
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:14:00
“笑点在哪 ” 的正宗英文说法是啥?别抄度娘的.不对.不是haha point 因为美国就没有笑点这个词请意译问了米国朋友,他说没有笑点这个词,但是应该是说what's so funny,I don't get it。 周郭颐的《爱莲说》全文请告诉我谢谢有奖金币 梁漱溟的人格魅力,可以联想到周郭颐《爱莲说》中的哪两句话 I'm not now that which I have been 怎么翻译 Time tames the strongest giref.After astorm come a coulm.I am not now that which I have been大妈!大叔!大哥!大姐!小MM! trade on a when-issue basis 帮我看看这为什么在oj上就是不行 FatMouse' TradeDescriptionFatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food,ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food,JavaBean.The warehouse has N rooms.The i-th room contains J 翻译:what if ignorance really is bliss?---from sombody's essay? 翻译,His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance. 4平方的铜芯护套线可以带多少千瓦?不要给算数给我谢谢. 面积0.2826平方的圆管 直径是多是? see ya 用英语怎么翻译 美国俚语see ya中的ya音标不好打的话可以用画图画一下再发 Eating customs in Russia俄罗斯人的饮食习惯 see ya《皮鞋三部曲》之三到底讲的什么故事?请详细说明.有一点点没有看懂. 小聪和小明沿同一条路从学校出发到.[求函数关系式] 画树形图 This is the book that was written by him. 轨求解答 急 All of Pepe's talk about the bloody Mayan customs meant I didn't feel much like eating chicken pizza- or any food at all.嗯,这是关于玛雅人的, NICOLA:女的 你最敬佩华罗庚什么,请写出理由,快我现在就要 用抱头鼠窜鬼哭狼嚎两个成语造句 华罗庚现在还活着吗? 你曾经提过的问题,华罗庚的名言:学习如.我也在写暑假园地. This is (Nicola Grey).就括号部分提问. grey怎么读 Nicola Sedda翻译成中文怎么读 This is Nicola 大家帮下哈,清jì( ) 花zhān( )按拼音把字填上去 i am chatting on line(做否定回答)急急急 i am chatting on line(做疑问回答) 谁能告诉我“时尚名媛”是什么意思最近应为某些原应到处走了走,发现周边人都在讲这个词,所以好奇问以下,劳烦大家这是什么意思 浸润现象和毛细现象怎么解释?