
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 16:38:28
Why don't we travel by train?[保持句意不变】——travel by train? 在定语从句中有哪些词做先行词时必须用where?有四个吧好像?case,mark和point.还有一个.如果你知道的话麻烦您告诉告诉我一下. 1.Tom is having lunch at hone.(用just now改写) Tom ___ lunch at hone ___ ___. 汇怎么组词 汇可以组什么词 塑料挂衣钩的塑料帽的直径是4.2cm,计算大气压作用在这个塑料帽上的压力为?(设大气压为一个标准大气压,且塑料帽完全密贴在玻璃上) you are cheap You are so cheap your family The young soldier really doesn't know __(how/what)to stop the baby from crying hard.应选what,但每次做这种题时,我总偏好选育答案相反的选项,为什么?请讲明这种类型题中how/what的区别. The young soldier really doesn't know ()to stop the baby from cring hand.A where todo B how to do C when to do D what to do 只能用where修饰的定语从句的先行词有哪些? “小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头”常用来比喻什么? you are only in my heart 一道初二物理关于电学的题目(so,easy)人在脱毛衣的时候,不是会有噼噼啪啪起静电的声音吗?那是因为什么起电?为什么呢? 初二物理⊙so easy很好为什么线圈转速对感应电流大小有影响? 一道easy的初二物理题站在河岸,可以看到平静的河水中有岸上景物的"倒影".你认为这种"倒影"跟通常说的"影子"是不是一回事?这种"倒影"是怎样形成的?物理学的好的人来答八百里加急! of the sex that does not give birth to young是male 的意思还是female的意思? 让我头疼的错误missing ';' before '*' ,【转】 我考了一个日历的js脚本到eclipse工程里报错:求助missing ( before function parameters.我看了半天也没发现有什么错,高手帮我看下吧,这是报错部分的代码:function document.onclick() //任意点击时关闭该 missing '{' before '*' 程序设计中编译显示出错的问题 #includeint main(){ int num = 0,num1 = 0,num2 = 0,num5 = 0;char arr[3][3] = {' '} for(num = 0;num = 0)){ //输入列好 输入符合这个规定的相反数才运行,停止break;}if(!(arr[num][num1]=='O'|| arr[ They sent the letter to me( ) mistake.怎么填 they sent the letter to me ( ) mistake.括号里用什they sent the letter to me ( ) mistake.括号里用什么介词啊 George sent the letter to me .可以用sent 可以换成send吗? They had us standing over there.They had us watch TV at home.I had a letter sent in the office.此had是什么用法?为何用standing watch sent?letter to send不可以吗? The ________(follow)day,Simon sent a letter to me 一个物理填空、so easy把一根粗细均匀的细铁丝对折起来,电阻将________;若剪去一半,剩余部分的电阻将_______(选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”). So easy的初一数学)填空将下列格式写成省略括号的形势,并合理交换加数的位置.(1) (+16)+(-29)-(+11)+(+9)(2) (-3.1)-(-4.5)+(+4.4)-(+103)+(-2.5)(3) (+1/2)-5+(-1/3)-(+1/4 fine,good,nice You do love me a little bit of , to my surprise为什么是这样的结构. Tom often watched them________close to the ground 动词用ing吗