
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:59:05
写一段英语对话 topic:Think about the issue"How to protect our envrionment"?主题:Think about the issue"How to protect our envrionment"?要求尽量不要用简单句!非常急, 填空冠词he has __e--dictionary.he got it from his mom TRAINS OF THOUGHTS怎么样 简单、易写的英文名字? 有哪些简单常见的英文单词可以用来当英文名字的. THE PRESENTATION SECRETS OF STEVE JOBS怎么样 我现在六年级,最不会工程问题1各位,能否教教做这个的思路!`还有一些工程的题目 现在就要.急.1.超市有苹果24框,桔子20框这两种水果占水果总数的1/3.超市共有水果多少框2.某班男生比女生少10人,男生人数是女生的5/7,男生和女生各几人3.一袋大米,吃去1/4后,再进8千克,这时袋 Ted is out of shape.I can run a lot faster and farther than______ 《_____的“滋味”》;小学六年级,我今天就要.“滋味”这个词除表示“味道”的意思外,有时也比喻“生活中的感受”.如成功、失败、离别、相聚……各种经历都会让我们品尝到不同的“滋 用适当代词填空 Ted is out of shape.I can run a lot faster and father then______.快 一 点 免费喝茶英语怎么说.可以说drink tea for a free ticket吗 silent(沉默的)怎么造句? Did Carol took any apples home yesterday?找出错误这句话哪错了,请改正 We might do dancing in the afternoon.(改为否定句)do应该是go,打错了 DATEPART([year] ,getdate()) * 100 + DATEPART([month] ,getdate()) - '01' 谁能帮忙解答这个语句意思 你的生日是6月2日每年你的父母都给你举办生日 和朋友玩的很开心.提示词语 birthday each year 英语短文 补充句子,I remenber your birthday t____ year. The food children eat while watching TV makes the problem more serious.的中文. 英语翻译Aside from being a solid artist,Ambition is also a solid person.From pure poverty to middle class and a taste of wealth,he has experienced it all.After dealing with many hardships,he decided to dedicate his life to learning the will of go His real name is Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite.But he is known to the world by his catchy nickn求翻译,周二要用,In Italy he became a great player and won many titles with the Rossoneri.He won the Serie A,a UEFA Champions League trophy,a FIFA Mathematical modeling problem: Pump oil policy problems 翻译一下. 改错;they are my geandparents. government可数还是不可数?或者说是什么时候可数?the government作主语,be动词用is还是are?还是两种都可以? Because they are kind of interesting.可不可以把they are缩写成they're! 怎么写?求英语学霸 为什么finally可以单独使用,而final不行? neither与either各自的所有用法(包括其固定短语)及其区别 either与neither的区别与常用短语表示 也 英语翻译中学生不想改善字迹的理由.英文作文.百分之五十一点五认为有电脑打字,百分之三十二点三认为没时间,百分之十认为没用,百分之五其他. Leouch of the Rebel lion是什么意思我的戒指上的这些英文我不知道什么意思 知道说下 谢谢 在《石壕吏》中,体现老妇人聪明机智的句子是_________________.