作业帮 > 小学四年级 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 20:42:39 小学四年级
一、 想一想,写一写。(14分) 例:do——( did ) 1、cook——( ) 2、talk——( )3、( )——helped 4、( )——laughed 5、( )——listened6、watch——( ) 7、play——( ) 8、go ——( )9、buy——( ) 10、sing——( ) 11、( )——danced12、( )——drank 13、cook——( ) 14、cook——( )二、读一读,给下列单词归类。(只填序号)(20分)1、Wednesday 2、brother 3、went 4、cousin 5、Thursday 6、fell 7、 rain 8、sister 9、Friday 10、snow 11、Tuesday 12、 sunny 13、grandpa 14、hot15、windy 16、talked 17、mother 18、found 19、Monday 20、took 日期类:____________________________; 天气类:__________________________;家庭成员类:_____________________ ;动词过去式类:______________________.3、写出下列单词的反义词。( 10分 )young ——( ) tall ——( ) good ——( )long ——( ) clean ——( ) little ——( )then —— ( ) new ——( ) fat ——( )small —— ( ) 4、红花配绿叶。(连线)(10分) 1. Was it strong then ? A. I played football .2. Did you do your homework ? B .Yes, he did.3.Are you naughty now ? C. Yes, it was.4. What did you do last weekend? D.No , I am not.5.Did he walk in the park ? E. No , I didn’t.6.What music do you like ? F. No , I have a fever.7. Did you have a cold ? G. I like Pop music. 8. where does he live ? H.It’s a big tree.9. Who are they ? I . he lives in Sanya.10. What this ? J. They are my little brother.5、从B栏中选出A栏的答语。(10分)A B( )1.What’s that ? A.They are my aunt.( )2.Who are they ? B. Yes , I did.( )3.Has he got a bike ? C. It’s a parrot.( )4.Were you short then ? D.No,he walks to school.( )5.Did you have a cold? E.Yes , I was.小学四年级