作业帮 > 小学四年级 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 13:51:29 小学四年级
一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词 共5)

  ( ) 1. A. lunch B.math C. class

  ( ) 2. A. slippers B.sneakers C. pototoes

  ( ) 3. A. cucumber B.cloudy C.cool

  ( ) 4. A. windy B.rainy C.sunny

  ( ) 5. A. these B. those C.shoes

  二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语补全句子 共5)

  ( ) 1.What’s the weather _____ in Beijing?

  A ./ B. like C. likes

  ( ) 2.----What colour is your_____? ---- ____________.

  A. shirt B. T-shirt C.skirt

  ( )3.Let’s go to the_______ to have some chicken.

  A. TV room B. art room C. canteen

  ( ) 4.It’s _____ in Harbin.

  A.windy B. cloudy C. hot

  ( ) 5.This is the ______

  A.music room Bputer room C.teacher’s desk

  三、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择所听句子的最佳答语 共5)

  ( ) 1. A.Yes,they are. B. Yes,they aren’t.

  ( ) 2. A.It’s my t-shirt. B. No,it’s not.

  ( ) 3. A. Thank you. B. Yes.

  ( ) 4. A. They are goats. B. They are goat.

  ( ) 5. A. It’s 11 o’clock. B. Eleven.

  四、Listen and number.(听录音,给图片标上序号 共5)

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( )

  五、Listen and judge(听句子,与所听内容一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5)

  ( ) 1.The canteen is on the second floor.

  ( ) 2. These are your baby pants.

  ( ) 3. Are they sheep? ---Yes,they are.

  ( ) 4. My socks are white. Xk b1 .co m

  ( ) 5.It’s7:00.It’s time for breakfast.

  六、Listen and colour.(听录音,给图片涂上颜色 共5)

  1. 2. 3.

  4. 5.

  七、Listen and tick“T”or“F”.(听录音,判断正误 共5)

  1. 2. 3.

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  4. ( ) 5. ( )

  八、Listen and write.(听录音,写一写,把下面句子补充完整 共5)。

  1. Look at the .They are fat.

  2. The is pretty, but it’s too expensive.

  3. I want a water watermelon and bananas.

  4. --- Mr monkey, is it cold? ---No, it’s not. It’s .

  5.We have a new room.


  一、 Read and find.(读一读,选出不同类的单词小学四年级