作业帮 > 小学四年级 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 16:39:15 小学四年级

  I.Listen and choose.(10分)

( )1.A.I cleaned my room. B.I finished my homework. C.I lost my bag.( )2.A.What’s the matter,Amy ? B.What happened to your head,Amy ? C.What’s wrong with you,Amy ?( )3.A.what did you hear ? B.What did you do ? C.What did you see?( )4.A.I fell off the tree. B.I fell off my bike . C.I fell over. I hurt my knees.( )5.A.Juice is healthy . B.Fruit is healthy . C. Vegetables are healthy .  笔试部分

  I. Circle the different words.圈出不同类的单词。(5分)

( )1.A.America B.China C.England D.Chinese( )2.A.music B.violin C.drum D.guitar( )3.A.fever B.cold C.headache D.matter( )4.A.hamburger B.apple C.biscuit D.doll( )5.A.ate B.did C.was D.go  II.Read and fill in the blanks.用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)

  1. We ________(be) at Buckingham Palace yesterday.

  2. Chinese people ________(invent) printing.

  3. ________(do) you go on a school trip yesterday.

  4. Do you want to ________(be ) healthy.

  5. Amy usually ________( finish )her homework before dinner.

  Ⅲ。Choose the right answer.选择正确答案,把序号填在括号内。(20分)

  ( )1.Fangfang’ s got a cold .She________go to school yesterday.

A.don’t B.didn’t C.doesn’t  ( )2.----________ did you do last Sunday?

  ----I visited my grandparents.

A.When B.What C.Where  ( )3.----Where does Lucy live? ----She________in Dalin.

A.lived B.live C.lives  ( )4.-----What happened to you ?

  ----- I ________my finger yesterday.

A.cut B. cuts C. cuted  ( )5.-----Did you help your mum on Sunday?----Yes, I________ .

A.do B. helped C.did  ( )6.Yesterday ________ a special day .

A. Is B. was C. were  ( )7. --- What did she do yesterday ? ---- She________TV.

A.watched B.watch C.watches  ( )8. --- What is Mum doing ? --- She is ________ .

A. cleaning B. cleans C. cleaned  ( )9. – What did they see yesterday ? ---- They________lions.

A. see B. saw C. sees  ( )10. She________to London last year.

B. goes B. went小学四年级