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那是一个寒冷的冬天,一个小姑娘和她的爸爸坐在疾驰 的马车上,这个小姑娘就是拉萨。爸爸克鲁·大卫带着拉萨来找敏奵老师,希望老师能照顾她。






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这本书教育我们遇到困难不能害怕要勇敢地去面对,读到这儿,我便想起了我以前贪玩,怕苦,只肯做完老师布置的作业。 如果妈妈再让我做点儿练习,我就会一脸的苦相对妈妈说:“老妈,也太多了吧!”现在想起来,觉得我根本就不能跟撒拉比。因为她连那么大的困难都能承受,何况我只是做一些练习呢!


篇四:A Little Princess读后感(《小公主》)

A Little Princess

When we hear the word “ princess”, we always think about those grace and beautiful girls wearing some luxuriant dresses. Most of them are born to be

princesses, but there are some changes in their life, which makes, or in another word, forces them to have a kind of different life for a while. After all those difficulties, and at the end of these princesses stories, they’ll find their true love and have a happy life from then on. Of course, “ A Little Princess” is the same.

I bought this book by accident,but after reading it,I was grateful of that accident. A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous British novelist and dramatist who also wrote the book The Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden which are also well- known in the whole world.

The book “A Little Princess” is the story of a girl named Sara Crewe, who is given everything she could ever want, but she is not spoiled. She immediately becomes a favorite of other students when they find that she is clever and can tell good stories by using her vivid imagination. On Sara's 11th birthday, Miss Minchin is told that Sara's father has died, leaving Sara penniless, and nowhere to go. So Miss Minchin sends her to an attic where she is going to work as a servant. Sara's trial is to

remember that a Princess is the princess all the time, even when she acts as others, and even in rags and tatters. At last she gets helps from the friends of her father and become rich again, and become a princess forever.

One thing that I think Sarah is different from the other traditional character of princesses is that she has not only the power of love, but also the power of

friendship. When we talk about the Snow White, we’ ll definitely associate her with the Prince Charming, but when we read the book “ A Little Princess”, the more we feel touched is the poor girl always by her side when she’s in her darkest time.

And I don’ t think that if there is not such a pretty girl, Sarah may not survive from the poverty. Though the poor girl is not the main role, and she is unluckily not a princess, she still has the character that one princess should have: kindness,

steadfast and preserving. She’ s the most impressive one, in my opinion, in the whole book! I should say, though she is not the princess with glorious wealth and a fabulous fated prince, she will become a princess by her own effort.

A Little Princess tells the heartwarming story of a young girl of fortune, who is left destitute after the death of her father. Her vivid imagination and cheerful nature keep up her spirits despite the hard times and neglect, and the good she does to others reaps its own rewards.

It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart. The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it. The extraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess.

I like Sara,a girl of this book,a true princess.She lost her favorite,her father,but she was strong.She looked as she just was a petite girl.She had a small face and body,but she also had a strong heart and admirable quality. Sara was a very nice girl who had a gentle, appreciative ways of saying. So, not only her teachers and classmates liked her, but also her servants liked her. There was a time when Sara became a poor and piti

ful servant insulted by the snobbish headmaster of the school. In spite of this, she had never complained to anyone about the horrible suffering she had endured. Sara was confident, brave, optimistic and kind-hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life. No matter when, Sara acted like a princess, and on account of this, she had accomplished a great deal of miracles over and over again. What does the word “goodness” mean? The explanation in the dictionary is: the state or quality of being good. What Sara has done not only represents goodness, but also shows that the author upholds good things and hopes that the world will be full of goodness and love. And then what about the real life in the world? Of course there is goodness and villainy. Goodness? Good things are done by historic persons and great people; as a negligible person, it has nothing to do with me! If you have this kind of opinion of doing goodness, you are totally wrong. We can see goodness from very tiny things, such as: giving a sweet smile to your friends when you meet them; being kind and considerate while you do things; trying to find it’s a pleasure to help others; being kind to all creatures…well, as there are so many, it sounds difficult; but if you really have a warm heart in daily life, you will find it is easy enough to do goodness.

Every girl wants to be a princess, because the traditional idea or definition of princess is a pretty girl who has a prince fated who gives her true love and power, and helps her deal with the imperfect things, providing her with a perfect life instead, a lot of wonderful dresses, and do not need to worry about her life because

everything will be solved by someone else including those malicious step-mothers. But we live in reality, not day dream, so we give up the thoughts that we could be a princess. And that is the reason why most of us get rid of the idea of depending on the others and try our best to work hard to create a better life. The reality can’ t be perfect, and sometimes, it can be just a mess, but we can survive by our own efforts. In the process of growing up accompanied with forgetting the princess dream, we just achieve the character which might make us become a princess without great wealth, but who has the courage, the independence, the kindness, the confidence, and so on! Why I say most of us is because somebody who doesn’t have the

distinguished identity always thinks that she is a princess, and she wants everyone around her treats her as the princess. That is kind of illness. I do think if a girl

depends on herself will achieve a wonderful life, and when she does, she will feel the happiness from the bottom of her heart!









她的心平气和也令我称奇。不论铭钦女士等人怎么说,怎么做,她从未低下头来奉承他们,做一个“好好先生”,也从未“起义反抗”,不假思索地做出莽撞之举,而是从一个公主的角度来思量,做出合适举止。(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:《小公主》读后感)可以说,她的心平气和是一个成年人都无法具备的。


六(5)班 薛懿蕾
