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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 20:05:03 小学四年级
一、翻译下列短语1.一杯茶2. How many hamburgers3. 两杯牛奶4. What a big sandwich!5.许多面条6. Can I help you?7.我想要8.Anything else?9.一些米饭10.给 你二、找出不同类的一项1.A .milk B. noodles C.tea D.juice2.A .orange B. mango C.apple D.coffee3.A. rice B. tea C.pie D.cake4.A .glass B. door C.window D.table5A.jump B. skate C.swim D.home三、选择题1. Do you have _______grapes?A. some B. a C.any2.---- This is _______ mother ,I think认为。 --- No. She’s ________aunt Mrs Black .A my; your B your ;your C. your; my3.---What would you like ?   --- _________A I like hot dogs. B A cup of coffee,please. C. Yes , please.4.--- How many _______do you have? ---One.A milk B boxes C . apple5.--- Look _______ my bedroom. --- __________big!A. at; What B to; It’s C .at; How6. ---What _________you have? ---- I have twelve_______.A do; hamburger B can ;rice C do; sandwiches7.I’m hungry. I’d like ________.A some tea B. a sandwich C. some coffee8.---Where’s Mum? ----_________A It’s in the bathroom. B. He’s in the bathroom. C She’s in the bathroom.9.I’d like_______teaA. a B.an C.a cup of10. Here some rice for us.A. is B.are C.am11. A:_________would you like? B: _________like some noodles.A.What’s ; I B What ; I’d C How ; I’d12. A: What _______ you like ? B: Some rice ,please.A do B. would C. are13. I’d like some noodles.________you?A What are B How are C What about14. A: Can I help you ? B: I’d like a cup _______coffee.A.of B under C in15.A: A glass of milk ,please. B: ____________else? A: No, __________.A. Anything ; it isn’t B. Something ; thanks C. Anything; thanks四、根据中文提示,完成句子。1.你想要什么? What _______ you_______?2.来个鸡蛋怎么样?_______ _______ an egg?3.你问对方会游泳吗?对方回答不能。应该这样说:_______ you _______ ?No, I_______ .4.你问对方有多少杯果汁,应该这样说: How _______ _______ of juice do you have?5.告诉服务员你要一些面条和一杯茶,说: I'd like _______ _______ and a _______ of _______ .五、连词成句。1.like cup of a coffee I’d (. )2.about a of what glass juice (?)3.would some noodles like you(?)4. like a big would I sandwich (.)5. two I cu小学四年级