
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:17:51
英语翻译see/witness ,experience ,take place,have 集合A={(0,1),(-2,1)}中元素的个数具体怎么求 对于集合S,|S|元素个数,N(S)子集个数,A,B,C,满足1)N(A)+N(B)+N(C)=N(A∪B∪C)2)|A|=|B|=100求|A∩B∩C|最 {1}真包含于A包含于{1,2,3,4,5},且A中所有的元素之和 为奇数的集合A的个数是__个(答案是7) almost everyone listen(s) to what the weatherman says.加不加s? 一个圆锥的高比一个圆柱的高多20%,圆柱的底面直径相当于圆锥的底面直径的4/3倍,圆锥的体积是27cm³,则圆柱的体积是多少cm³? 一个圆锥的底面直径是一个圆柱的底面直径的三倍圆锥的高与圆柱的高比是二比三,如果圆锥的体积时四十五立方厘米,那么圆柱的体积是多少立方米 I like to live in a room ( )is big and bright A that B /where C how D .in which If p_____ ,we'd like a table in a private room a big nice room 还是 a nice big room 对呢?为什么? China is a developing/develop/developed/being developed country.发展选哪个 china is a l_ country. —Is China a____ country?— Yes,I think so.It is ____than America(develop)解释为什么,主要是第二个空 China is a d---------- country填词 China is () Asia country and Englang is() European country. Our teachers always tell us to take ﹝﹞while we are listening in class. 一个圆锥的底面直径是圆柱底面直径的1/3,圆锥的高是圆柱高的5/2,圆锥的体积是圆柱的()一个正方体加工成最大的圆柱,圆柱的体积是正方体的()%,再把圆柱加工成最大的圆锥,圆锥的 Our parents always tell us to believes in we do if we want to succeed.A.why B.how C.what D.which 一个圆柱和一个圆锥底面直径的比是1:3,高的比的是3:1,那么圆锥的体积是 初中英语I'd like to have a nice room to live______.A.live B.to live C.to live in D.live in There isn't a piano in my room .I'd like to buy it.这句英语当中哪个地方是错误的?只有一处是错的 we'd like to order a single room ,but with a ___bed.RT 用单词适当形式填空 our teachers always tell us to believe in ______we do and who we are if we want to succeed.为什么要用what而不是which.不是前面有in吗.in which.还有which和what引导句子的区别是什么? 如图,在△ABC中,D是AB边的中点,PD⊥AB交∠ACB的平分线于点P,PM⊥AC于M,PN⊥BC交CB的延长线于N.求证:CM=CN=1/2(AC+BC)图见1260378623 电子跳蚤从数轴上的原点出发,第一次向右跳1个单位,第二次向左跳两个单位.按这样的规律跳100次,电子跳蚤离原点的距离是多少? 21.They ___ homeless people for many years.A.help B.have help C.have helped D.helped 22.You 21.They ___ homeless people for many years.A.help B.have help C.have helped D.helped22.You ___ a lot in the past three years.A.have grown up B.grow up C.have 1.已知点A(a,2),B(-3.b),求a,b的值:AB平行Y轴2.如图,有一块三角形空地,AB=AC=10m,做AB的垂直平分线ED交AC于点D,交AB于点E,量得△BDC的周长为17m,BC的长? 一只电子跳蚤从数轴上原点处出发,第一次向左移动一个单位,第二次向右移动2个单位只电子跳蚤从数轴上的原点出发,第一次向右跳1个单位,第二次向左跳2个单位,第三次向右跳3个单位,第四次 8.Art classes help develop children’s powers of o__________ ( observe).用括号里单词的正确形式填空. 关于数学的轴对称的我问题小明打算用如图的矩形纸片ABCD折出一个等边三角形.他的步骤是:1.先把矩形纸片对折后展开,并设折痕为MN;2.把B点叠在折痕上,得到Rt三角形AB′E;3.沿着EB′线折 3.如图,正方形ABCD是圆O的内接正方形,延长BA到E,使AE=AB,连接ED,(1)求证:直线ED是圆O的切线(2)连接EO交AD于点F,求证:EF=2FD my parents always tell me to be kind 是什么意思