作业帮 > 小学四年级 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 07:36:37 小学四年级
Unit 1 Our school

  This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom. 这是老师办公室。


  Go to the library. Read a story-book.. 去图书馆。读故事书。

  Is this the library? Yes, it is. 这是图书馆吗?是的。

  Is that the art room? No, it isn’t. 那是美术室吗?不是,

  The art room is on the second floor. 美术室在二楼。

  Where is the canteen? It’s on the first floor. 食堂在哪里?在一楼。

  playground 操场 garden花园 library图书馆 teacher’s office 办公室 canteen食堂 gym体育馆

  art room美术馆 computer room 电子阅览室 washroom洗手间,厕所 music room音乐室 TV room 电视机厅

  computer board fan light picture teacher’s desk wall floor your

  Unit 2 What time is it?

  What time is it? 几点钟了?

  It’s nine o’clock. 现在九点。

  It’s time for English class. 该上英语课了。

  School is over. Let’s go to the playground. 放学了,让我们去操场吧!

  It’s time to go to school. 该去学校了

  It’s time to + 动作 go to school /go home/go to bed .

  It’s time for + 名称 .

  Lunch午餐 breakfast早餐 dinner晚餐

  English class music class P.E class

  get up 起床 go to school 上学 go to bed 上床睡觉

  go home 回家

  one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

  it’s=it is (math Chinese English P.E music ) class

  Unit 3 Is this your skirt?

  I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 我喜欢白毛衣搭配绿裙子。

  Whose is this? It’s my baby brother’s. 这是谁的?是我小弟弟的。

  Is this your T-shirt? No, it’s not. 这是你的T恤衫吗?不是。

  Where are the socks? 袜子在哪里? ——They are in/on/under/near/behind…

  Where is the skirt? 裙子在哪里? ——It is in/on/under/near/behind…

  What colour is it? It’s white. 它是什么颜色的?白色的。

  These are my jeans. 那是我的牛仔裤。

  Those are my pants. 那是我的长裤。

  Sweater毛衣 jacket夹克 skirt裙子,衬衣 dress 穿衣,连衣裙 T-shirt体恤

  Jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 shorts短裤

  red blue yellow green white colour

  Unit 4 It’s warm today

  This is the weather report. 这是天气预报。

  It’s cool in Lhasa. 拉萨天气凉爽。

  What’s the weather l小学四年级