肉身主体的灵性生存 ——试论克尔恺郭尔的主体性概念及其与黑格尔之区别[1]
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/01 16:36:20 哲学论文
Spiritual Existence of the Embodied Subject
----On Kierkegaard’s Notion of Subjectivity and its Difference from that of Hegel
[Abstract]To Kierkegaard, the finitude, understood as the body of the self in this paper, and the infinitude, the so-called inward imagination in Kierkegaard’s text, of the self is in absolute contradiction. In the process of existence, these two elements of the self can be viewed as the necessity and the possibility of the self. Through the analysing the phenomenon of anxiety, Kierkegaard points out that there is non-being in the process of existence. This non-being makes it impossible to harmonize the finitude and the infinitude, the necessity and the possibility. The subjectivity of Kierkegaard is the passion to exist in face of this non-being. Compared with the notion of subjectivity of Hegel, is based on the unification of the finitude and the infinitude, the necessity and the possibility, the subjectivity of Kierkegaard is that of the body, with the absolute other as the absolute subjectivity, while Hegel’s subjectivity is abstract and without body. In one word, the notion of Kierkegaard’ s subjectivity is a kind of spiritual narrative and that of Hegel a kind of great narrative. [Key Words]body inward imagination non-being subjectivity the absolute other anxiety suffer
伽达默尔在《二十世纪的基础》一文中指出,二十世纪的西方哲学致力于对主观精神的批评,对此,我们可以这样来理解:二十世纪的西方哲学解构着以黑格尔为代表的传统形而上学所塑造的“大我”之主体性。在本文中,我们选取克尔恺郭尔——这个被海德格尔称为是还在传统形而上学的术语中兜圈子,却开辟着新的哲学领域的思想家 ——为例,看他如何另辟溪径,构造出一种与黑格尔完全不同的主体性概念,如何为其后二十世纪的批评工作开启先河。
谈人的主体性首先要分析自我的结构。 克尔恺郭尔在《致死的疾病》开篇就提出了自我结构中的二元哲学论文