作业帮 > 小学四年级 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 07:45:39 小学四年级
( )1、This boy is Tom.________a good boy.
A.He B. She C. He’s
( )2、________bag is that? It’s Tom’s.
A.Whose B. Who’s C. What
( )3、——________ .——It’s a pear.
A. Who is this? B. Whose pear is this ? C. What’s this?
( )4、_______boys and girls in your class?
A.How much B. How many C. How old
( )5、_______would you like? An apple pie.
A. What B. How C. Who
( )6、_____we go to the theatre by plane?
A. What B. How C. Shall
( )7、______shirt is that? It’s my sister’s.
A. What B Who C. Whose
( )8、_______is it? Ten yuan.
A. How much B. How many C. What
( )9、______her mother’s name ? Wang Tao.
A.Who’s B. What’s C. What
( )10、______a new teacher? Yes,I am.
A. Are your B. Are you C. Is he
( )11、_______ _______ free now? Yes,she is.
A. Are you B. Is he C. Is she
( )12、Who is_______student over there?
A. a B. the C. /
( )13、Can I _________two apples ? Yes, please.
A.have B. has C. look
( )14. Jack is ________ student. He’s _________ English boy.
A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an
( )15. ________ Nancy and David? They’re in the cinema.
A. Where’s B. Who ‘re C. Where’re
( )16. _______eat ______class.
A. don’t ; in B. Don’t ; at C. Don’t ; in
( )17. ______ that pair of gloves on the bed? Sorry,I don’t know.
A. Are B. Is C. Do
( )18. This picture of the monkeys _____ Mr Read’s.
A. Is B. Are C. Am
( )19. How many ______ can you see ? I can see twelve.
A. watch B. watchs C. watches
( )20. His teacher ______ tired now. Prehaps she’s ill.
A. looks B. look C. are
1、一个桔红色风筝 _______________ 2、在八点钟 ______________ 3、一件小毛衣 ___________________ 4、两只饥饿的老虎 __________ 5、在冰箱里 __________________ 6、太冷了 ________________ 7、这把新尺 ___________________ 8、她妈妈的扇子 _____________ 9、copy some words in the notebook _________ 10、Don’t worry. _______ 11、come home at four ____________ 12、try the hat on _________
Ⅰ         Ⅱ
( ) 1、 Are you sleepy?小学四年级