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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 10:27:22 体裁作文


A bottle had fallen down,with half of its water pouring out. To the scene, two men responded

differently, one man, feeling extremely sad, his hand covering his face, sighed ”All has gone!” The other seemed much more optimistic. He ran happily to raise up the bottle and said with great gratitude ”There is still some water left.”

Why did the two people have such distinct reaction? It is because they judged the situation from opposite perspectives. After the bottle fell, the pessimistic observer focused on the losses thereby thinking negatively, while the other observer noticed the remaining liquid and then had a positive opinion. Actually, the fallen bottle is a symbol of unfortunate circumstances in life and the two kinds of responses reflect two different attitudes towards misfortunes.

Misfortunes mean obvious losses; however , they still bring latest opportunities to people with optimistic mind. From the perspective of optimists, firing a career disaster , will be a reminder of the necessity for an urgent improvement in their personality or expensive sensing the signal for change, those optimists will strive to achieve personal growth, the growth which provides a guarantee to healthier career development in the future. Misfortunes are blessings in disguise and optimism can unlock the cover. Therefore, in the face of misfortunes people should adopt an optimistic attitude.


Optimism or pessimism

A little bird told me that people would be described as three parts : the optimistic , the pessimistic and a mix of them .Most of people belong to the third , however , for me , I am an optimistic .

For example , I am balding because of the unregular rest while preparing the entrance exam of postgraduate student . Frankly speaking , it did bore me a lot , but I am a optimistic , facing the trouble and dealing with it . Finally , I got my hair so shortly that the balding was had to see .

That is me , trying my best to solve problems but not to complain .


Pessimism or optimism

If there is someone asking myself “are you an optimistic or pessimistic?”I will answer”I am a mix of optimism and pessimism”. I have worked for seven years after graduating from qiqihaer university.There is no doubt that I am older than my classmates.

I become a pessimistic man when I prepared the postgraduate entrance examination.As you know,our ability of memory getting down while we getting old.I can not remember knowledge well,espically English words. I told myself that I am too old to remember all things, I can not do it!

HoweverI become an optimistic while thinking of my beautiful girlfriend , I should give her a good home and happiness. At that time , I am full of power and passion . I tell myself I must do it , I can do it , I will do it and I will succeed.



1. 我对你有信心。I have faith in you.

= I have confidence in you.

● have faith in“相信,信任”

2. 我敢肯定我们会赢。I'm sure we'll win.

A: How do you predict the result of the match?

你预测一下比赛的结果会是什么样? B: I'm sure we'll win. 我敢肯定我们会赢。 3. 我期待着你的成功。I anticipate your success. ★ anticipate [An5tisipeit] v. 期望,期待 4. 这事非常容易。 It's all plain sailing. A: How are you getting on with your project? 你的项目进展得怎么样了? B: Very well. It's all plain sailing. 很好。这事非常容易。 ● plain sailing“一帆风顺,进展顺利”

5. 我对成功抱乐观的态度。I'm very optimistic about our chances of success. = I'm very optimistic that we'll succeed.

★ optimistic [7Cpti5mistik] a. 乐观的

6. 你一定会成功的。Your work is bound to be successful. A: Your work is bound to be successful. 你一定会成功的。 B: Thank you. 谢谢你。 ● be bound to“一定会??”

7. 我很有把握我们能赢。I'm quite sure we will win. = I'm confident about our victory. 8. 我有信心,我一定会成功的。I have every confidence in my success. A: It seems you're not nervous at all. 看起来你一点也不紧张。 B: I have every confidence in my success. 我有信心,我一定会成功的。 9. 我是个乐观主义者。 I'm an optimist. ★ optimist [5Cptimist] n. 乐观主义者 10. 我闭着眼睛都能做得到。I can do it blindfolded. A: It's difficult for me to memorize all these English words.


B: I can do it blindfolded. 我闭着眼睛都能做得到。 ★ blindfold [5blain?fEul?] v. 蒙住眼睛,使看不见

11. 我相信他一定能升职。I have every confidence in his promotion. A: Do you think he will be promoted this time?


B: Yes. I have every confidence in his promotion.


12. 我对未来十分乐观。I'm full of optimism for the future.

A: I'm full of optimism for the future. 我对未来十分乐观。 B: Me too. 我也是。

★ optimism [5CptimizEm] n. 乐观,乐观主义

13. 我对许多事情都持有乐观的看法。I hold an optimistic view of events.

A: I hold an optimistic view of events. 我对许多事情都持有乐观的看法。 B: That's good. 这很好。

14. 毫无疑问,我们会成功的。There's no doubt we will win. = Without any doubt, we will win.

15. 没有什么可担心的。There's nothing to worry about.

A: I'm afraid our son will lose his way.


B: There's nothing to worry about.


16. 一切都会好的。Everything will be fine.

= Things will turn out all right.

= Things will work out all right.

17. 一切都会尽如人意的。Everything will come up roses.

A: I'm in a bad mood. 我的心情不好。 Section

B: Don't worry. Everything will come up roses. 别担心,一切都会尽如人意的。 05

● come up roses“顺利或成功地结束”

18. 你一定会成功的。You're bound to win. A: You're bound to win. 你一定会成功的。Thank you. 谢谢。

19. 我总是很乐观。I'm happy with everything. = I'm always very optimistic.

A: I'm happy with everything. 我总是很乐观。

B: Life must be good to you.


20. 我是一片茫然。I'm all at sea.

A: What is your plan for your future? 你有什么计划?


B: I'm all at sea. 我是一片茫然。

21. 我很悲观。I'm rather pessimistic.


I'm not optimistic at all. 我一点也不乐观。

pessimistic [pesi5mistik] a. 悲观的 22. 不要期望太高。Don't get your hopes too high. A: Do you think I can pass the final exam? 你觉得我能通过期末考试吗? B: Don't get your hopes too high. 不要期望太高。 23. 不可能了。No chance at all. = Fat chance. 24. 我放弃了。I give up. ○ I'm throwing in the towel. 我认输了。 A: Let's do it from the beginning. 让我们从头开始吧。 B: I give up. 我放弃了。 throw in the towel“认输”

篇五:英语 乐观与悲观

Therefore, be optimistic, all the time.

乐观者 悲观者 教育

(2009-04-20 00:01:57)

1. Let go of the assumption that the world is against you, or that you were born with a gray cloud over your head. Be humble and stop pretending you've got the world all figured out. Sometimes bad

experiences lead to good experiences, and you can't predict the future, so you can't assume it'll always be bad.


2. Look for the source of your pessimism. Deep-rooted negativity can often be traced to childhood experiences, when growing minds observe their circumstances and make presumptions about how the world

functions. If all you saw growing up were disappointments, betrayals and failure, it's no surprise that now it's what you expect from the world as an adult. Sometimes we pick up a flair for pessimism from a parent who made negative assumptions about the world somewhere along the line. Either way, the sooner you can attribute your pessimism to a unique set of circumstances rather than the state of the world itself, the easier it'll be to change your perspective.


3. Understand that the past does not equal the future. Just because you've experienced pain or disappointment in the past does not

guarantee that it's all you'll experience in the future. There were many things in your past that you couldn't control, and everybody comes across unfortunate circumstances at some point in their lives - you're no exception.


4. Stop thinking about what is happening to you and start thinking

about what you can make things happen. If you're not happy with the way your life is now, set goals and move on. Use your past bad experiences to build character and make yourself a better person,

instead of letting pessimism turn you into someone who avoids risks. Sometimes it is necessary to take risks to receive rewards. It is better to play to win rather than merely to avoid losing.


5. Be thankful. Everyone has something to be grateful for. Make a list of the good things that have happened to you. Every time you are feeling negative, read through them and remind yourself that it's not all bad. 要学会感激。每个人都有一些人或事情值得感激。把在你身上发生的好的事情列一个清单,在你觉得消极的时候,拿出来看看,并提醒自己并不是什么事情都那么糟糕。

6. Use motivational quotes. Write down short statements that remind you of what you're trying to change about the way you see the world. Put them in places where you'll see them every day, such as on your bathroom mirror, the inside of your locker, on your computer monitor. Some quotes to start with are:


Nothing is impossible.


It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.


What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.


Storms make trees take deeper roots.


7. Remember that life is short. When you feel pessimism clouding your judgment or you start to feel down about the future, remind yourself that every minute counts, and any time spent brooding guarantees

nothing but less time to enjoy whatever life might have to offer. At its core, pessimism is impractical because it causes you to spend time

dwelling on things that haven't happened yet and aren't guaranteed to happen, and it prevents you from getting things done.


Other tips:


1. Look happy. Studies have shown that putting a positive expression on your face can actually make you feel happier and more optimistic about the future.


2. Practice by conveying these ideas to others. If you hear someone being pessimistic, counsel them based on these steps. Sometimes it's easier to understand a perspective if you explain it to someone else first.


3. Avoid negative people. If you can't avoid them, learn how to not let them get you down.


4. Realize that it's not about what happens to you, it's about how you react to what happens.

