
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:19:53
why can't i be with a man i love好多年不学英语,想问下为什么是i be with ,不是i am with ? I feel like I have known you so long,and I yearn to be with you so soon my Love.意思 power bank充电宝中间那个灯是什么意思? 秦朝对统一多民族国家形成,发展做出的贡献最重要的是什么 为什么说秦朝是统一多民族国家的形成时期? 7.Only guests of the hotel enjoy the___of using the private beach.A.privilegeB.possibilityC.favorD.advantage only guests of the hotel enjoy the privilige of bowlinghotel 后面是不是省略了一个can 英语翻译 turbo charger 幺下面加一竖念什么? 柴油捷达用什么柴机油好? i will take you away,bitch.别人忽然这样发了一句、莫明其妙的 本人英语差所以求各位帮帮忙 谢喽! wherever life take for you ,you will always daughter是什么意思 ,请帮翻译一下,在一首饰上的,谢谢! Destiny always plays with us,when we meet now,fell happy,it will take away all we haveDestiny always plays with us,when we meet now,fell happy,it will take away all we the manager realized_that was their only chance to defeat their rivals.A 不填B it C this D that Isn't that the hotel ( ) Greg and Sally had their wedding reception?A.which B.that C.where2.( )fashion differs from country to country may reflect cultural differences in one respect.A.what B.that C.how D.whether 请翻译以下这句话,不要直译哦Goliath is the best thing that ever happened to David.有什么历史典故??????? 英语翻译1、There was a flattering outpouring when I at last retired.2、 What they meant was that a certain amount of time had been filled for them,reliably,five days a week.They had not been left adrift,and for this they were truly,embarrassing most families buy a Christmas tree for their children .and there are flowers ____(hang) from thetree here and there Most wolves protect their families if their is___ ___.怎么填 Most birds build n____ for their families初二的英语题 请问 Thank you for telling me.中tell为什么用动名词形式? what was your best sporting moment的中文是什么 英语翻译To be profitable,the manufacturer must produce the unique features of the product that differentiate it from other products at a lower cost than the additional price charged for them. 电源是华圣ATX-350T 这个行么? 梦到掉牙的几种不同解释 帮帮忙有没有人知道这是什么鸟啊.叫什么名字. He'll be able to finish my homework tomorrow这道题不对吧? 以“the new trend of IT technology”英语作文,150个词左右, I won't be able to finish my work中的't是什么意思?it?还有I don't see what you meanI've heard a great deal about you中的'都代表什么 用somking造句.越简单越好. 0086怎么样 初三英语作文 what does it remind you of