stick to this rule?he also want resist qing dynasty like jingke.but we can see, jingke hope the china return to Warring States.while zhangliang use the han dynasty to replace the qing which fit the law of the history. That’s no contrasiction

Last but not least,we must understand ourselves’ability sufficiently. Courage like a stimulant which could promote us play the best of us,howeverif we only have courage without the basic ability ,we can’t do nothing and even hurt ourselves in turn!

Times give the new and deep sense of courage,just use the old ashion,That,s easy .Get it and do it!


Courage——what we cannot afford to lose Good evening,

Ladies and gentlemen.

I am very glad to give a speech here.This time, I'd like to talk something about courage what we cannot afford to lose.

There are many things in the world that we cannot afford to lose, such as our health, wealth, our families, friends , lovers and so on. But the most important one, I believe, is courage.

Do you know what does it mean for lack of courage? It means missing opportunities and being far away from success.

We all need courage, especially for me. Believe it or not, I spend one year in making the final, firm decision to take part in this speech contest.There is no denying that I was a timid person. I was so timid that I missed the speech contest last year. But I don't think that was stupid, because I have learned something from the experience, just like courage. It's also the reason why I stand here now.

Speaking truthfully, I am not always timid. I

remember, when I was a little girl, I would try my best to fight for whatever I wanted and every time I made it. However, Time stealed my courage. The older I become, the more timid I am. Could you imagine? As a college student, I would be scared to cry in the face of challenges and hurdles. Every time, when I was going to do something, the first one came into my mind is: what should I do if I failed?And then I felt more anxious as if there are two persons fighting in my head. As a result, I became irresolute and retreat finally.Times went by, Fortunately, I retrieve my courage, now。

Actually, you would find that courage is needed everywhere. For instance, you fall in love with someone secretly and sincerely, and one day you want to tell him. What do you need most? Courage! And if you did something wrong, you should make an apology.you also need Courage! After all, People can't be quite comfortable with their mistakes. Now assume that you must make a choice between your families and wealth, which one do you choose? No matter what is our last choice, I think we all need great courage.

In a word, I think life itself really does need courage.

Because in social life,we will meet various difficulties and setbacks. At this moment, we need enough courage to get rid of those sadness and sorrow.

Courage, just like sunshine, air ,water is important and essential in our life. Without courage, we can't do anything successful;we can't live a meaningful and happy life. So let's have the courage to try and try it harder.

That's all,thank you for listening!

篇四:Voice of Courage + 勇气之声译文

Unit Two: History and Personality

Text A

Voice of Courage

By Jonathan Alter


A few days after Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn into office, he sat in the White House working on a radio speech about the country's banking crisis, scheduled for delivery on Sunday, March 12, 1933. It was the depths of the Depression, with a quarter of Americans out of work, homeless and destitute. Glancing out the window, FDR saw a workman taking down the inaugural scaffolding on the White House grounds.


"I decided I'd try to make a speech that this workman could understand," he told Louis Howe, his chief aide. “我一定要让这样的普通工人也能听得懂我的演讲。”他对首席助理路易斯·霍夫说。 The American economic system was in a state of shock. On Saturday, March 4, a few hours before FDR's swearing-in, the governors of New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania signed orders closing banks in those states. The New York Stock Exchange had suspended trading, and the Chicago Board of Trade bolted its doors for the first time since its founding in 1848. The terrifying "runs" that began the year before on more than 5,000 failing banks had stripped rural areas of capital and now threatened to overwhelm American cities.

美国的经济体系正处于危难之中。3月4日星期六,就在罗斯福宣誓就职前几个小时,纽约州、伊利诺斯州和宾夕法尼亚州的州长们刚刚签署了指令,关闭这些州的银行。纽约证券交易所已经暂停了交易。而自从1848年成立以来,芝加哥期货交易所也头一次关上了大门。始于前一年的“挤兑”现象令人惊慌, 5000多家银行倒闭,农村资金极度匮乏,而现在美国的城市也面临着全面的危机。

This was the bottom. If you had your money in a bank that went bust, you were wiped out. With no idea whether banks would reopen, millions of people hid their few remaining assets under their mattresses, where no one could steal them without a fight.


Roosevelt's inaugural address at the Capitol had begun to restore hope, with his standout line, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Yet the greatest applause came when he said that if his reform program was not adopted, "I shall ask Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis: broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency."


Then FDR used a new medium in a new way to change millions. 罗斯福以新的方式利用了一种新媒体,改变了百万人的生活。

The first Presidential radio broadcast was introduced by Robert Trout of CBS, who read from a folksy script approved by FDR: "The President wants to come into your home and sit at your fireside for a little fireside chat." FDR brought natural talent to the role. His speaking voice was a beautiful, relaxed tenor, not the contrived basso profundo of pompous politicians.


Roosevelt owed much to technological good fortune. In 1921, the number of radios in the United States was in the thousands. By 1928, there were 9 million, and by 1932, 18 million, with about half the households owning at least one radio. Herbert Hoover had appeared on one of the first "telecasts" produced by an infant technology called television, but neither he nor anyone else knew how to use the broadcasting medium effectively.


Roosevelt, though, was different. 然而,罗斯福则与众不同。

All afternoon, workers busily removed the gold pieces and Presidential china patterns in the Diplomatic Reception Room on the White House ground floor. In came bulky electrical equipment and telephone cables, connected to a desk and built-in microphone. Meanwhile, Roosevelt pictured people "gathered in the parlor, listening with their neighbors," wrote Frances Perkins, who witnessed many broadcasts. "As he talked, his head would nod and his hands would

move in natural, relaxed gestures. His face would light up as though he were actually sitting with people."


The ritual went this way: Upstairs, FDR would put the finishing touches on every word and phrase. He was obsessed with punctuation. Grace Tully, his secretary, sometimes inserted extra commas when she typed, leading her boss to gently upbraid her for "wasting the taxpayers' commas." His real concern was timing. He read aloud at about 100 words a minute, but he adjusted his pace for effect. At 6 p.m., Roosevelt had his throat sprayed for a sinus problem. Then he enjoyed cocktails and dinner.

整个过程是这样进行的:在楼上,罗斯福对每个单词和短语进行最后的润色。他对标点符号非常在意,而秘书格雷斯·塔利打字时有时会多打一些逗号,她的老板会因此语气和善地批评她 “浪费纳税人的逗号”。罗斯福最关心的是时间把握问题。他大声朗读的速度大约是每分钟100个单词,但是他会调整自己的速度以求得到最好的效果。下午6点钟,因为鼻窦的问题罗斯福让人帮他冲洗了喉咙,然后就开始享用鸡尾酒和晚餐了。

Moments before the first Fireside Chat was to air, there was a crisis. No one could find his leather-bound reading copy. Panic ensued for everyone except FDR, who calmly picked up a smudged, mimeographed copy. After sipping from a glass of water, he read the words perfectly on the air.


The beauty of that first prime-time radio speech was its clarity. FDR walked people through the basics of banking without being patronizing. He outlined the process for deciding which banks to open. "He made everyone understand it, even the bankers," Will Rogers quipped later.


In the middle of the speech, Roosevelt said simply, "I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress." By raising an issue that made so many feel shameful, he lifted the shame—offering listeners a way to strike a patriotic blow by simply depositing money into a solvent bank. Those who planned instead to withdraw money were gently

thrown in with an unsavory lot. Hoarding, the President said, "has become an exceedingly unfashionable pastime."


Then he returned to themes so popular in his inaugural. "Confidence and courage are the essentials in carrying out our plan. Let us unite in banishing fear. We have provided the machinery to restore our financial system. Together we cannot fail."


Jim Farley, a top political advisor, wrote that if judged by its impact, this speech may have been the greatest single utterance by an American President. "No other talk ever called forth such a wave of spontaneous enthusiasm and cooperation." With 60 million people listening, the effect was immediate. The next day, Monday, March 13, newspapers reported long lines of Americans anxious to redeposit their money. The New York Stock Exchange, closed for over a week, opened 15 percent higher, the largest one-day surge in more than half a century. Within a week, most of the recently closed banks reopened.

高级政治顾问吉姆·法利认为,如果以影响力作为评价标准,那么这次演讲可被认为是美国总统所做的最伟大的一次演讲了。“没有哪一次谈话能够像它一样激起人们如此强烈的自发热情和合作。”6000万人同时倾听,产生的即时效果是可想而知的。第二天——3月13日——是个周一,报纸报道说美国人排起了长队,急切地要把钱重新存回银行。而关闭了一周多的纽约证券交易所也重新开市了,当天高开了 15%,创造了半个多世纪以来的单日最大涨幅。炉边谈话后的一个星期之内,大多数最近关闭的银行都重新开业了。

Gerald Ford, about 20 at the time, remembered FDR's Fireside Chats as "big events—we would all stop and listen." Ronald Reagan's biographer, Lou Cannon, has written that Reagan's "metaphors were the offspring of FDR's." And Bill Clinton recalled hearing his grandfather talk about how he sat in rapt attention, "then went to work the next day feeling a little different about the country."


After the first Fireside Chat, FDR relaxed in his office. At 11:30 p.m. he said, "I think it's time for beer." Preparations for a bill to speed the end of Prohibition began that night.



1. swear [????] v. to admit someone to a particular office or position by directing

them to take a formal oath 宣誓

2. delivery [?????????] n. giving a speech in public 演讲

3. destitute [???????????] adj. having no money, no food, no home etc. 困穷

4. inaugural [???????????] adj. (of an official speech) first, and marking the

beginning of sth. important 就职的, 开始的

5. scaffolding [??????????] n. a set of poles and boards built into a structure

for workers to stand on outside of a building 脚手架

6. aide [???] n. sb. helping a person with an important job, esp. a politician <美>助手, 副

7. swearing-in [????????] n. making a promise to do a job correctly宣誓就职

8. suspend [????????] v. to officially stop something from continuing, esp. for a

short time暂停

9. bolt [?????] v. to lock a door or window by sliding a bolt across上门闩

[??????????] v. to surprise someone very much so that they do 10. overwhelm

not know how to react 使人不知所措

11. asset [?????] n. the property of a person, company, etc., esp. of value 资产

12. mattress [???????] n. the soft part of a bed to lie on床垫

13. Capitol [????????] n. the building in Washington D.C. where the US Congress


14. restore

15. standout [?????????] adj. a person or sth. in a group much better than all the

rest出色的, 杰出的

16. Congress [????????] n. the group of people elected to make laws in the US,

consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives (美国等国的)国会, 议会

17. executive [???????????] adj. relating to the job of managing a business or

organization and making decisions行政的

18. wage [?????] v. to begin and continue a war, a battle, etc. 发动 [???????] v. to make something return to its former state or condition恢

篇五:speech about courage

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. I am very glad to stand here to share with you my understanding of courage. Have you ever walked into a room full with strangers? It maybe was at a party, or at a camp. What would you do to help yourself? To greet others? To stay still where you where? Or just to leave alone? Anyhow, without courage, you can not get what you need.

Courage breeds courage, which means that acting courageously leads to more

courageous deeds. Things get a bit easier the second time and the third around. That’s how you develop the confidence to act the way the way you want. Acts of courage can change things. Take the Montgomery boycott for am example. The black woman, Rosa Parks courageously said "no" towards a white man, causing the transformation of the public bus system throughout the U.S. later, the white could no longer treat the black as inferior human beings on th

talk about courage

e road. Hence one woman's courage changed American history. There are millions of other such stories.

Dear friends, please think over who you admired most in the world. Chair Mao? Galileo? or Dr. Hawking? They all share something in common, that is they are all courageous. Well, one reason why courage is admired is that courageous person does what is right in spite of the "what ifs" of life. What if your parent disagrees with you? --what if your teacher gets mad?--what if someone stronger comes along?

Another reason is that acting courageously makes you feel good. It’s a way of respecting yourself. Another person's courage gives you the idea and sometimes the opportunity to be courageous, too. Like the boycotters who stood by Rosa parks to rebel against prejudice.

Actually, courageous action has a tremendous effect on you. By acting courageously, you get better at it. Things get easier-even something like getting up on the dance floor and keeping dancing--it might give you the courage to try something else, try something

harder. by acting courageously, you get more out of life, whether you are-- making a new friend; trying out for a part at the school play, or asking for a raise at your after school job. Courageous acts today pave the way for a safer future and a better world. Unlike Rosa Parks, you may not change the world every time you take a stand for what you believe is right, but you can change your own life and the lives of people around you. Let’s say to pick up the possibly wrong statement your history teacher makes, to apologize for doing wrong to your close friend, or to defend people under unfair attack. When you take a stand, you don't know how it will end. Your teacher might get annoyed; your friend might hang up on you, and others would bit you. You can't always know how something is going to turn out, but at least you have tried, you have taken a stand for what you believe in. that's courage all about. Ladies and gentlemen, please do remember that we all get scared

sometimes. However, courage is not the absence of fear; being courageous is being able to take action even if we have fear. Heroes evolved, they are not born.
