
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:29:22
Why is there so much insecurity in love?Is it because people don't know the meaning of true love?Some people stay together forever,but and more often we see people break up.. What makes us insecure?Ego? give up.I love you,but you can't have you,there are too many obstacles between,I don't like the cowardly man,goodbye. I love you so much,but are you as a game there is a (c )on our teacher's desk ithere is a (c )on our teacher's desk in our classroom 如图,已知抛物线y=0.5x²+bx+c与x轴交于A(-4,0)和B(-1,0)两点,与y轴交于C点 (1)求此抛物线解析式 (2)设E是线段AB上的动点,作EF//AC交BC于F,连接CE,当△CEF的面积是△BEF面积的2倍时,求E点 There are a book and two pencils on the desk.改错 为什么说美国可以控制世界经济 世界上都有哪些国家受美国控制? 世界上有多少个国家是不受美国控制的?提一提! Is your pen——jim’s?Is your pen( )jim’s?A.same as B.the same C.the same with D.the same as( )he likes watching TV,he gets good grades.A.But B.Because C.As D.AlthoughI read English books( ) three times a week.A.for B.about C.of D.on凯特 ____ your coat the same____ Jim's?A.Is;as B.Does;like C.DoeS;as D.Is;like 已知:9g H2O ;含氧原子6.02×10的二十三次方O3 求分子数(2个都求) 原子数(都求) 质子数(都求) take me back to prison ,please 什么意思 Take my pride back to me. oh ,take me back to the start My mp3 is not the same as your(改成同义句)My mp3 is__________ __________ yours 若命题P的否命题是R,命题R的逆命题是S,则S是P的逆命题T的 若p则q的逆命题为真,逆否命题为假,则p是q的什么条件?会的答,别瞎答. 当a>0时,函数y=ax+b在R上单调递减 改为若p则q后并写出它的逆命题,否命题和逆否命题 中国近代史分为三个部分——屈辱史、抗争史、探索史. 这三个史的时间段分别是?急,在线等. their clothes are the same as A.us B.our C.ours D.ourselves Are they _____ raincoat or _____?A.their,ours B.their,our C.theirs,ours D.their,us “如果a 以一个命题的条件为结论,结论为条件的命题称为原命题的逆命题.1.若a=0,则ab=0.2.对顶角相等 当命题中的条件(或结论)都不止一个,这类命题到底怎么写逆命题?命题“平行四边形的一条对角线将其分成两个全等的三角形”及“等腰三角形底边上的中点到两腰的距离相等”这两个命 如果命题"若a则b"的否命题是真命题,而它的逆命题是假命题,则A是B的什么条件? 纽约在北美洲还是南美洲? 昵称的符号(星星…)是怎么打上去的啊? 网名 星星L☆VE恋 帮我加点符号~qq上打的,如果不能用这个网名,请换个和这个有关的 ftih q ep wq 有人知道ftih q ep wq 被减数,减数的差的和是200减数是差的3分之2,差是 被减数是200,减数与差的比是2:3,减数是( ),差是( 被减数是200,减数与差的比是2:3,减数是( ),差是(