
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 23:32:15
英语题(请附理由)The teacher said to her students _____ to make herself heard.A.in a low voice B.in a high voice C.in a low noise D.in a high noise I like the brown kitten better than the others.(保持原句意思不变)I ____the brown kitten ____the others十万火急 想要用玻璃做过真空器皿,谁可以帮我啊 The foreign visitor arrived here______the morning______July 26.1999A.in;on B.on;of C.at;on D.at;in没有原因的一概不要 真空容器抽真空静止问题我公司生产真空锅炉,为了保证锅炉长期处于较高的真空状态下运行,在生产完成后氦检漏后需要再次进行抽真空静止---以验证其长期静止状态下的渗漏情况,可不知如 银制餐具用来吃什么好?喝什么酒使用银制餐具好 银制的餐具有什么用?对身体? 用银作餐具可以吗?比如:筷子,碗什么的? 英语句子成分结构划分英语句子结构划分问题I received a letter from my pen friend in Australia.Once,there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.这些句子中都分别做了什么成分?宾补?状语? 划分英语句子的语法结构.He fell off the ladder尤其是系动词后哪个词或哪几个词是作宾语补语补充说明主语的?I found him lying in bed,sleeping.lying是宾补,那sleeping是什么呢?如果也是宾补,那应该有nad 英语翻译“it will take us some time to ship the fuel tanks and vent pipes to China to change those in these lexus sedans for customers free of charge ,if problems are found,"还有一句是:Automakers especially Chinese producers,will face gre 请附上详细理由.May I use your English_Chinese dictionary?Sorry.I__it at home this morning ]A.forgetB.left C.have forgotten D.was leaving 如图所示是质量相等的两部分同种气体的等压线,根据图中给出的条件,当t=273℃时(见补充) 如图所示是质量相等的两部分同种气体的等压线,根据图中给出的条件,当t=273℃时,气体A的体积 并请附上解析,1、I read it carefully and i didn't listen the telephone.(改错)2、I will return the book back to him this week.(改错)3、Can you take good care of my dog for me?(改为同意句)4、你确信他明天会来参加我们的聚 (1)He does a lot of different things _____.A either B also C as well D so(2)There is _____ "u" in _____ word "uniform".A an,a B an,the C a,a D a,the(3)The project is about _____.A how different kinds of food are madeB how are different ki 市面上一种眼镜可以适当的弯曲是什么材料做的? ① It's _____ outside.We can leave the ice outside for a while.A cold enough B enough cold C hot enough D enough hot② --- The story is so amazing!It's the most interesting story I've ever read.--- But I‘m afraid it won't be liked by _____.A ever 几道英语题.求高人解答.附上理由最好.谢谢.① Japan is _____ the east of China. A in B to C on D at② Alice is _____ her interview _____ the International Children's Association.③ I hope _____ to have a nice time 真空压力容器怎么理解啊 一对互相咬合的齿轮,大轮有100个齿,小轮有40个齿,大轮每分钟转90圈.小轮每分钟转多少圈? 重铬酸钾分析纯于无水硫酸钠混合是否有毒 甲段“东京也无非是这样”中“无非”理解为 ,表达出作者 的情感.“这样” 东京也无非是这样的也是什么意思 江户儿什么意思 磁场中两条磁感线一定不相交,但在复杂电厂中的电场线磁场中两条磁感线一定不相交,但在复杂电场中的电场线是可以相交的、我知道这是错的.但是我想知道如果复合场他的电场力不是可以 电场线,磁场线,电厂,磁场,到底存在吗?哪个是客观存在的?哪个是不存在的啊, 磁场和电厂是怎样形成的?单位都是什么? 根据KClO3+I2=2KIO3+Cl2 可以得出碘单质的还原性大于碘酸钾吗 一个物体温度升高,则它含有的热量增加?它一定吸收了热量?一定对物体做了功?它的内能增加?哪个对? 物体只有吸热才能使温度升高吗?对一个物体做功,是不是也就是让这个物体吸热? 建筑工程施工图纸总说明主要内容是什么? 只要图的主要内容