
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:06:11
Kind of strange 这英语怎么读? 发言稿的作文 跪求王长喜英语四级高频词汇表!一定要注意是Word文档的格式 I’ve read all the books ____ you gave me.A.which B.them C.what D.that She ___(read) books and I ___(read) books. 如图三角形ABC中,BE⊥AC,CD⊥AB,连接DE,DE:BC=1:2,求角A多少度? 一道初三数学比例几何.已知 BD=EC求 AC:EF=AB:DF in an hour,we can travel to places ___ would.in an hour,we can travel to places ___ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.1.where 2.which选什么,怎么分析的? a tsumami wave can travel as fast as 800 kilometers per hour.To get to higher ground people wouldoften have to travel for many kilometers.This can take more time than a fast travelling tsunami will permit.翻译 2006年出版的英语四级单词能在2011年看么? 王长喜2011英语四级预测试卷听力谁上传一下 急需小学英语小故事 why don't you put the meat in the fridge It __fresh for several daysa.stayed b.will stay c.is staying d.stays why don't you put the meat in the fridge?it will( )for more days. a:be stayed b:stay c:be stayingd:have stayed Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? .Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____ for several days.(NMET2003) A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayedc可以吗 关于诚信的句子 Why don't you put the meat in the fridge?It will ( ) fresh for several.A be stayed B stay C be staying D have stayed答案说选B,根据fresh判断,选项所给动词stay是系动词.fresh后面就要加系动词吗? SOMOS HERMANAS PARA SIEMPRE是什么意思?是英语还是西班牙语? 英语翻译我最喜爱的季节是秋天我喜欢她的清凉喜欢她的颜色喜欢在秋天放风筝我爱秋天 英语翻译新华网香港2月16日电香港食物安全中心16日公布,由去年11月至今年1月,共有7个来自新界上水屠房猪的样本被发现含有甲型H1N1流感病毒,但病毒没有出现重要基因变异情况. I ———— the book on the desk,but it's not there now A,have put B,put c,will put D,had put Here is where you put the book.这句话对吗?还是要改成This is where you put the book. I can't find the book _____ I put here yesterday 英语翻译我画了一张画 有人问“what was this done with for the color?” 急寻一篇四分钟左右的关于环境的英语演讲稿我要参加比赛 急需一篇演讲稿 内容要关于环境我最近实在是太忙了 要写三篇稿子 求英语演讲稿(要求长一点的,在四分钟以上)求一篇长度在4分钟以上的英语演讲稿````````````内容不限 只要主题积极向上就行````````````长度一定要够啊``````````我自己交的一篇 为了好背一点 英语翻译只要简单介绍下就行,不需要太多 急求一篇英文的演讲稿,要求四分钟左右,话题关于美国的家庭或者是美国的教育. up ,down,and,is,PauI,waIking连词成句 1.Why do not you put the meat in the fridge?b It will ___fresh for seversl days.a be stayed b stay Why not put the meat in the fridge?It will __ fresh for several day.A stay B be stayedWhy not put the meat in the fridge?It will __ fresh for several day.A stay B be stayed C have beenstayed D be staying选什么? Why don't you put the meat in the fridge?It will fresh for several days.A be stayed B stay C be staying D have stayed我知道A C不对,stay为非延续性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,排除D.那位什么还要用B的stay呢?